Chapter 1521

After one afternoon and one night's negotiation, there was finally a result. Yang Feng believed that if there were only the sea clan or the demon clan, it would not be possible to talk at all. However, when the representatives of the five nationalities sat together, the negotiation would be much easier. At least there was a measurement standard. You said that you were the same as others. People's three spirit coins. Why do you want five spirit coins, Is it because you have a big face or thick face, so it's much easier in this way.

A thick contract and an image data, I'm afraid the five people didn't expect what impact this agreement will bring to future generations. At this time, the five giants won't think of what changes this simple negotiation will bring to the world.

Exhale a long breath, Yang Feng said to Niu demon king and Jiuyin Zhenjun: "finally, it's over. Everyone is happy. It's a good result."

"It's a good start. At least it's pulling the sea clan and the demon clan in the United Front," said the ox demon king.

"It's hard to say. The old monkey is very cunning, but MIA is very obvious. The cooperation with us will not be smooth." the nine Yin real king looked more thoroughly than the ox demon king and said with some worry.

"No, the little girl can't turn the wind and waves with us." the ox demon king is careless. In fact, he has his own selfishness, his own ideas and stands in a personal position. He doesn't want to see the sea clan stand against them. Therefore, for such a result, he naturally thinks it is a reliable covenant, but this idea, I'm afraid it's his wishful thinking.

"For the time being, it's the best solution. Who can say what will happen in the future? The world has never been the same. What can only bind two people together is interests except blood relationship. I think there is no difference between two ethnic groups and two people." Yang Feng's words are very straightforward and treats the two allies, He has nothing to say in the light.

"Yes, enough interests will make people excited." the ox demon king nodded in agreement. Desire is not only for people, but also for people of other races. We usually say that soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. This sentence should be changed, that is, there are no soldiers who don't want to be generals, so this is desire, which is also interests. Draw a big cake, Slowly, people are bound together. This kind of binding is the most resilient.

In terms of IQ, no one is a fool. A fool cannot become a leader of a family. As a king, in addition to having a strong strength, it is more important to have a smart brain and reach a simple agreement. The rest is specific transactions in the future. If they can be well implemented, Yang Feng believes that their alliance will be unbreakable. As for others, It is impossible to consider so comprehensively, and what he said about relative peace is absolute. There are still battles between anyone and quarrels between neighbors. Do you expect people and demons, people and demons to have no friction and disputes? This is obviously impossible. Therefore, at the bottom of Yang Feng's heart, as long as they are not big traitors and evil, we can discuss and solve it, What's more, if people are not able to forgive, they will have to see what is happening. In short, a world is still the strong man who has the final say. It is like a small kill to pick up a person. The result is different from Yang Feng's killing. It is definitely different, but this premise does not exist. Yang Feng has nothing to do. He won't go to the boring killing game. He will become a devil long ago. He can wait until now!

Peace is everyone's peace. We have to discuss the solution to some things. Now we can only look at it step by step. There are specific things and specific solutions. Yang Feng has no ability to predict in advance. It is impossible to predict what will happen in advance and formulate a solution. He is not so divine.

In fact, Yang Feng has another idea in his heart. Since we were born in such an era, we can only choose to accept it. As for change, it is obviously impossible. He has to worry about the Lich King. Are other races so easy to eliminate? Let alone the other hungry, let's say the feather race and the beast race, Yiwen and Nannan can't trace it. Even if they want to destroy it, they can't do it! What about the Yu and the beast, and other races? Even if Yang Feng knows where the Hai family's nest is, it's impossible to destroy the Hai family.

In this negotiation, in addition to formulating this trading system and monetary system, there is another major issue, that is, to build a market, a market belonging to five or even nine ethnic groups, a market like our department store. The types of goods should include food, drink, Lhasa and other aspects. In addition to ordinary daily necessities, there must also be special supplies areas, Besides these two regions, there must also be free trade regions. After all, some people get some special things. If they don't want to exchange spiritual coins without a reasonable pricing mechanism, they can trade freely in the free market, but trading there depends on their eyesight. That is to say, everything there is free, as long as both sides agree, Even if a broken stone is sold at a sky high price, it doesn't matter.

When he said the plan, Yang Feng could feel that both old monkey and Mia were a little excited. It can be seen that the two ethnic groups must have a lot of good things. I'm afraid that once the market is opened, the two ethnic groups will take it out for exchange.

