Chapter 990 the Origin of the Cursed Land

Waiting is torture.

Mario's eyes turned cold as he looked at the warship that was being chased by the parliament on the detector getting closer and closer, but there was no movement on the battleship at all. He walked to the main control table and his heart skipped a beat. He raised his hand and pressed the red button on the control table.


With a slight jolt, Mario suddenly looked at the console screen. The various parts of the ship were charging.

With a smile, Mario called out in a low voice, "Prepare to enter the cursed land!"

You sons of bitches have finally figured it out! Fortunately, there was no need to face the most difficult situation!

Take a deep breath, Mario gives the order, "Advance at full speed!"


The ship's full power, flying into the cursed land!

It was almost time to enter the best shooting range, but the prey suddenly ran into the cursed place. Lydia was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened.

"Report! The Mario warship has entered the cursed land! We..." The captain of the vanguard's hesitant voice sounded through his headset.

Lydia's face was as dark as water.

He had no other choice. He didn't expect Mario to actually dare to enter the cursed place. He knew that he had let it go this time!

But is it possible to live in a cursed land? The cursed area would corrode the defense layer, and every time the scout had been eroded by half of the defense layer of the battleship, they would never move forward again. No one would be willing to use their lives to detect the width of the cursed area, and the forefathers would remember it before it appeared. There's no other record! Lydia hesitated too!

This is why the black corona people do not know through the curse of the land can reach the milky way, records of the fault caused black corona no one can know what is behind the curse.

After hesitating for a while, lydia gritted her teeth and said coldly, "Wait! We'll wait here for a while! All the warships are divided into five groups, four teams patrolling the cursed area to prevent Mario from escaping from another place and flying at full speed in four directions for two months. Two months later, he will come back, four months before and after. One group will stay in place and wait. When we meet again, we will go back!"

Thinking of a countermeasure, lydia no longer hesitated and took the lead in ordering three commander-level warships to fly to the left.

He chose to patrol instead of staying where he was.

Logically speaking, it would be the easiest to stay in the same place and wait, but don't forget that Mario was forced into the cursed place and would most likely be forced to wait in the cursed place for a while before breaking out.

Once Mario came out again, it was time to fight for her life. If she stayed where she was, the chances of Mario fighting for her life were much higher than if she had met him!

The cursed place was a gray space, and no one knew how it was formed. No one knew how big the space was.

The most important thing was that the cursed place would move, not because of its position, but because the drum would move, and the space turbulence and the gray mist would flow together, no one would be able to measure its exact size.

After entering the cursed area, Mario's ships began to report numerous devices to the police!

The defense layer began to corrode, and all the external devices were corroded.

"Stow all weapons! Go straight ahead and don't change direction!" Mario's low voice sounded.

All the weapons on the warship retracted back into the ship's body, and a transparent cover appeared on the surface of the battleship. This was the surface technology defense layer of the battleship. Of course, it was definitely not a magnetic levitation ion technology wall!

At the same time, in the Mario warship into the curse of the opposite side, zhang xiaobai and others warships also entered the curse of the land.

Because of the confession from Nussle and the others, zhang xiaobai and the others put away their weapons before entering the cursed area and activated the defense layer of the warship.

A layer of crystalline defensive layer covered the perimeter of the 12 warships, such as the huateng, so that the people outside could not see what was going on inside. The people inside could see what was going on outside, but because of the cursed place, the large screen was only gray.

"Straight ahead and full speed!" As soon as he entered the cursed land, zhang xiaobai set the course.

And then, there was no then!

According to Nussle and the others, in the cursed place will not be other than the corrosion of the defense layer will not be attacked, and cursed in the place there are no planets, meteorites, so other than flying warships do not need to do anything else.

Zhang xiaobai thought for a moment.

Thinking about it, no one knew what was on the other side. No one knew how wide the cursed area was, and once they entered, they would constantly corrode the defense layer. After the defense layer was corroded, they would immediately corrode the warship, and then death would come.

This feeling of facing the unknown and knowing that death was approaching bit by bit was not something that anyone could bear!

He thought to himself that if he was only here to probe, he probably wouldn't have risked his life to go all the way to the end.

However, how did this cursed place come into being? Why would something like this happen?


System prompt: enter the technology waste area! We've reached dangerous levels!

A mechanical sound interrupted zhang bai's contemplation.

Suddenly, zhang xiao bai was shocked. Just as he was about to speak, a report sounded from his earpiece, "Report! The defense layer is starting to corrode!"

"Keep moving!" Zhang xiaobai responded and predicted that he and the others had just entered, and they had traveled about a hundred kilometers.

In other words, a hundred kilometers from the start will be corroded, and this...

"System, what do you mean by the technology waste area?" Zhang xiao bai asked in his mind.

System: the technology waste area was the product of the technology self-destruct, which was transferred to this area at the last moment after the host galaxy's technology self-destruct.

His body shook violently, and zhang xiaobai felt a huge wave in his heart!

This, this is the product of the destruction of earth's technology? Is, is the earth civilization caused in the last century? How far did earth technology go in the last century?

When the ancestors were destroyed, they wanted to defend the galaxy, which...

Zhang xiaobai's eyes suddenly became wet.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through zhang xiao's mind and he hurriedly communicated with the system, "System, can you exchange this kind of technology here?"

System: yes, this is a large range of space jumps, but requires special energy.

"What special energy?" Zhang xiaobai asked anxiously.

System: it required the energy of the original planet's nuclear energy. The host planet was the first planet to appear in space, so it could jump in a large area. Although the core was not exploded, the energy in the earth's core was depleted and could only sustain life, so it could not jump in a large area of space..