Chapter 983 Directly

With a confident smile on his face, general Nussle quietly waited for the warship to approach from afar.

"General Nussle, we have an unknown fleet of warships!"

"General Nussle, we are surrounded!"

"General Nussle, the enemy's encirclement is shrinking!"

"General Nussle, the other party is eleven imperial warships!"

A series of shouts came from the headset, and general Nussle did not even have a chance to interrupt.

More than a dozen warships had all opened their defense layers, but the defense layers that were supposed to be bright were now dim and looked like they were about to collapse.

General Nussle frowned slightly, "Don't worry, I already know who they are. They'll be fine. Just wait for them to be treated as vip guests. We can get them to help us repair the warships."

Hearing general Nussle's confident words, the leaders of the other battleships breathed a sigh of relief. Since Nussle was so calm, nothing would happen. The commanders of the battleships informed the people below to relax and prepare to show off the aura of the black corona star.


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!


As the warships of Nussle and the others relaxed, they received a warm shell-shooting welcome.

In an instant, eleven battleships were destroyed, leaving only five battleships in the inner circle.

"General Nussle, you're attacking us!"

"General Nussle, didn't you say you didn't have to worry?"


The roar of the remaining generals sounded in the earpiece.

"Request communication with the other party!" General Nussle was stunned and hurriedly shouted, then ran to the external amplifier, turned on the instrument, and turned the volume up to the maximum, and shouted loudly, "Men of mota, we are the people of the black corona star. Don't attack us. Damn it, you will be crushed by the black corona army if you attack us!"

General Nussle heaved a sigh of relief when the enemy warship's attack paused for a moment. The commanders of the other four warships paused slightly and told the weapons operators not to attack for the time being.

"Xiao bai, the other party requests to contact us." The voice of the wraith sounded in the headset, because the wraith and others were rushing towards the nearest, and the warship that Nussle was in preferred to build contact with the wraith warship.

"Don't talk to me, change people. Open the defense layer and let the new people train their hands. Leave the other imperial warship to me!"

Hearing zhang xiao bai's words, the people who had been waiting behind the hell's guards were excited. Once the hell's guards left their operating positions, they quickly sat up.

Wu liang looked at xu Zhengyang eagerly, worried that xu Zhengyang would not give up his seat because he almost disobeyed the order just now.

Xu Zhengyang didn't care about wu liang, but stood up and let go of his seat.

It was a very risky move to change people in the face of battle. The shorter the time, the better. If she wanted to deal with wu liang, she could do it anytime she wanted. This was not the time to teach him a lesson.

The eleven battleships were all covered in a crystal, which was a sign that the defense layer was activated.

Wu liang hurriedly jumped to the seat in front of the operating table and shouted as soon as he sat down, "Aim the weapon at that imperial warship. Let's make a big one!"

The entire imperial warship suddenly fell into a strange silence.


Xu Zhengyang patted the back of wu liang's head and said sternly, "What are you talking about?"

Wu liang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly woke up and shouted at his earpiece, "Xiao bai, I was wrong. I forgot, everyone, don't aim at the other party's imperial warship. Aim at the nearest ship and destroy it. Yes, destroy it!"


All the crew members of the warship began to operate. Wu liang slapped himself in the face, not sparing any strength. His face was bulging, and his heart was cold.

It's over! It's over! He almost gave in to his orders again! Wu liang, you're used to directing people! You want to die!

Xu Zhengyang glanced at wu liang with a serious expression. He knew that wu liang didn't mean it, but in the war, this unintentional provocation was seen by others as a provocation against zhang xiaobai, the supreme leader. This was an act that undermined zhang xiaobai's dignity. This was something that could not be tolerated in the war!

Wu liang secretly glanced at xu Zhengyang. Seeing xu Zhengyang's expression, his heart skipped a beat, "Attack!"

Boom, boom, boom!

It's not just the warship of the emperor. Other than the warship of the hua teng, zhang xiaobai's other ten warships all launched a second round of attack, while the hua teng was firmly focused on the other party's imperial warship. If Nussle were to move, zhang xiaobai would definitely fire directly on the warship of the other party. He wanted to train his soldiers, and he also wanted to take a chance to ask what was going on, but he would never trade his own people's danger for the opportunity to train his soldiers, nor would he trade danger for a captive. It was not worth it!

After another round of artillery fire, although some of the warships missed, ten battleships were against five, and they were not intentional. Five commander-level battleships were still destroyed. Even the emperor warships where Nussle was, had suffered a few blows, but fortunately, the target was not them, but only the misses, and the injuries were only on the periphery. Missed an important position.

Nussle was completely stunned. Sixteen warships had not fired a single shot, but he was the only one left.

Looking at the eleven warships that surrounded his warship, Nussle knew that because his judgment failed, he and the others had completely lost.

"Stop resisting! Or I will destroy you on the spot!"

The connection was connected, but it was not the emperor's second warship that Nussle wanted to connect with, but the one that zhang xiaobai had taken the initiative to connect with, Nussle.

Looking at the black-haired, black-eyed, yellow-skinned young man on the communicator screen, Nussle knew that he had guessed wrong.

"Earthlings?" Nussle exclaimed!

Zhang xiao bai said coldly, "Last warning, stop resisting!"

Nussle's expression changed and he hesitated.

"Prepare to attack!" An emotionless voice sounded from the communicator.

"No!" Nussle said anxiously, "We surrender!"

He ordered the warships to put their weapons away and hover in the air.

Just as zhang xiaobai was about to order the huateng to proceed with the track, xu Zhengyang's voice sounded from his earpiece, "Xiao bai, shall we go?"

"Okay." After hesitating for a while, zhang xiaobai nodded, "Be careful."

Xu Zhengyang got a positive answer and turned to look at wu liang, "Wu liang, bring people into the enemy's warships and control them. If the mission fails, don't come back!"

"Yes!" Wu liang answered straightforwardly. He knew that xu Zhengyang was helping him, so he quickly got up from the operating table, grabbed the weapon on the side, and ran towards the door.