Chapter 663

Looking for a way to fight against the creator, Li Jiexuan thinks that there is a world, or a person, who may be able to help him

After spending a lot of money, Li Jiexuan finally got the experience scroll. However, the world in this scroll was too dangerous for Li Jiexuan to guarantee that he would achieve his goal.

Open the scroll, strange painting style emerged in it, Li Jiexuan lost consciousness


Breath out gently, Li Jiexuan is stunned.

The classroom, the desk, and the bustling students around, as well as the teacher on the podium lecturing. Look at everything around here.

If the painting style here is not like that of a three-year-old child painting with his feet, Li Jiexuan suspects that he has gone to the wrong world

However, this also let Li Jiexuan confirm!

Yes, this is the world of comic book rihe

However, he also needs to confirm which story line this is on comic book day and, to be exact, at what time point.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this high school stipulates that freshmen must join the club." The teacher with black glasses on the stage said the school's rules seriously, but he couldn't see anything strange.

Li Jiexuan didn't remember where he had seen this picture. At this time, a black haired girl in the classroom began to read.

"In junior high school, Maru was a sports master." The black haired girl said with one expression throughout the whole process: "there should be a lot of clubs to poach."

Li Jie Yuan did not know whether to make complaints about it, but this is the world of Japan and China. Any unreasonable nature is very common.

So, the seemingly serious teacher suddenly said a lot of inexplicable words.

"The application for joining the League should be submitted as soon as possible. In addition, marmoto, whose seat number is No. 18, wants to join the black Mountaineering Club. If you don't join, you will rot to death. That's all for today."

A serious face of the teacher, very serious said a lot of terrible words.

The student named marmoto is in agony. What is this black Mountaineering Club?

But Li Jiexuan suddenly remembered

"Black Mountaineering Club!"

In the funny day and, this is not a very famous episode, the laughing fruit is not very good, but it reflects the black deep disability but makes people feel thoughtful.

And, in this world, danger is everywhere.

Li Jiexuan thought: it's better to get through the world without doing anything and go to the story he needs.

"Ding, we have detected that the world is a multi segmented universe. The spokesperson has to explore the current universe in order to go to the next universe


Li Jiexuan silently stretched out his hand: "teacher, I also want to join the black Mountaineering Club."

Hearing this, people were surprised: why would someone take the initiative to join such a suspicious community, are you sure it's not a fool?

However, the teacher's expression seems to be very indifferent, there is no need to let marmoto join the excitement, just a casual wave of hands: casual

What a big difference!

Clearly is such nonsense funny animation, unexpectedly also has this kind of protagonist treatment

However, Li Jiexuan had no choice but to join.

As for the black Mountaineering Club, as its name implies, it is a Mountaineering Club that does some bad things when climbing mountains. As for what can be done when climbing mountains

Li Jiexuan was also curious about this: in the cartoon, he just used a wig to shock passers-by off the cliff. But in reality, would it be so simple?