Chapter 871

"Dr. Zhong, you also know that our general manager Lin attaches great importance to you. As long as you are willing to join our beautiful plastic surgery company, you will be given both treatment and status."

"What's more, Mr. Lin has already decided to give you shares, so as long as Dr. Zhong nods, you will be the shareholder of the company immediately. This is much better than that in the beauty manufacturing company."

Xiao Si continues to seduce him and looks at Zhong Yuan with his eyes. This is a great opportunity. He must hold on to Zhong Yuan and draw him over.

"Dr. Zhong, you can think about what you have done for the beauty manufacturing company these years, but what have you got? The treatment is so poor that even Liu Xuan ignores you and ignores your existence."

"I don't know how many women like a good man like Dr. Zhong, so I think only by leaving the beauty manufacturing company can Dr. Zhong get a broader stage."

Zhong Yuan was drinking wine and thinking about this problem. He thought that it was true. He could not get anything for his efforts over the years, so he felt very unworthy for himself.

"OK, I agree to join beauty plastic." Zhong Yuan said in a firm tone that he was ready to go to Liu Xuan today.

If Liu Xuan was willing to listen to him, he would certainly not leave the beauty manufacturing company, but Liu Xuan didn't listen to him and kept Zhou Xingxing, so he decided to leave.

"Good, good, Dr. Zhong is worthy of a wise man. Don't worry about it. There will be no less treatment for you. I will wait for Dr. Zhong's arrival and drink in the company."

Xiao Si laughs very happily, and finally digs Zhong Yuan over. As a result, beauty manufacturing company loses a big general, even if Zhou Xingxing is in.

The next morning, Zhong Yuan submitted his resignation to Liu Xuan. Seeing the resignation, Liu Xuan frowned and her face became very ugly. She did not expect that Zhong Yuan would resign to her today.

"Dr. