Chapter 1211

"Ah ah! What's the rhythm? Everyone's speed." when Yangjiacun group released some things, no one saw what it was at first. However, when someone carefully read one of the materials, they immediately felt wrong. When they thought carefully, they were shocked immediately, and the news spread in an instant. Countless people flocked to the official website of Yangjiacun group.

"Everyone is ready to fight. This war will shock the world." the jazz of the network security department of Yangjiacun group whispered into the microphone, and then heard a pleasant percussion. Hundreds of people acted at the same time. Based on the official website of Yangjiacun group, they launched an offensive and defensive war. More and more attackers over time.

For ordinary people, seeing the information released by Yangjiacun group, all the people who can sit here are wise people. With a general idea, all kinds of ideas will follow. This special meeting lasted more than an hour, signed the supreme order, and distributed documents to all departments at a very fast speed.

"Is Xiaofeng in Beijing?" at the end of the meeting, the top leader left Dong Minghua. They entered his office. The top leader asked.

"Well, I just arrived in the afternoon," Dong Minghua replied.

"The follow-up plan needs his cooperation and let him prepare well. As long as it is a good thing for the country and the people, we will support it and let him let go and do it boldly. I don't think he, village head Yang, will foolishly leave important things abroad." the top leader said with a smile.

"Thank you for your affirmation. I dare not say this to him, otherwise his tail should be cocked up again." Dong Minghua said hurriedly.

"He's not going to meet me and talk to me?"

"He said that it would only embarrass each other if we didn't meet," Dong Minghua said truthfully.

"Yes! It's not a good thing to meet now. Let's talk about it later. He should tell you some follow-up plans. Tell me about it."

"Well, I don't know much. Xiaofeng's plan is like this. What is released now is the most elementary basic skill. If all the skills are divided into nine layers, only the first layer is released now. If the state allows and cooperates, he will hand over the second and third layers to the state for release, and the fourth, fifth and sixth layers will not be released to the public. It is a secret of the training institution As for the seven or eight or nine levels, he said that the use must be approved by a monitoring group or audit group before learning. Specifically, he didn't say. I think it should be because he was afraid that someone would learn the last three-level skill to commit crimes and do things harmful to the society, so the audit should be multifaceted. "Dong Minghua combined what Yang Feng said with what he thought, With these things, a strong follow-up plan.

"That's a good idea, because things happened so fast that we dealt with them in a hurry. We didn't determine the person in charge of the specific things just now, and we didn't specify the scope of rights. I want Minghua to take up the burden. I don't know if Minghua is willing or not?" asked the supreme head.

"Yes, definitely yes, but I'm not suitable." Dong Minghua politely refused.

"What's wrong?"

"First of all, I'm old. It's the world of young people, and I have a generation gap there. Second, it's the world of practitioners. Even if I practice, I can't catch up with those little guys because of my age. This is a department with great strength. No matter how old I am, I can't convince the public. Moreover, my mind has changed for so many years as an official Solidification is not suitable for the development of this new thing. The leaders of this department must be innovative, ambitious and energetic. Of course, the most important thing is to understand how to do the work and make a fool of yourself who doesn't know anything. It will only be bad, "explained Dong Minghua.

The top leader nodded and felt that Dong Minghua was very reasonable. He thought he had analyzed it with Yang Feng and asked, "is there any suitable person recommended by Xiao Feng?"

"He didn't say that I have two good candidates in mind. It depends on whether the head dares to use them." Dong Minghua smiled.

"Tell me."

"The Luo sisters," said Dong Minghua.

"I'm not surprised that Gongsun Meng is such a girl. I don't think she's as good as Nalan's," said the top leader.

"Nalanbai has a very high score during the day. His strength is worse than his dream. But he lacks management ability, and he should not waste on these things. He should focus on improving his strength and let him, as a detached existence, contain some people, sects and organizations, which is more convenient for future development and restriction," Dong Minghua said.

"Hmm! Minghua, you're very right. I'm not considerate. It seems that I'm really old. My brain is not as flexible as your young people!"

Dong Minghua paid a few compliments. The matter was basically settled. The special affairs were handled specially. The next morning, Gongsun Meng and Luo Ying received an order. Gongsun Meng served as the director of the newly established special Affairs Bureau and took charge of the overall affairs; Luo Ying was appointed as the political commissar of the special Affairs Bureau, in charge of politics and monitoring. The two sisters were ordered in the face of danger and were destined to perform a different kind of brilliance.