Chapter 957

Before the war, which attracted worldwide attention, countless people were watching. It can be said that all countries were watching, because Qin Shihuang's goal was to unify the earth. If he defeated India, he was likely to start his pace and attack other countries. Therefore, everyone was looking forward to Qin Shihuang being cleaned up and eliminated. Unfortunately, even the powerful United States, Some scenes could not be photographed by spy satellites. There was fog during the day, but it could not be photographed. The night was a natural barrier, and it could not be photographed. Waiting for dawn, the fog dispersed, and what we saw was only an empty island with some traces on it, but we couldn't see much.

There was no big discovery on the island where the decisive battle was held. No one could come to watch the battle at this level and bring the war situation to the people of the world. There was nothing here on the island, but another place opened people's eyes. Qin Shihuang arrived at the Tianlong Temple alone and killed the Tianlong temple, which represents a huge force in India, with one sword, In Tianlong temple, hundreds of people died in the war, and Qin Shihuang retreated. This war achievement shocked the world.

After World War II, the world seemed to be in harmony, but in the dark, there was another layer of game. This layer of game came from many aspects. On the one hand, it was the competition of special people. India's Tianlong temple was very famous in the world. It was not inferior to a Chinese special team, that is, the Department where Gongsun Meng was located. India's Tianlong temple has always occupied the top position in the world, But now it has been eradicated overnight, which is somewhat unacceptable and frightening. Looking at the world, no one can stop such people. I'm afraid they can only use large weapons to destroy humanely, but it's not easy to do this. Someone wanted to do this this this time, but now it seems that, It was very wise not to do so. Qin Shihuang was not on the island at that time.

There is no need to inquire about the news. The newspapers of the state of Qin reported the war, no casualties, and wiped out thousands of hostile allied forces of the Three Kingdoms. This war outcome has made countless hot-blooded children boiling. If there are still people opposed to the war with India and the grand plan to unify the world, now there is a voice of support, which is a very normal phenomenon, We have such a powerful force, why not unify the world? This is the same reason as not drinking Maotai. If you are like this, what's the meaning of living without a unified world.

The Allied forces were completely annihilated, the Tianlong temple was destroyed, and the resistance of India's strange and strange people has been reduced to the lowest point. The national and military dignitaries are in an unprotected state and let boss Qin ravage them. To put it simply, when boss Qin wants you to die, you have to die. In the face of death, no one will choose dignity, choose the country and choose the people. He only thinks of himself, The lives of their relatives and friends, their own interests.

In three days, in only three days, Qin Shihuang took India. India accepted the supervision of Qin and became a subsidiary of Qin. The world was shocked again. The largest continent of the earth and the Asian continent were neutral in China. When Qin Shihuang said he was not interested in China, the fall of India has become a terrible signal, It seems that the Asian continent has become the bag of Qin Shihuang in advance.

When he received the news, Yang Feng only smiled. Qin Shihuang had been preparing for a long time. If he could not win even one India, how could he talk about Unifying the world? There was more than one India in the world. All along, Europe and Africa, especially Africa, once represented the power of darkness. Neither Pharaohs nor mummies were a symbol of light, In contrast, in Europe, no matter what people do, this person is always a bright knight or gentleman. Even if there is any shit, it is still a few people, heterogeneous and traitorous. At least people say so. Believe it or not.

Yang Feng didn't just ask for a trip to the Arctic Ocean. Now the species in Jiuxi spiritual domain are large enough. Anyway, most of the earth has them. There is no shortage in Jiuxi spiritual domain. If not, Jiuxi spiritual domain basically doesn't have them, unless they are variants. However, Yang Feng can move out in large quantities. Don't worry about causing ecological imbalance in Jiuxi spiritual domain, Jiuxi spiritual realm has a strong self-regulation ability, or the self-regulation of nature. There may be some problems in a short time, but only in three or five days, it will enter a reasonable reproduction.

Zhang Daofeng once said to Yang Feng, "if there are no humans on the earth, it must be the best thing". Yang Feng thought about it. It's really possible. Dinosaurs have survived for hundreds of millions of years, and there's no ecological problem. Finally, aliens can't see it. They invade and destroy dinosaurs, Now, with the development of human knowledge for tens of thousands of years, the world is almost extinct. It has to be said that human beings are the most powerful species in the world. Yang Feng discussed this issue with Zhang Daofeng in detail. Zhang Daofeng's words left Yang Feng speechless. Zhang Daofeng asked, "Choose between the free range native chicken and the mountain pheasant. Which one do you choose?"

