Chapter 1003

Before the founding ceremony of the daughter country was held, critics all over the world began to be active. They said everything. Most of them were not good words. Everyone was denying the daughter country. In a simple word, it was a child's behavior. The establishment of a country should be recognized by the people of the world and approved by the United Nations.

"Ignoring the United Nations and mankind, I want to go against the sky. Who refuses to fight!" Mengmeng's microblog directly updated such a message. With the girls, they also updated the content of their consent. However, only four of them said this. There is no way. At present, there are only four of them in the daughter country, and there are many honorary citizens, But who is willing to commit crimes against the wind at this time? As for Dong Yuxin and them, it's not necessary to know that these four are definitely not talking. What do people in the world say.

Mengmeng can directly ignore some remarks made by other countries, but when a leader of the United Nations jumped out and said that the daughter country was illegal and could not be recognized by the world, Mengmeng smiled and said to Yang Feng, "uncle, kill him!"

"Are you sure, his position is not too high!" Yang Feng asked with a smile.

"Kill the small ones, then the big ones will come out." Mengmeng said happily.

"OK!" Yang Feng nodded and agreed to her plan to make an example of others.

One day later, Yang Feng was stunned when he saw an international news. Someone died. Mengmeng asked him to kill that, but he hasn't let anyone do it yet! I really have a bosom friend about this! Needless to say, the kind-hearted man wanted to frame them. If he knew that Yang Feng was going to kill him, he would not help.

"Uncle, thank you! I knew uncle came out, one for two." news Mengmeng also saw it and ran to thank Yang Feng excitedly.

"You shouldn't thank me for this, you should thank Lei Feng." Yang Feng joked.

"Lei Feng, resurrected?" Meng Meng was stunned and asked with a smile.

"After Lei Feng died, Lei Feng became a kind of spirit." Yang Feng said earnestly.

"Well, that's very interesting. Uncle, who do you think did it?" Mengmeng naturally thought of the specific matter and asked curiously.

"Does it matter who did it?" Yang Feng asked.

"It doesn't matter." Meng Meng Meng shook her head and ran away from Yang Feng happily. Yang Feng smiled. If at first he thought Meng Meng was fooling around and playing house, he doesn't think so now. Now he really hopes that Meng Meng Meng and them can stand on their own as kings and become overlords at sea. The world has changed, and some things should change. He is old, Let the world be dominated by the next generation.

Some people strongly condemn this illegal act and point the spear at Mengmeng. Now people all over the world know that these four have good strength and will naturally count the homicide on them. Even if they have alibi evidence, it has something to do with them.

24 hours later, the world was in an uproar. The one who denounced Mengmeng also hung up. It was wonderful. On the way home, he was directly sniped and shot his head. This time, the news report was much more rigorous. There were not so many guesses and accusations. Everything spoke with facts and evidence.

"Awesome! Adorable, I don't know if the Secretary General jumped out to say two sentences. Would he be killed," Adorable said.

"I'm sure it will." Xiaoxiao said confidently.

"Do you have to kill him if others don't kill him?" Yang Feng asked.

"Hmm!" Xiaoxiao admitted frankly and said unconvinced: "before my generation of gun gods shot, these people grabbed the top. How can this be done? To become famous and make a million, we should start by killing the boss!"

"Don't worry, after the founding of your daughter's country, I'm not afraid that no one will kill you. Stop now. It's rare for someone to work for us. We just have a holiday and accompany me to the Northeast tomorrow." Yang Feng was really afraid that something would happen to these people who didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth, so he decided to take these four aside to avoid them tossing around.

Yang Feng spoke. Naturally, the four of them had no problem. The next day, they flew directly to the northeast. The ice city welcomed Yang Feng and his party. Why did they go to the Northeast? Because Daxinganling was a little restless during this time. In just a few days, there were several incidents of Tigers breaking into the village and eating poultry. Yang Feng wanted to see what was going on. It's reasonable to say, Under his supply, you shouldn't run down the mountain to find food! No matter people or animals, they will never step into strange fields, especially dangerous fields, unless they have to.

Because it is winter, Daxinganling is a vast snowfield. Yang Feng originally suspected that the snow is too thick this year, which affects the hunting of Amur tigers in winter. However, with the in-depth discovery, it is not so. It is reasonable to say that according to the current environmental conditions, even in winter, small animals should not be seen at the edge! Yang Feng was surprised when he went deep into dozens of kilometers and didn't see even a hare, either with his eyes or with his heavenly eyes.

