Chapter 992

The change in Antarctica has attracted the world's attention, but some people are concerned about Yang Feng. Many people are relieved to learn that Yang Feng left safely. Yang Feng also learned about the situation in Antarctica from news reports and special channels. The whole Antarctic continent is shrouded in volcanoes, and the investigation stations and nearby ships of various countries, as well as the aircraft flying in the sky, were not spared, The direct death toll is as high as tens of thousands of people. In fact, two planes have fallen down, and there are only one or two thousand people in the investigation station. All the others are tourists on three cruise ships. The rich people like to play an extreme challenge these days. They can't wait to walk around Mars. Antarctica has naturally become a popular tourist city in recent years, which can't catch up with the eruption of volcanoes.

The search and rescue work of various countries has been carried out. Yang Feng's Shenwu did not stop for a moment and went home at full speed. This time, it was not as simple as a volcanic eruption. During the call with his uncle, he also explained the situation and suggested that domestic rescue should not be carried out, because it was futile. Damn it, it was dead. Sending someone up would only increase the death toll, The follow-up impact of this great change has just begun. As for the specific degree of evolution, even Yang Feng doesn't know.

As soon as the ship landed, Yang Feng told Dong Yuxin that they would return to Shanghe village quickly. The most likely change in the South Pole would be in the sea, while Nanling is located inland. There would be nothing without the natural disaster of 2012.

Dong Yuxin and his colleagues returned to Shanghe village that day, and Yang Feng disappeared immediately after returning home. It's not necessary to guess that he must have gone to the South Pole. How can he not go to the scene to see such a big change? Apart from anything else, the stones in the first erupting crater are what he must get. The volcanic eruption is not over yet. I believe that the rescue teams of various countries are only at sea, No one will set foot on the Antarctic continent.

The last stop is Argentina, where the plane can send Yang Feng to the nearest place. Here, Yang Feng received the news from the intelligence department. As he expected, the change in Antarctica is not a simple volcanic eruption. In the last three days, rescue ships from all countries have disappeared inexplicably, which has become a major suspense.

Yang Feng knew that the disappearance was definitely the emergence of a special creature in the volcanic eruption. To say that the powerful multiple arrays were just to suppress the volcanic eruption, Yang Feng didn't believe it. The ancients wouldn't be so boring. How powerful a volcanic eruption can be.

Looking at the gray sky, Yang Feng wore a gas mask and a speedboat quickly went to Antarctica. Others were afraid of the inexplicable thing in the sea. Yang Feng was not afraid. Moreover, he felt that he might not be able to meet that thing. If he met something better, he came for that thing.

When Yang Feng set foot on Antarctica safely all the way, he couldn't help sighing as he looked at the melting ice and snow and the gray layer on the ground. The layer of quiet and pure place will no longer exist. I don't know how many years later, it will become a fertile land and grow into a place with towering trees. This disaster will affect not only the hardest hit Antarctica, but also the whole world, The place near Antarctica is the most affected.

Once, some experts said what would happen if the polar glaciers melted. Now, it's time to test their theory. I don't know whether these people will feel lucky to witness this miracle in their lifetime, or whether this is the luck of a few people and the misfortune of most people.

This great change, Yang Feng can predict that in the next three to five years, the global climate will enter an abnormal situation, and the impact will be multifaceted. Disease and food are the two most serious aspects. It is not too much to say that species should undergo a major survival of the fittest.

Yang Feng witnessed the volcanic eruption with his own eyes. After the volcanic eruption, Yang Feng has only seen it in some places that can almost be regarded as tourist attractions. It has been many years since the volcanic eruption. This near version is the first time to see it. He believes that the extinction of dinosaurs is definitely related to the volcanic eruption of the whole earth. In this environment, let alone the huge creatures, Even microorganisms may not survive.

When he boarded Antarctica, Yang Feng's purpose was naturally the crater. Although some of them had bursts of smoke, most of them had calmed down. After these days, the cold air had all condensed, but the environment and air were not suitable for human involvement, otherwise someone would have been searching here.

No matter what else, Yang Feng went straight to the crater. The first place was very close to the place where he landed, that is, 50 or 60 kilometers. The closer he was to the periphery, the faster he calmed down. There was nothing else in the crater except finding some diamonds.

One by one, Yang Feng went deep all the way and dug a lot of diamonds. He didn't find anything he expected. After almost ten days, Yang Feng finally came to the volcano where he found the special material, which was also the first volcano to erupt. There were helicopters flying in the sky. Under the cover of thick dust, the satellites in the sky had already lost their function, This place can only be surveyed by plane, which depends on the face of God. Even if it melts, it is Antarctica after all. The weather is changeable. It is still calm this second, and the next second may be a violent storm. Therefore, exploration becomes difficult, and the most primitive human search has become the best way.

