Chapter 444

Su fan's name is too common! Many people call this name. Although the richest man is called this name, no one thinks how special this name is.

"Well, can you pick me up at the station?" the girl on the other side had a soft, waxy voice. She had just arrived at the station and came to school here.

"Can you hurry?"

The girl whispered.

"It's at the station next to the airport. Yes, it's the airport in the East." the girl is a little shy.

"OK, I'll be there in a minute." Su fan's whole journey is directly the highest speed of the harness, and his brain is very effective. He found the best route and arrived at the station soon.

"Hello, I'm your online car appointment." Su fan directly got out of the car. "Don't worry, I'm from a regular taxi company. You don't have to worry."

It's dawn now.

It's normal for a girl to worry about taking a taxi under such circumstances.

Su fan tried to be careful, and he carried his hand behind his back to give the girl a sense of security.

"Don't worry, we have to make money if we drive taxis regularly." Su Fan said with a smile. "Don't always watch the news. These things are still rare."

Then I let go and got into the car.

She looks a little nervous.

"What's the matter? Did you just graduate from high school and go to college here?" Su fan wondered if the girl was shy and had gone too far.

So Su fan guided her to speak and tried not to be too pessimistic.

The girl's drooping eyes made Su fan feel whether he was very afraid of college life.

"College life is still very interesting. Don't worry, and the people you meet will be very friendly." Su fan comforted her.

The girl's eyes were wide open.

"No, I'm not a freshman." the girl shook her head and grabbed her sleeve.

"What's the matter with you?" Su fan intuitively noticed that the other party seemed to be afraid to go to school, and he didn't know why?

"Can you tell me why?" Su fan's voice was very gentle.

The car drove forward. This time he didn't come forward. He was generally in a hurry.

If Su fan drives so fast as before, it is estimated that the female student will cry.

"Ah, I..."

"What can you tell me if you have met something? At least I am a taxi driver. You treat me like a tree hole, and I can make complaints about it later."

Su fan hopes the other party can relax.

Maybe something happened to the girl at school.

"Ah, my name is jasmine." the girl's voice is a little soft, and her body has a little light jasmine fragrance.

"I really have a very troublesome thing. I don't know what to do." Molly is a little uneasy.

"Several student sisters of the student union, they..." Molly said here and didn't want to go on.

Molly felt as if she was helpless, but she didn't know who to ask for help. She was at a loss.

The girl really doesn't know what to do.

Molly hasn't spoken for a long time.

"You, tell me." Su fan knew it was the schoolsisters who bullied the girl, but he didn't know the specific situation.

Su fan frowned. "Can I help you?"

Molly is a little embarrassed, but she doesn't know if Su fan can help her. "Of course I'm very happy if you can help me."

"But can you really help me?"

Molly is skeptical.

"Maybe I didn't do things properly and compared them." Molly didn't know why those schoolsisters hated her so much.

After a while, Molly said in a small voice, "if only you were real Su fan."

If he is true, maybe he can really help himself.

"Unfortunately, you are not." Molly doesn't think she will be so lucky. There should be many taxi drivers called Sufan. How can she be so lucky?

"Also, it seems that people who like sister Bai He like me. I don't know what's going on?" Molly said with some fear.

Su fan understood as soon as he heard it!

"Oh, it's campus bullying. What are you afraid of?" Su Fan said directly. "Don't see that I'm a taxi driver, but actually I have a family background."

Su fan knows that Molly will not believe that he is the real Su fan. Now the girl must be very afraid.

"I'm afraid to go back to school now." Molly went home after a hard holiday. What happened?

What can she do?

Molly bit her lower lip!

Su fan didn't speak for a long time, and then chuckled, "relax, I will be able to help you."

Molly opened her eyes wide.

"I went to the capital first university!" this is the best university in Kyoto. There are a lot of people there. They all have a relationship.

Their network is very large. In other words, if you accidentally offend someone, you'll be in big trouble.

"I'm just an ordinary girl."

"Even in the capital first university, I have contacts." Su Fan said very impolitely, "I can definitely help you. You can think about it."

Molly was very afraid. Now Su Fan said so. She said in a small voice, "are you kidding?"

She asked Su fan very quietly, "can you send me downstairs to my dormitory?"

Molly is very careful when she asks Su fan.

Su fan is very helpless. He already wants to help. He believed that what Molly said was true.

The girl's eyes look very simple. She shouldn't have any bad thoughts. Su fan is quite accurate in recognizing people.

"I can help you drive the car downstairs." Su fan nodded. "Don't worry, I'll escort you back. They won't hurt you again."

Molly always thought it was unreliable when she didn't speak, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

Sufan continues to drive.

No one spoke in the car, and I don't know how long I drove. Soon the car drove into a road. It was bright at this time.

Su fan drove the car directly to the capital first university, and then he drove the car to the dormitory downstairs of the school.

"OK, here we are." Su fan's car stopped very accurately on a small open space next to the dormitory building, very close to the gate of the dormitory building.

"Get out of the car quickly." Su fan got out of the car, took a step forward, went around to Molly's side and opened the door for her.

As a result, Molly heard a mocking voice as soon as she got off the bus.

"I didn't expect you to come here by taxi. Your family doesn't even have a car? Oh, hey, didn't anyone send you to school?" the sarcastic voice came from afar, with some acerbity.
