Chapter 1096

Atlantis made the world crazy. With the approval and permission of the Yangjiacun group, the first batch of scientists, historians and archaeologists entered the Atlantis site to conduct research. Seeing the mysterious runes on the buildings and the confirmation of some materials, the world was completely crazy. At this point, Yang Feng also realized that the world is really strong, really strong, There are specific records about the civilization of Atlantis, but in the past, you and I didn't understand what those strange runes mean, so I don't know what they mean. But now that Atlantis is in the world, that mysterious rune is also in the world. People suddenly understand that since there are records of civilization in human history, The first Grand Alliance has appeared, which is the alliance of civilizations and professionals. At this moment, we can't say that we are putting aside our nationality identity, national prejudice and selfishness, but we are really working together and studying together at this moment.

The magical world of Atlantis, when the world was crazy because of Atlantis, Yang Feng timely released a special book with little content, but it introduced the meaning of the mysterious Rune about Atlantis in detail.

The world makes Yang Feng discover something. Yang Feng doesn't think it will be brought into the coffin a hundred years later. Therefore, at an appropriate time, he chose to publish it. Only by letting the world master it, this civilization and culture will continue, last and last forever. Human beings are incomparably great at some moments, just like village head Yang standing on Ruyi island at the moment, Bathed in the sunset glow, it's like being covered with a halo, shining like a saint.

"How's it going? Pull the wind!" Zhang Daofeng asked proudly.

"People are studying invisibility clothes. You are studying glare clothes. I have to say that your hobby is really special." Yang Feng said with great admiration.

"Invisible, why do you want that thing? It will only increase the quantity and quality of sex wolves. If you want to make cool clothes, I believe many local tyrants will accept such clothes as soon as they come out, don't you think?" Zhang Daofeng asked.

"Am I a local tyrant?" Yang Feng asked.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Daofeng asked.

"Do you think I will accept such clothes?" Yang Feng asked again.

"I believe you will." Zhang Daofeng said definitely.

"Reason!" Yang Feng was very straightforward and didn't have any special reason. It was impossible for him to go out and show off in such clothes. Originally, he recommended Mengmeng and they must like such clothes, but Zhang Daofeng didn't agree. He said that at present, he needed lasting popularity and took advantage of the events of Atlantis to firmly grasp the international headlines, Compared with those who grab domestic headlines, they are simply weak. Yang Feng's theory keeps listening to him in cold sweat. Why does he want headlines? Does he change his name to headline Yang?

"I'm sure you'll agree, don't you?" Zhang Daofeng asked with a smile. He was used to dealing with Yang Feng. Yang Feng is the kind of person who eats soft rather than hard. If he doesn't agree with a smiling face, he will cry again, make trouble and hang himself. As long as it's not too much time, Yang Fengtie will agree. Is it too much to wear a set of cool clothes? No, there is no need to question the answer. Yang Feng is used to his usual casual clothes or sportswear. He suddenly changes into such shiny clothes. He really doesn't adapt. However, at this time, there is no way but to promise.

"Don't thank me. Take your wives and children with you at the right time. I believe it will blind the eyes of the people all over the world." Zhang Daofeng immediately smiled like the blooming flowers, incomparably brilliant. Yang Feng couldn't help thinking that this goods won't be idle all day. Start doing this kind of weird thing.

"The day when Ruyi Island opens." Yang Feng thought about it. Recently, there have been major events that need their colleagues to appear. It's just this day. They can't do small things. They appear collectively. It makes people know that they are advertising clothes. Although they are advertising, they can't be so obvious.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Daofeng asked.

"Not yet, just recently, let the girls pick a golden day." this is actually a very simple thing for Yang Feng. It is to find a time to tell his relatives and friends that Ruyi island has been built. Anyone who wants to visit and vacation should come as soon as possible.

This kind of thing can't be done like a new year call or even a group of text messages. Even the most familiar people have to start the banquet. Yang Feng plans to do it on their own. At that time, if the media want to come, they can come together. Anyway, it's so big that they're not afraid to put it down.

"Are you sure the girl is reliable?" Zhang Daofeng asked suspiciously.

"You have to say this in front of the girl. I'm sure I'll be cursed by the girl." Yang Feng smiled.