"Shit! I really don't take the South Pole seriously and look for death!" Yang Feng scolded angrily when he watched the American armed helicopter flying over it. It was too noisy.

Only this volcano has that kind of special material. Yang Feng will not give up and start to dig with all his strength. Now there is no place to spit fire. He can dig deeper. With the emission of hot gas, Yang Feng digs deeper and deeper.

"Boom!" as soon as the pickaxe went down, the hard stone wall suddenly collapsed and revealed a hole the size of a basin mouth. Yang Feng was stunned. The heavenly eye was busy exploring the past. Now he realized that this special material had the effect of blocking the heavenly eye. This shows the strangeness of the world.

Under the eye of heaven, this is a stone chamber more than two meters high and about three meters long and wide. There are no other abnormalities. Yang Feng dug the hole larger and went in to light up the stone chamber. Some pictures and words are engraved on the stone wall. The first reaction is to take pictures of these things and take pictures of them all with a camera, Yang Feng looked at the words and paintings on the stone wall carefully.

"Your sister!" Yang Feng scolded sadly. With his language knowledge, he couldn't understand it. It had to be what age, the words of killing race. They looked at things more complex than runes. He really didn't want people to understand. If he didn't understand the words, he could only put his hope on the painting.

Looking at the pictures one by one, Yang Feng's head is big. Each picture is extremely simple. You can't see that people are things in it. With Yang Feng's IQ, you can't understand. Ask Zhang Daofeng, and Zhang Daofeng doesn't understand.

"Zhi Zhi!" Huoer suddenly called twice. The temperature here was not low. For safety reasons, Yang Feng let Huoer out. He dug stones and Huoer warned. Yang Feng understood Huoer's cry. He was stunned. What Huoer just said was "a big snake".

Yang Feng looked at the picture on the wall, and then looked at Huoer. He asked suspiciously, "Huoer, can you understand?"

"Zhizhi!" Huoer nodded, pointed his little paw and translated it for Yang Feng. Yang Feng slowly understood that it was left by the expert who didn't know the array, but he didn't know which planet the human was. He wrote and painted like this, which can be described as extremely secret.

The content of the painting proves that Yang Feng's guess is correct. The multiple arrays are not to seal the volcano, but to seal a monster. The monster is a big snake. The snake can not only swim in the sea, but also spit fire. The man who doesn't know his appearance and name took thousands of hardships to catch it, but for some reason, he failed to kill the snake, I can only trap it here. I've talked a lot, but that's the key message.

The big snake that can spit fire reminds Yang Feng of a creature - Fire Dragon. Only this thing can live in magma. It has lived for more than hundreds of millions of years. Other things have already turned gray. In this way, it can be explained that other volcanoes do not have that strange stone or that special diamond. The formation of anything is not without reason.

Knowing what it was, Yang Feng went to the deepest place he could reach, and then down was the underground lava. He was not interested in it. He dug a 7788 stone, and he planned to go up.

Taking advantage of the night, Yang Feng quietly went out of the cave and left quietly. Many people have been stationed at the cave. The sphere of influence of various countries is obvious. Under the cover of the sky eye, Yang Feng can see very clearly. It seems that everyone can find a good place.

Yang Feng was thinking that if they went inside and found the stone chamber and saw those calligraphy and paintings, they didn't know how they would feel. Suddenly, Yang Feng smiled bitterly. If they found the stone chamber, they would find that someone had come in, because there were obvious chiseled marks at the hole.

Sighed and found it. What if you knew someone had gone in, and what if you guessed it was him? Don't say you didn't see it, you could catch him and torture him!

Yang Feng fiercely raised his head. A dark figure in front stood more than ten meters away and frightened Yang Feng. The dark figure grinned, "you don't have to be so excited to see me!"

"Excited, how can you not be excited? Why is your majesty interested in coming here?" the visitor is naturally Qin Shihuang, and only he can quietly come to Yang Feng.

"When village head Yang comes to such a precious place, how can there be fewer people? I don't know if village head Yang is willing to disclose the situation to me." Qin Shihuang said politely.

"Nothing!" Yang Feng didn't hide it. He told Qin Shihuang everything inside. There was nothing to say. Qin Shihuang thought for a while and said, "if the world isn't calm, you have to prepare early!"