You don't have to choose. It must be pheasants. Zhang Daofeng asked, not to know Yang Feng's answer, but to tell Yang Feng a reason. If pheasants are everywhere in the mountain and wild eggs can be seen everywhere, who has nothing to do to raise chickens? If you want to go up the mountain and pick up a few, it's over. If you want to eat meat, it's over if you go up the mountain and catch a few.

Domestication, the way of survival, appears in human beings. I think it is also because there are more people and fewer chickens that I think of this once and for all way to domesticate pheasants, and chickens produce eggs and chickens, so as to form a cycle. But people are so cruel. Even if there are native eggs to eat, they always want to eat wild eggs, and the less they eat, the more they eat. This is not the question of a country or a nation This is the problem of the whole world.

The world is suffering great damage. Yang Feng is the one sent by heaven to save the world. Yang Feng feels that if he doesn't do something to benefit future generations, he will be struck by thunder.

After entering the Arctic Ocean, Yang Feng didn't slow down much. It may take a lot of time for others to search this area, but Yang Feng didn't need it. Shenwu would only be slow and not faster than the search troops. Before reaching a suitable place, Yang Feng would always wave his hand to say goodbye. He had a special kindness for everything in Jiuxi spiritual domain, There is always some reluctance to leave, but there is no way. They are going to complete the world mission. In fact, this is also an excuse for Yang Feng. Sometimes he thinks that the world cares about my birds.

All kinds of fish, polar bears and arctic foxes, are suitable for survival in this ice and snow. Yang Feng is not stingy, but he needs to pay attention to one thing, that is, to achieve a general balance. If there is too much of something, it is a disaster. In the real world, it is better to expect grey wolf to eat pleasant sheep than to expect them to adjust themselves, Don't put anything, just eat it, the bloody one.

The north pole, because of its mysterious color, has such legends. Any ancient country seems to have left a trace here, but now there is no trace. Even Yang Feng didn't find any trace. Several abnormal places were found. Yang Feng went to see it himself. Nothing existed. It might have existed before, but it doesn't exist now. What is it, Yang Feng doesn't know. If he knows, he will go straight to his goal. Where is it still used to float on the Arctic Ocean? However, drifting is not useless. Yang Feng's harvest is huge.

Under the northern lights, Yang Feng worked hard. When you, me and him reached the blissful state of life together, a palpitation suddenly appeared in the bottom of Yang Feng's heart. Yang Feng was stunned and then laughed. This palpitation also appeared when Pipi and Wenwen came to the world.

"Epiphany?" Pingping asked suspiciously. Different personalities are destined to have different lives. Ah Zhu is reading all kinds of ancient books, while Pingping likes to read online literature, especially books on immortal Xia. It comes without opening her mouth.

"I'm still flying, Niu. Congratulations. You're going to be a mother." Yang Feng smiled.

Pingping was suddenly stunned. It was hard to believe that this was the purpose of their trip to the north pole, but when this purpose was achieved, it made people panic. Mom, how to be a mother, she didn't seem to be ready. These two days she said that she wanted Yang Feng to plant a child for her, which was half joking, because she knew that Yang Feng had a problem with her body, but who knew it would be good, And she is still herself. Among them, she may be the one who is most unprepared.

"True or false?" Pingping looked at Yang Feng suspiciously and didn't prepare any more. She still knew this common sense thing. It just erupted in her body, so she knew she was pregnant. This speed is a little unreasonable.

"Can I joke about this? Last time, I had that feeling about Yu Xinhuai's skin and Wen Wen. Believe me, there can be no mistake. I'm not an ordinary person." Yang Feng had to explain.

"I believe that most people don't have your debauchery." Pingping rolled her eyes and smiled and suddenly said, "from now on, you are far away from me. I want to be a mother. Find me some relevant books. I don't need mobile phones and computers. I want to conceive a genius like Pipi and Wen."

In the morning, when ah Zhu heard the news, they were inevitably excited and a little envious. Although everyone knew that Yang Feng had the same feelings for them whether they had children or not, for so many years, looking at Pipi and Wenwen's lovely and handsome appearance, their maternal aura was inspired a little and they had long wanted to be a mother.

Yang Feng smiled helplessly. He can't make a decision about this. However, if there is the first and second, there will be the third and fourth. We don't have to worry about this. As long as they stick to their efforts, there will be some. We are still young and don't worry.