Chapter 354

It turned out that half an hour ago, they all received the same text message. The scum man asked them to meet in Times Square and said he wanted to pay off his debt.

When they came to the appointment and saw each other, they found that it was not the message sent by the scum man at all. After talking for a while, the 20 women cleaned up the scum man's crime and waited for him to come and beat him up.

In fact, the news was sent by Su fan.

This way.

Su fan explained the situation clearly to the girl. The girl also understood that Su fan helped herself just out of safeguarding justice and didn't want to see her hurt by the scum man. She also realized that her behavior was abrupt and apologized to Su fan again and again.

After saying goodbye to the girl, Su fan returns to the car and continues to run for rent.

Not long after the bill was issued, he received an order.

A young man came up with a suitcase, as if he had just come back from other places.

The young man is young and handsome. His white shirt and jacket are both sunny and energetic.

"Young man, look at you. Have you just come back from other places?" Su fan accosted him.

"Yes, I haven't been back to Kyoto for three years." he sighed.

The car started slowly, and everything around him seemed strange to him.

The wide streets were crowded with traffic. The night fell slowly, and the roadside lights gradually lit up.

"You don't seem to be from Kyoto according to your accent?" Su fan asked.

"Yes, I went to university in Kyoto."

"Oh, do you go back to Beijing to visit relatives and friends? You look like you have a long way to go." when Su fan just helped him carry his suitcase, he felt that the suitcase was extremely heavy and must contain a lot of things.

The boy nodded, smiled and said, "it's far away, but I'm looking for my girlfriend. It's worth it."

Su fan smiled and looked at the boy's face. They must be very sweet.

The boy thought of his girlfriend and his face became more and more gentle.

"We have been away from home for three years. We are going to get married here this year. I have transferred my work to Kyoto."

"Congratulations, you can finally end your long-distance love and live a happy life together."

Su fan suddenly thought of his little girl. They are also in a long-distance relationship now. Why didn't he expect the little girl to come to Kyoto soon?

There was still a long way to go. The boy took the initiative to talk to Su fan about his story with his girlfriend.

"We met when we were in college. At the orientation party, she performed a Xinjiang dance, and I was fascinated by her dance. There were many boys pursuing her at that time, but I still won the favor of the goddess with my talent and sincerity."

Recalling those green years, the boy's face showed juvenile shyness.

"When we were in college, our life was carefree. We had classes, studied and traveled together every day. She was like an acorn and stuck to me all the time."

"After graduation, I was transferred to other places for work reasons, and it took me three years to return to Kyoto. So we agreed to get married when I returned to Kyoto."

"We've been together for seven years. We still call every day, keep in touch and ask for warmth. Although it's a different place, I feel that our hearts are together."

The boy said with a happy smile on his face.

"Seven years of love is not easy."

Su fan sighed, "and you are still different. You must have experienced a lot of ups and downs."

The boy nodded. After all, the separation in distance will certainly bring emotional dilution. "Many times I'm not with her. She has to face some negative emotions such as pressure, pain and loss alone. I love her very much and have been trying to come back as soon as possible."

"But fortunately, we are very clear in our hearts. We love each other deeply, so we can stick to it until now."

"Every Valentine's day and her birthday, I will come to Kyoto to accompany her. I haven't been absent once. I send her some gifts from time to time. After all, little girls like to receive surprises."

Su fan feels that the boy loves his girlfriend very much and is also a considerate and meticulous person. I believe the girl must be very happy.

Su fan drives his car and walks in the center of Kyoto. The speed of traffic slows down gradually.

The boy looked out the window and looked at the city where the girl lived. His heart was full of excitement and excitement.

Suddenly, he looked dull and stared at the door of a hotel outside the window.

He saw a familiar figure, a girl in a pink dress, which he bought for his girlfriend.

The girl's figure is also very similar to his girlfriend, with a ball head.

The boy is very happy

But the next second.

The boy was stunned when he saw the man next to her and their actions.

For a while.

For a while.

The boy finally took out his mobile phone and dialed a video phone for the girl.

Then, he watched the girl at the door of the hotel, took out her mobile phone from her bag and froze in place for a few seconds.

Then he asked the middle-aged man to go first, stayed at the door and answered the video phone.

"Hello, honey, why did you call me at this time?"

The girl still spoke to him in that intimate tone.

The boy was silent for a few seconds. Then Qingyan asked with a smile, "I miss you. By the way, honey, where are you? What are you doing?"

"I'm shopping with my best friend. Look at the streets of Kyoto."

The girl took her cell phone and turned around to show the boy around her.

The boy was very sad. He didn't expect the girl to lie to him.

Because just now

Around the girl... That's a middle-aged man.

The boy can see clearly.

They clasped their fingers and looked very loving.

And now tell me, are you shopping with your best friend?



But the boy didn't cry, but still forced a smile: "tell you something, I'm coming to Kyoto."

The girl was shocked: "ah? So suddenly?"

Boy: 'yes, I want to surprise you.'

The girl was happy: "have you set out?"

Boy: "I've arrived."

Then he turned the camera of his cell phone.

The girl saw herself in the video.

Bang Dang!


"I saw it all."

The boy held back his emotions and said these words.

The girl ran towards the direction in the picture.

Then I saw the boy in the taxi.

The girl beat the window wildly outside and cried, "will you come out first?"

The boy held back his tears and looked at the girl's embarrassed appearance. After seven years of feelings, although the girl hurt him, he was still distressed and opened the door.

The girl cried and fell to the ground, "I'm sorry! I... I know I'm wrong. Can you give me another chance?"

The girl prayed for his forgiveness.
