Chapter 995 Victory Before Battle

On an uninhabited planet outside the cursed land, sixteen warships were parked in a vast clearing.

During the initial battle, one of the imperial warships fought fiercely and was directly destroyed by the wraith.

Zhang xiaobai, xu Zhengyang, the ghost, south china tiger, ann hu and others sat together, standing next to four black rumbling black corona star, in addition to the tower Nussle, la rusty two more lidaya and simata.

Behind them, Dahl and the others were transforming the five newly captured imperial warships and repairing the defensive layers of all the warships!

"... This is what we know about the black corona star now!" Zhang xiaobai summarized the situation of the known black corona star with a serious expression.

A cosmic class, seven emperors, more than ten commanders, more than 50 generals, and hundreds of elite class warships were not counted.

This was the strength that the black corona still possessed, and after two invasions to earth and this pursuit of Mario, the black corona star would probably not easily send warships to come. After all, these battles had caused the black planet to lose too much, and they could no longer meet the standards of a first-class civilization!

One of zhang xiaobai's quasi-cosmic warships and fifteen imperial warships did not lose to the black corona star. However, the main problem was that they would definitely face not only the black corona star's warships, but also all kinds of heavy weapons attacking the sky. Those things were the most dangerous. Big, there was also one thing that zhang xiao could not decide was how to deal with the black corona star after he defeated it!

Zhang xiaobai and the others weren't large enough, so it was impossible for them to send too many troops to stay on the black corona star. However, once the number of people left was small, it was very likely that they would be rebellious by the black corona star's people. If they didn't leave anyone behind, would they want to kill the entire black corona star's people? This was something that zhang xiao bai could not accept!

"Tell us, what shall we do? It was easy to deal with the way they fought. Everyone was a strong soldier who had been through a hundred battles. I think that now everyone had more than one method. The important thing was, what about the people of the black corona star? How?" Zhang xiaobai's expression was rather solemn.

Deciding the fate of human beings on a planet made zhang xiaobai feel pressured!

Xu Zhengyang glanced at everyone and noticed that everyone was frowning. He sighed. He knew that it wasn't that they didn't have an idea, but that the most convenient idea was rejected by everyone!

From the corner of his eye, he saw Dahl coming down from the battleship. Xu Zhengyang's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Dahl si, come here for a while."

Zhang xiao bai and the others were stunned, and they suddenly had some expectations in their hearts. At the same time, they were secretly annoyed. Damn it, with such a walking dictionary around, why didn't they ask? If Dahl couldn't come up with an idea, he could ask elder Marrs and elder tacoma!

Dahl came to xu Zhengyang with a frightened look on his face. He looked at the group of men with shining eyes and stared at him. His heart was fuzzy.

"What... What's wrong?" Dahl said nervously. She recalled that she had not done anything wrong!

Xu Zhengyang said softly, "Don't be nervous. We just want to ask if there is any record of how the people on the planet will deal with it after the war on a planet."

"Oh, about this!" Dahl sighed in relief, "According to the records, back then..."

According to Dahl's narration, zhang xiaobai summed up several methods.

The first was to kill them all, but not that civilization, but to kill all the rebels of that civilization, to take away or destroy all the warships of that civilization, and to destroy all the technology weapons, leaving only the technology weapons for the single soldier.

The second is to leave people behind to control the planet.

The third is to train a force to run that civilization instead of himself.

These three methods, the first is unacceptable, the second is to disperse the crowd, the third is to take a certain amount of time.

In the end, zhang xiaobai got on the hua teng and contacted Marrs and tacoma. The two elders didn't have a good idea.

With no choice, everyone decided not to think about it anymore.

After that, they discussed the battle plan. With Nussle and the others around, zhang xiaobai and the others fully understood the character of the top management of the black corona star. A simple but effective method was born!

Looking at the sixteen warships that were about to be completed, a group of people surrounded zhang xiaobai.

"Young master bai, let me do it!"

"Young master bai, I can do it!"

"Xiao bai, it's my turn this time, right?"

With four more warships, there would be four more captains, and some familiar people would come to zhang xiao to get closer to him.

They were all vice-captains of the various squads, and their personal abilities were evenly matched, which was why they came here to argue.

Zhang xiaobai looked at the chaotic scene and frowned slightly.

In an instant, the surroundings became quiet.

Looking at everyone, zhang xiao bai said in a huff. "There will be more and more warships. Do you want to fight again and again?" This time let south china tiger, snow fox, tianlong, tang chao as captain, the rest of the next time again! Get out of here and leave me alone."

The crowd dispersed in an instant.

Zhang xiao rolled his eyes and turned to look at the sixteen warships.

Some changes have taken place in the warship.

At the two ends of the warship, a sharp angle was installed. This was the inspiration that zhang xiaobai got when he bumped into Mario's warship in the cursed area. During the impact, because both sides were curved and could only be hit by brute force, and after hitting the sharp angle, it was comparable to the tip of the sword. The impact effect was different from the day before.

This transformation was highly praised by the people of Dahl and tatar. Pass.

Looking at the transformed warship, no matter who it was, they could feel a powerful aura from the battleship.

Soon, the battleship was completed, and during this period of time, zhang xiaobai and the others had also thought it through clearly. The battle in space was not a short battle, but a long expedition. Regarding the treatment of the black corona star, zhang xiaobai and the others had always decided to adopt the strategy of fostering the black corona star and turn it into a space outpost of earth civilization!

No one felt that zhang xiao bai and the others had started to consider the future of the black corona star before the battle started and felt that they were arrogant. Everyone had sufficient confidence to win the black corona star!

After the transformation of the warship was completed, sixteen warships soared into the air and sped towards the direction of the black corona star. At the same time, the black corona star was in deep trouble!