Chapter 175 Expose the Conspiracy

"Lady, are you willing to testify on the spot?" Leng ye blocked the red-spotted woman's line of sight and looked at her with a smile on his face.

The red-spotted woman panicked. She gritted her teeth and turned to look at Addie, "Alright, I'll give you ten minutes."

The man in the cricket cap in the crowd saw that things were not good, so he turned around and was about to leave. A man and a woman appeared in front of him. Wherever the man went, a man and a woman would block him.

The man in the cricket cap raised his head and looked at the two people blocking him, "Excuse me, please."

"Don't hurry and leave. You're trying so hard to cause trouble for hua teng. How can you leave without seeing the results?" The young man in a blue suit who was blocking the cap looked at him coldly.

The man in the cricket cap was shocked and his eyes flickered as he tried to pretend to be calm, "I don't understand what you're talking about. Please move aside. I want to go home."

"You only have two choices. One, stay and continue to watch. Two, we'll force you to stay here. There are many police officers around. If there's a commotion, I'm afraid it's your bad luck. What do you think?" The man in the blue suit looked at the man in the cricket cap with a cold look in his eyes.

The man in the cricket cap turned to look at the police officer not far away and bit his lip. He turned his head and continued to look at the entrance of the store. He knew that the matter might not be able to proceed as planned and he had already exposed himself. There was no point in continuing to make a fuss. He could only hope that Addie's verification would fail. Otherwise, he would be finished. To be honest, there might still be a chance. After all, Addie had said that he would not pursue the red-spot woman. If... The man in the cricket cap touched the thing hidden in his sleeve and looked at Addie coldly.

At the entrance of the store, Addie personally applied the skin lotion to the red-spotted woman. After that, he quietly stood aside and waited. Ten minutes passed quickly while everyone was waiting. Addie stepped forward to take a look at the skin lotion on the red-spotted woman's face and gently removed a thin sheet of tinfoil from her face.

"Wow! It really works."

"Is skin rejuvenation really that magical? It's only a classic level, so what effect would it have if it was a noble level or a refined level?"

"That's incredible. I will definitely buy a bottle for my girlfriend later."

"That woman has nothing to say now? All conspiracies are floating clouds before the truth, and skin is truth."

The onlookers saw the woman's face and immediately exploded.

Addie asked the shop attendant to bring a mirror and hand it to the red-spotted woman.


The red-spotted woman hesitantly took a look at the mirror and immediately screamed as she looked at herself in the mirror in disbelief.

The red spots on her face were visibly desalinated.

A mist filled the red-spotted woman's eyes. She looked up at Addie and shed tears of regret, "President Addie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have slandered huateng and huanhuan. I'm sorry!"

As she spoke, the woman bowed to Addie.

Addie stepped forward to help the red-spotted woman up and gently wiped her tears away, "Don't cry. I believe you have a reason. Can you tell me?"

"Not long ago, my face started to have acne. I pinched it all because I didn't like it, and then it itched and scratched. In addition, I didn't pay much attention after that, and in the end, it turned into a red spot. I went to the hospital and the doctor said that I needed a lot of medical fees, but I couldn't afford it. Later, someone came to me. Said that as long as I said that the red spot on my face is caused by skin rejuvenation, help me pay the medical expenses, and pay until my red spot is cured, I..." Said here, the woman somewhat embarrassed to see Addie.

Addie smiled and placed the skin lotion in the woman's hand, "After this bottle is used up, your red spots will be more or less the same. It's not born to be the result of the day after tomorrow, so it's better to eliminate it."

After a pause, Addie frowned slightly, "Can you tell me who sent you here?"

"Yes..." The woman turned to look at the crowd.

The cricket cap man was shocked and turned to run. However, the man and woman who had disappeared just now appeared in front of him again. Gritting their teeth, the cricket cap man walked to the red-spotted woman alone. Leng ye took a step forward and stood by Addie's side. He stared fixedly at the man with the cricket cap. As long as the cricket cap man dared to move, Cold night would kick him out with a flying kick.

"He ordered it? Who is he?"

"I don't know! I can't see it, but his method is really hateful!"

"That's right. It must be those businessmen who also do beauty treatments who are looking for trouble when they see their gorgeous skin."

"Yes, it must be like this."

"Take off your hat."

The crowd looked at the man with the cricket cap in disgust. Some of the media even asked him to take his hat off.

The man hesitated for a moment, took off his hat and bowed to Addie. Addie did not support him this time and frowned at the man.

The man's heart skipped a beat as he looked at Addie sincerely, "President Addie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have instructed her to ruin huateng's reputation."

Addie looked at the man from head to toe with suspicion in his eyes.

"Leng ye, leng ye." A soft cry sounded again.

Cold night began to lift the hair again.

"Ask Addie to ask him who instigated him. Be more forceful and protect Addie so that he doesn't jump over the wall."

"Okay." Leng ye responded in a low voice and whispered a few words to Addie.

Addie's eyes lit up and turned cold instantly as he stared at the man, "Who instructed you?"

The man's expression changed slightly, and he immediately put on a look of extreme regret, "No one told me to. I just feel uncomfortable watching huanlu earn so much money."

"I'll ask you again who ordered you! If you don't tell me, I will file a lawsuit against you for deliberately damaging huateng's reputation. As a top 500 company in the world, how important is huateng's reputation? I don't need to tell you how serious this crime is." Addie stared at the man with a determined expression.

The man was shocked. He wanted to say that he did not know how much it was to destroy the reputation of a fortune 500 company in the world. What Addie wanted was that he did not know, so that he could be frightened.

Gritting his teeth, a cold glint flashed across the man's eyes. He took a deep breath and looked up at Addie, "President Addie, I can tell you who it is, but I can only tell you one person."

"Okay." Addie agreed without hesitation. He took two steps forward and stood one meter in front of the man, acting as if he was listening. A trace of coldness appeared in leng ye's eyes. He followed Addie and put his phone into his pocket. His body tensed up and he was ready to make a move at any time.

The man's eyes were cold. A dagger appeared in his hand and he put it on Addie's neck.