Chapter 182

"My Lord, are you aware that there is something wrong with Yin Yang sect?"

White tiger doesn't understand of ask a way.

Yinyangzong, located in Jiangdong, rarely appears in the sight of the living people. However, this did not affect the influence of the Yin and Yang sect. In such a big area of Jiangdong, even if it was as strong as the Ma family, it did not dare to provoke casually.

The water in Jiangdong is very muddy. In other words, this pool of water in China is deep and bottomless.

With the improvement of strength and vision, people will see a completely different world.

"I don't know yet."

Zhou Yang shook his head and didn't say much.

"Let's go back."

After saying this, Zhou Yang and Bai Hu return to Dangshan villa.

As time goes by, three days have passed unconsciously.

During this period of time, Zhou Yang was at leisure. When he was free, he guided Zhu Xirou to practice.

Under the guidance of Zhou Yang, the accomplishments of several people are all improving rapidly.

On the other hand, Zhou Yang is also trying to break through the current situation.

However, it seems that it will take some time.

"Only when the water arrives can it be channeled. Don't rush it."

In the room, Zhou Yang wakes up from his practice, wipes the sweat on his forehead and murmurs.

Out of the room to the hall, Zhou Yang found that Tong Lu was also there.

"Tong Lu, what can I do for you?"

Looking at the worried look on Tong Lu's face, Zhou Yang asked.

"My Lord, someone from the government said he wanted to see you."

Hearing this, Tong Lu got up from the sofa and said quickly.

"Isn't Xirou here?"

Zhou Yang doubts and asks.

Xirou is the chairman of the group. If you have something to do, you can find Zhu Xirou. Why do you want to find him?

"I'm not very clear about that, but it's said that people from foreign governments want to see adults by name."

Tong Lu replied with some doubt.

On hearing this, Zhou Yang couldn't find out why, so he didn't ask more: "let's go."

After a few words, Zhou Yang and Tong Lu rush to the direction of the group.

After a few meetings, they drove to the gate of the group and went straight to the meeting room.

"Don't blame me for not warning you. You'd better be polite when you see Mr. Zhou, or you'll regret it."

Just as he was about to open the door of the conference room, Zhou Yang heard a strange noise

People's voices.

"Do you want to be vaccinated in advance?"

Zhou Yang smiles at the corner of his mouth, then pushes the door open and walks in. As soon as he entered the meeting room, Zhou Yang felt several pairs of eyes staring at him.

Zhou Yang looked around and found that on one side of the meeting room, a man who looked like the Chinese government, some strange man, but the other side was smiling and nodding.

On one side of the man sat a group of foreigners with different looks. At a glance, we can see that these foreigners are not from the same country. This is very simple for Zhou Yang, who has been dealing with westerners for a long time.

"Mr. Zhou, Hong lie, director of the Department of foreign relations in lower China, let me help you

I'm sorry to be here in person! "

Facing Zhou Yang with a smile, Hong lie comes over and says with a smile on his face.

"It's already here."

Zhou Yang nodded and said a light sentence.

Now it seems that these people are agents of various countries who come to China.

Their purpose is obvious. It's for drugs.

"Is that Zhou Yang? Is there any mistake? How young you are

"Hong Lishi, you are not fooling us, are you? It's such a boy who has kept us waiting so long? "

"I don't think your Chinese government wants to solve the problem at all. In that case, I'd better report the situation to our government truthfully."

Several foreign agents obviously did not pay attention to Zhou Yang.

In their opinion, the chairman of Feiyang group will not be such a young boy.

Even if they have read the materials, they always insist on this view.

Now it seems that the Chinese government has been fooling them!

Hong lie didn't seem to think that these foreigners would suddenly be in trouble, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"In that case, you can leave. I'm not happy here


But who would have thought that Zhou Yang sneered at this time and said it calmly.

Zhou Yang's voice is not very loud, but the whole meeting room can be heard clearly.

In a flash, those arrogant foreign envoys were stunned, and then stood up one by one as if they had been greatly insulted.

"It's too much!"

"Huaxia is really a barbarian country. I don't know any manners at all."

"I will tell all this to our government and people, and you will pay for your actions."

One by one, the foreign envoys showed indignation and went out.

Seeing this, Hong lie was a little worried and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

But at this time, Zhou Yang sneered and did not stop those people.

He sat down and said in standard English, "a group of stupid people like pigs. I don't know how your government will let you negotiate!" With a smile in his eyes, Zhou Yang's scornful voice rang out.

"What are you talking about, boy?"

"Too much, too much! I must let our people

I know how insulted I have been in China! "

"Hong Lishi, don't you care about such things? Is that your attitude? "

After hearing Zhou Yang's words, those foreign envoys suddenly burst out like they were trampled on their tails and roared at Hong lie and Zhou Yang.

"Mr. Zhou... This..."

It was the first time that Hong lie saw such a scene. For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with it, so he looked at Zhou Yang.

"I'm not very concerned about the affairs between your countries, but I'm sure that if you can't introduce drugs into your country this time, the angry people will tear up the incompetent government."

Zhou Yang said casually, as if he was talking about a very trivial thing.

"Hum, don't be complacent. If all our countries boycott your drugs and expose your" rudeness ", do you think our people will be like you said?

This group of people are worthy of being experienced diplomats, and soon came up with a way to resist the Feiyang group.

But the sneer on Zhou Yang's face is more intense.

"You, yes, that's you."

Looking at one of the men with a beard, Zhou Yang yelled.

"From now on, Feiyang group is willing to introduce drugs into your country. Are you willing to do so?"

What Zhou Yang said was so casual, as if the decision he made was a temporary addition.

In fact, Zhou Yang's decision is just made!


The man smell speech some can't believe, immediately after is all surprise, point to oneself to send out a exclamation!

If you make it happen, you'll make a great contribution!

Maybe he will have the capital to run for the next president!