Chapter 1067

When the world's attention fell on Smecta, a piece of news finally broke the situation. The news that the daughter country donated a large number of important cultural relics to China was in the limelight for a moment, which overwhelmed the chaos of Smecta. A major ceremony was held between the two sides. The Queen's HuaLiLi dress blinded many people. People came on the stage this time and directly wore a Luo skirt, Wearing a crown and a scepter in his hand, Yang Feng couldn't help laughing at the news reports.

At this time, Yang Feng left Yangjiabao and left quietly. No one knew where he went except his family. Shenwu stopped at the wharf and the plane was all there. Obviously, he didn't want people to know about his action.

Late at night, Yang Feng stood on the sea. The sea was very restless this night. Waves of waves followed waves. The wind was blowing and pouring rain. It was dark between heaven and earth. There was a reason to choose this time point. Yang Feng didn't know what would happen to the altar. Such weather was the best, whether it was his cover or the protection of others.

It's a little difficult to study the principle of the altar, but it's easier to study how to start the energy of the altar. After a few days of calculation and research, Zhang Daofeng has found some ways. However, he has to experiment in person. It's certainly impossible to think alone, so Yang Feng came to verify things while the typhoon struck.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Daofeng asked Yang Feng seriously in Jiuxi Lingyu.

"Sure!" Yang Feng nodded.

"You are old and young! You are different from me." Zhang Daofeng reminded.

"Understand! But don't you think that our encounter and the subsequent emergence of these things are a kind of causality and inevitability? If I don't solve this secret, this secret will certainly solve me. Life is like this. Either you are forced to live or you are forced by your scenery." Yang Feng said.

"You've fully realized it, so I won't say anything. I just hope there won't be any big trouble this time. To tell you the truth, I'm a little worried." Zhang Daofeng smiled.

"Don't worry, no matter what, with you and Jiuxi Lingyu, we can ensure our own safety. Even if we are transferred to other spaces or planes, we will definitely come back with our ability." Yang Feng is full of confidence. At this time, if you don't have confidence, just turn around and go back. If you don't have the confidence to do some things for the first time, Then you probably won't have the courage to do it again.

From mediocre to world-class rich, Yang Feng has experienced, let alone ordinary people, that is, the king of a country and a local tyrant. If you count his time in Jiuxi spiritual region, he is now a hundred years old. In the human beings on the earth, he has an absolute long life. What else to worry about. Besides, the plane can fall to the bottom of the sea intact, He didn't believe he would be killed directly. He was a god like man.

"All right!" Zhang Daofeng patted Yang Feng on the shoulder. Yang Feng went out of Jiuxi spiritual region and slowly went to the bottom of the sea. The sea was rough, but the bottom of the sea was much calmer. When he saw the altar again, even if he was ready, Yang Feng was a little worried. He took a deep breath and put a gray stone on an altar.

The power released by the seismic wave can be said to come from the power of the earth, that is, the soil property. Therefore, Yang Feng first began to experiment with the soil property. With a single energy, he put the same stone on the five altars one by one. After waiting, there was no response. Yang Feng changed a blue stone, but there was still no response. When he changed it to red, there was still no response.

The power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth has been tried alone, but there is no response. There is only the last case left, that is, Yang Feng and Zhang Daofeng speculate that the greatest possibility is that the species energy can be gathered to start. Yang Feng changes the stones one by one and puts down the last gray one. The altar still doesn't respond. Inexplicably, I'm relieved.

"Is the orientation wrong!" Zhang Daofeng said suddenly.

"It's possible. I'll adjust." Yang Feng nodded and began to change the stones on the altar clockwise. If one round didn't work, it would be the second round. If not, it would continue. When he finished changing one by one, there was no movement.

"Ha ha! It's really complicated!" Zhang Daofeng smiled. The first round of test failed, but they didn't prepare this single round. The second round started immediately. It was still a single attribute stone. Five stones were placed on each altar and five kinds were replaced. There was no response. The next one was on each altar, and there was still no response.

Zhang Daofeng inferred three situations, and now there is only the last one. If this one still doesn't respond, he can only give up temporarily and continue to look for the answer. The last scheme is simple, that is, put five stones representing the five element attribute on the five corners of the five altars in a fixed order.