"There are too many tigers and they eat up all the rabbits!" this is Meng Meng's theory. Yang Feng doesn't think this theory is tenable. How fast can tigers breed and eat up the rabbits he supplemented? He remembers that this was not the case here when he came last year.

Deep in the forest, I finally saw rabbits, but the number is still not many. In one day, with Yang Feng's ability, it is absolutely no problem to walk hundreds of kilometers, not to mention that they all rode directly on polar bears at night.

"It's strange!" Yang Feng said in a puzzled way when he camped. The situation here is a little unusual. Even without his supplement, the wild rabbits in Daxinganling should not be like this. At least, it's like being filtered by a big net. Now the rest of the rabbits are rabbits that miss the net.

During the day, Yang Feng continued to go deep into the mountains. At noon, they finally found something. They saw several people and several deer. The deer dragged a sledge with rabbits on it. Many rabbits. Yang Feng didn't feel any vitality. He was dead and couldn't die anymore.

The anger from the bottom of my heart is rising. Although I haven't understood the matter, I have understood a general idea. The tiger is forced to go down the mountain. There is no food in the mountain. What can I do if I don't go down the mountain to hunt? Are you waiting to starve to death, and these are the culprits that lead to all this.

In a flash, Yang Feng came to these people. Each one kicked and flew directly to the distance. Several dogs rushed over. Yang Feng didn't say a word and quickly stepped out of his feet. These dogs lay on the ground obediently and didn't die, but if you want to live, it depends on Yang Feng's wishes.

"Get it all for me." Yang Feng ordered the polar bear to pick up the people kicked by Yang Feng. If they were sober, they would be scared into a coma. Unfortunately, they had fainted and were less frightened. It was a great luck in misfortune.

Waking up one, the black jade spider went straight to the battle without mercy. They soon asked the results. These people were all from the nearby forestry station, that is, the so-called forest guards. After the first snow in winter, they found rabbits running everywhere. They thought of a way to make money. They anesthetized the rabbits with medicine, picked them up and supplied them to their own game restaurant, This is absolutely a huge profit. If not, it will take the rabbit to the root.

After asking, Yang Feng's face was cold and frightening. It was not a problem of two people. It was a problem of a gang. The gang was huge beyond imagination. Looking at the sunset, Yang Feng sighed. At any time, man-made disasters were far greater than natural disasters. This was not the lack of regulatory system, it was the loss of human nature. What Yang Feng could save was Nanling and the people of Nanling, But he can't save the world. The world is too big. He can't estimate the fatigue of relying on him alone.

"Ha ha! Go back!" Yang Feng smiled bitterly. His heart was cold. No matter how much he paid, how could he stand the destruction of others? Daxinganling is like this. There is no difference in other places. This time he can kill and supplement, but next time, next time?

Seeing Yang Feng's mood, no one spoke. Everyone silently embarked on the return journey. With Yang Feng's ability, the speed of going down the mountain is much faster than going up the mountain. They can run quickly in the Antarctic, not to mention here.

Yang Feng came back. He didn't see any ice city leaders or any media. He answered questions to any reporter, which makes people very confused. I don't know why Yang Feng came here. Is it tourism? It's a little different!

Back in Shanghe village, Yang Feng's life was calm and plain. He had nothing to do with fishing and reading books every day. They were really leisurely. Mengmeng and they were studying all the major events in their daughter's country. They didn't have time to think about small things, but they didn't have time to think about them. Let's wait until they met. They didn't be a king. It had to be done in the process of climbing and rolling.

The media wanted to dig up the inside story of Yang Feng's trip to the northeast, but Yang Feng refused all interviews, even Tian Yun's, but some people didn't give up. They wandered around Shanghe village every day to find a clue, but it's a pity that they will eventually be disappointed.

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was the twelfth lunar month. In a few days, it was the day of the founding ceremony of the daughter's country. On the second day of junior high school, Yang Feng set off for the island where the daughter's country is located. After more than a year of construction, it has changed greatly. The first thing after Yang Feng arrived was to engage in greening. The daughter's country suddenly became full of flowers and trees, Coupled with all kinds of beautiful buildings, it looks like a paradise.

On the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, people came one after another. As the king of the daughter country, Mengmeng received them personally, visited and introduced the situation of the daughter country, told people what kind of country it is and what their ideas are. When they heard that all the citizens of the daughter country are women, many people were surprised. Someone asked "where is village head Yang". Mengmeng's answer was like this, "My uncle will not become a citizen of my daughter's country, but my aunt is already our honorary citizen."