Chapter 606

Kaiduo died at the hands of Li Jiexuan, which is a shocking news!

You know, the beast CADO is recognized as the most powerful individual. There is no way to kill him. Even the insane dor flemingo will sweat bitterly when he hears him.

But Li Jiexuan killed him alone!

Does this mean that Li Jiexuan's power has replaced kaiduo as the strongest person in the world?

Until then, let the most isolated people. We also know who Li Jiexuan is, what he has done, and what he will do.

To put it bluntly, Li Jiexuan has created a new generation of pirate king - Hankuk!

When the news was accepted by the public, another news came out.

"The reason why a pirate king is a pirate king must have his due rights and obligations!" Li Jiexuan informed the world of the news.

"The navy has a strong backstage force to arrest the pirates, so that most of them have to run away as soon as they see the Navy."

But that was the past!

Now that the pirate king has been born, pirates should not continue to fear the Navy. Hankook, the pirate king, hereby declares that any act of killing and imprisoning a pirate is a provocation to the king of the pirate.

In the future, whenever a pirate is killed, you can tell the pirate king and issue a reward of enough weight. The king of pirate and the strength of the whole pirate will avenge you!

In short, that's the reward system!

Since the navy can offer a reward to the pirates, the pirates who own the king of pirates can also offer a reward to the Navy.

The naval reward system, the target is the Navy reward system for pirates

The appearance of this measure immediately stabilized the people's hearts. The whole world recognized Hankuk's identity as a pirate king and admired her daring approach.

Once upon a time, only pirates would be marked by the Navy, with a head worth tens of millions, hundreds of millions of Bailey. But now, the navy has a reward.

Of course, the reward will be a huge sum of money, but Li Jiexuan is not unable to take it out.

Forget to say, after the death of Kato. However, the pirate Regiment under his command was not disbanded, and he directly joined Li Jiexuan's command according to kaiduo's will.

In addition, Hancock became the queen of pirates. A large number of pirates come all the way to depend on them and offer a lot of wealth, which can be regarded as spending money to buy peace.

After that, they will be the pirates covered by the pirate king Hankook

Li Jiexuan thought of an idea: it's called sub flag!

If there are pirates who don't want to join hancook's nine snake pirate regiment, but want to be sheltered, then the quarterly tax implication.

In this case, the nine snake pirate regiment will issue a small nine snake pirate flag and hang it beside the main flag of the pirates, which is a proof.

This pirate has paid taxes and is covered by our pirate king!

At first, this strategy didn't care a lot. Most of the pirates are unruly and have no wisdom to speak of. They not only refuse to join the strategy, but also sneer at it!

"Lao Tzu's galloping in the sea for so many years does not rely on a flag!" "Why should I give you the treasure I have worked so hard to get?" "If you are willing to pay taxes, why don't I go back to be a farmer?"

In a word, the pirates didn't pay attention to this strategy at all. They only thought that Li Jiexuan was a fool and secretly ridiculed

However, there are always some people in this world who have unique insight!

A little unknown pirate group named iron bar paid taxes and left with a flag. Three months later

"Pirate king, I'm the captain of the iron stick pirate team!"

A month ago, we found a small treasure in the first half of the new world, but before we could go back, we met the needle ghost Pirate Group

The next thing is very simple

The needle ghost Pirate Group just wants to eat black. With their strength, they swallow iron bars without any effort. It can be said that they don't eat for nothing.

Iron bar is helpless

The needle ghost Pirate Group is a well-known big sea thief, and the captain is the owner of the ability to eat the fruit of the needle needle devil, offering a reward of 120 million Bailey.

And the highest reward offered by their gang pirates is only 30 million Bailey's.

All in all, it's not an opponent!

However, at this time, the iron stick Pirate Group suddenly remembered: Although I am not the opponent, I am covered by someone! I paid for it!

The nine snake flag of the pirate king is still hanging there!


The iron stick took out the flag and said: according to the policy of the pirate king, if you dare to do something to me, you'd better consider it clearly.

As a result

"Go to your pirate king policy, I am a pirate!"

The needle ghost Pirate Group tore the nine snake pirate team's pirate flag to pieces, and robbed the iron stick Pirate Group. Only the iron stick saw the situation and escaped with the boat.When the matter was clear, iron stick's face was a little sad: Although he had come to pay the tax, he didn't take it seriously in his heart. It was not so much that he wanted to protect himself with the flag, it was more like playing tricks with the pirate king

Who would have thought that he would suffer so quickly. When he came here, he didn't know what to do: in his opinion, Li Jiexuan would only shift responsibility.

After all, the sea is so vast that even the king of pirates can hardly find a group of Pirates wandering everywhere. What's more, the ghost needle pirate regiment is not weak.

Why should he offend him for the sake of him, a small and weak Pirate Group with only one person left?

All in all, hard work is not pleasing!


"I see."

Li Jiexuan even nodded to him and said with a sneer, "don't worry. Since this ghost needle Pirate Group doesn't pay attention to our pirate king, he won't see the sun tomorrow!"

"The day after tomorrow at the latest, his head will be in front of you!"

After that, Li Jiexuan turned to leave: as soon as this incident happened, many things would have to be put on the agenda.