When the last stone of the fifth altar was placed on the altar, there seemed to be a moment of pause between heaven and earth. Although the time was very short, Yang Feng still felt it. Then, he felt that an incomparably huge force suddenly emerged, and everything between heaven and earth was torn to pieces and evaporated. When that force appeared, Yang Feng hurriedly hid into the Jiuxi spirit realm, He experienced everything outside carefully with his heavenly eye, and the things thrown out disappeared. Then the heavenly eye was chaotic and gray, and he couldn't see anything. After almost ten minutes, the heavenly eye slowly recovered, and the things outside stunned Yang Feng.

"First of all, make sure one thing." Zhang Daofeng can see what Yang Feng can see. As soon as his voice fell, Yang Feng said, "are we still on the earth?"

Yes, this is what Yang Feng must confirm first. The things he saw in Tianyan's line of sight were very strange. They were still in the water, but there were buildings in the water. He was not in a hurry to come out of Jiuxi spiritual realm. Yang Feng carefully observed the situation outside and waited for more than ten minutes. There was no response. He put some fish out of Jiuxi spiritual realm and let them out, Swimming happily proves that the environment is more appropriate.

After the fish dispersed for a while, Yang Feng came out of Jiuxi spirit area. Now he can at least determine the five poisons in the water, and there are no powerful creatures. When he came out, Yang Feng's body seemed to be covered in a shield, almost a fist away from the water.

Not far away, there was a small low house, square and with a sharp roof. Yang Feng swam slowly. Tianyan could not feel the existence of creatures inside. Outside the small house, Yang Feng saw the same runes as on the altar. What did he mean? It was the same mystery.

Trying to push the door, the door was pushed open. Yang Feng was surprised to find that there was no water in the house. It had to be said that this was a magical phenomenon. In this world like the seabed, a house was isolated from the sea as an independent space.

"Cow, that's great, high-end atmosphere!" Zhang Daofeng sighed excitedly.

"Don't be a cow first. Let's see what's going on." Yang Feng can't solve this mysterious problem. This is the field of Zhang Dashen.

"Go in and have a look, maybe you'll find something!" Zhang Daofeng said. Yang Feng didn't dare to try it himself, but threw a stone into the house. The stone was smoothly thrown in without any danger. Then he threw a frog in, alive, and shouted a few times. It seemed that there was no danger. Yang Feng went in now, Zhang Daofeng inevitably despised him.

"I'm a man of old and young. I can't be careful!" Yang Feng retorted with sufficient reasons.

The facilities in the house are very simple, that is, a bed and a cabinet, which reminds Yang Feng of a word - rental house. Yes, just like the single room rented by some students in the village in the city when he was at school, he can put a bed and a wardrobe, high-grade, with a bathroom. If it is not high-grade, everyone can share it. In this way, he can live happily and sweetly, But as soon as he graduated, he had to get a house and car ticket immediately. This problem made Yang Feng never understand that you can live in frustration at the most youthful and beautiful moment. Why wait until you want to be a wife and a mother, but you have to be high-end and high-grade. Once, Yang Feng wanted to take this as a research topic. Unfortunately, for some reasons, it has not been implemented. He felt that, If you have time, you must study it.

"I said, can we be normal and do business first?" what was in Yang Feng's mind? Zhang Daofeng was naturally clear. Looking at Yang Feng's thought, he was thousands of miles away and couldn't help reminding him.

"Memory! It's always the best!" Yang Feng smashed it and said with emotion.

"What you can't get is the best. Your past has been obtained. What good memories do you have?" Zhang Daofeng despised again.

"You all know that. I said can you peek into my memory area less?" Yang Feng asked angrily, but he didn't stop under his feet and walked to the cabinet. The things on the bed were clear at a glance and there was nothing. It must be in the cabinet.

"I didn't peek! Your Sao Bao shared it with me. I can't do without looking. To tell you the truth, I really think you have a good eye and good luck." Zhang Daofeng said.

"How do you say that?" Yang Feng asked suspiciously.

"The women you have slept with are the best. Most importantly, they have not been slept by others." Zhang Daofeng replied sharply.

"Shit!" Yang Feng raised his middle finger and opened the cabinet. He was stunned. There were some gemstones in various shapes and colors in the cabinet, and some were still colored. He took out one and put it into Jiuxi spiritual region. The quality was no worse than that of his collection.

"Are the losers in this world already rich like this?" Yang Feng asked with some surprise.