"It's up to you. Anyway, I think that girl is very good at killing and setting fire and pitching people. It's a little unreliable to calculate the auspicious day of the yellow road." Zhang Daofeng reserves his opinion. In fact, he sincerely expects something to happen that day. That's good. Today's life is too flat and will fade out of pure water.

"Don't worry, there are still a few brushes. Even Dugu's father thinks highly of them. If the age gap is not too big, maybe he should worship Nannan as a teacher. You haven't seen those people in Dugu's family. They all have green faces, but you have to smile." Yang Feng wants to laugh when he thinks about this. Dugu's father is a talent of love, but this talent has ruined the future generations, The old man recognized Nannan as his younger martial sister. The eldest son of the old man Dugu was in his 60s. When he saw Nannan, he had to call his martial sister. Originally, Nannan disagreed and planned to make their own decisions, but the old man Dugu was a person with principles and rules. He had to follow the rules, which hurt the younger generation. Fortunately, Nannan was not in China all the year round and occasionally went there several times, It's not possible to bump into it. If you really want to be in Shanghe village every day, those people are estimated to be more depressed.

"Your bad taste is really unusual. Maybe we should let Nannan teach those unworthy younger generations." when it comes to other people's bad taste, his own bad taste seems to be a little more. Zhang Daofeng put forward a great idea.

"Pull it down, then I guess Dugu's family will be crooked from now on." others can't guarantee that Yang Feng can guarantee that Nannan will take them to the pit.

I called Nannan and said one thing as soon as I told her - wait!

This time, Yang Feng waited directly for two hours. Nannan called Yang Feng and said, "nine days later, at noon."

"OK! Come back early then!" Yang Feng said with a smile.

"Sure! We plan to leave Ruyi island the day after tomorrow." Nannan and they have just discussed it.

"Whatever!" then Yang Feng hung up the phone, nine days later! We have to quickly inform the person that the plane changes to a ship. It will take at least two days to contact Liu Yan and ask him to say hello to the nearest country. His private plane may have to take off and land frequently.

One notice after another, at the end of each person, Yang Feng would say, "look who has time to come together and come together at that time."

On Yang Feng's side, there are many calls to the Yangjia village group. As soon as people shout, many people know this, and the various media don't say it. This is definitely a radical. In order to go to Ruyi Island, they can throw their heads and shed blood. It is said that someone made a declaration on the Internet at the first time.

Liu Yan called and Yang Feng got through. Liu Yan asked, "do you need people from the media?"

"You choose a few, just prepare more food, so you can't live on the boat." Yang Feng decided that the cruise ship must come over this time. Not only his ship, but also the one from Mengmeng's daughter country. If there are many people at that time, you have to rent several ships. The rooms on the island will accommodate 180 people, and you can't live any more, This time, Yang Feng estimated that there should be at least two or three thousand people.

"OK! Everyone registers and checks with me. The security work must be done in place to avoid any trouble," Liu Yan said.

"OK, you can do it." Yang Feng smiled and handed over the power safely.

Liu Yan thought about it and decided to adopt the invitation system. The invitation letter is directly sent to everyone's mobile phone. Those who receive the invitation letter can come with their families and recommend three people. These three people pass the audit and each can bring two family members. The only way to control the number is this. Otherwise, there will be no fixed number at that time. People are in a mess. After rough calculation, There are tens of thousands of people here. Liu Yan dare not let go like Yang Feng.

In the list of invitees, the villagers of Shanghe village are basically listed. Only a part of Xiahe village and other villages, especially other villages, are basically in charge and have a good relationship with Yang Feng. Otherwise, everyone will come. It's really hard to let go. In addition, there are teacher representatives of Shanghe education, student representatives, teachers and student representatives of Shanghe University, These people must be invited, but they have no right to recommend.

Work is the same for hardworking people and the same for lazy people. For example, Yang Feng and Liu Yan will be deeply ashamed to see the process formulated by others in a short time.

Ruyi island is an ordinary island. If it weren't for Yang Feng, few people knew this place. No one wanted this island before. First, it was too large and it took too much money and time to build. Second, it was a little far from the coastline. It's not suitable to be a mountain gate of Kaizong school for entertainment and vacation, but there was a freak like village head Yang, It is to get down for leisure and vacation, which makes the world have more beautiful scenery and more places to talk about.