Not only the market plan, but also the market address. After selection, they unanimously decided to build a small city on the coast of the East China Sea. Considering that the seaside is mainly to take care of the sea people, you can't let people run inland, and there are many people who don't have the ability to walk on land. Their move is to serve the public, It is not for special ethnic groups, so benefiting the public is the primary goal.

With a goal and a plan, the construction is not a problem. For Yang Feng, building such a simple market can't be said to be a minute, but it won't take long. According to the plan, the market will be put into operation in a month. The whole market has only three floors. If you count the underground floor, it's four floors and one floor underground, It can be said that it was established entirely for the sake of Haizu. It is a water trade zone, which specializes in selling some items suitable for Haizu. Of course, Haizu has special needs and can also be customized.

The customization system is also the biggest characteristic system of the market in the future. Because of different body preferences and all kinds of strange shapes, some things must be customized. Of course, this customization can cost more than ordinary commodity countries, but it is not outrageous. Therefore, Yang Feng specially established a set of task system and various customized items, It will scroll on the large screen of the reward area of the market. If someone makes an item, he can trade with the buyer through the manager. If both parties complete the transaction, this task will disappear automatically. If several people complete the work at the same time, the buyer will determine who will finally buy the item, which is equivalent to a competitive relationship, The same kind of goods are naturally of good quality and beautiful appearance.

It is conceivable that one month later, the East China Sea coast will be bustling. The market has just opened, which will certainly attract the attention of all ethnic groups and attract new people to watch. It will also be a time for the market to thoroughly penetrate the hearts of the people. Therefore, some unique items are needed, of course, not all food and drink. Although these two things, Yang Feng can be very perfect, But life is more than that.

In Jiuxi spiritual region, a huge team of manufacturers is divided into hundreds of teams. They are carefully planning and manufacturing items suitable for all ethnic groups. Not to mention, the effect of many people and great power is reflected. When pieces of fantastic items are released, Yang Feng can't help laughing at some things and nodding his head to express satisfaction.

Under Pipi's leadership, the manufacturing group in Jiuxi spiritual realm is very large and extremely powerful. Although it is not as natural as pipi, some people still show their unique talents. Over time, their achievements will not be worse than Pipi's current achievements. As for pipi, in the words of big guys, it is a non-human and can't compare with him. Pipi is very proud of it, I almost published a book and biography for myself.

A month's time is neither long nor short. Many things can happen, and it can also be a peaceful past. At first, Yang Feng worried about whether something would happen and delay their plan. Later, Yang Feng was bored, looking forward to whether something should happen and adjusting things for ordinary life. Unfortunately, things in the world were not taken the initiative. This month was extremely calm, Even the feather clan and the beast clan were quiet after being killed by Wenwen for a few waves. They didn't show up again. Wenwen returned to the boring search, but there was no trace.

As time goes by, the coast of the East China Sea changes day by day. This construction speed is simply amazing. It can be said that it is enough to shock the construction industry. All materials are not conventional materials. This steel structure market is completely built by manufacturers. Even one door and one window are carefully made and made by hand, In terms of size, it is very uniform and neat. In terms of beauty, it is handmade, which has a unique charm. Although it is a steel article, it doesn't look so cold.

When the whole building was completed, Yang Feng went to check it. He was very satisfied, simple and generous, various functions were perfect, and the perfect combination of science and technology and ancient refining technology created the first place in the world, which is definitely a milestone.

June 18 is an auspicious day. The original trade market will be opened on this day. The sea breeze blowing from Xu Xu has brought real coolness to this hot summer. The original trade market is not noisy and singing like our mall, but opened in a low-key way. There are no colored flags, flower baskets, firecrackers, and leadership congratulations, Ordinary business, but in some places, it shows his great extraordinary.

Some interested people have long noticed that new things are being built here. The speed of construction is amazing. They see buildings rising from the ground, from busy to calm, and many heavyweights entering there today. But when they want to enter, they find it impossible. Armed police officers and soldiers with guns guard everywhere, It's good to say that no one is allowed to enter, but it's hard to say that no one who is not qualified is allowed to enter. After all, it's not an ordinary market, and there's no need for ordinary people to enter, so it's better to make certain restrictions to let people in need get what they want as much as possible.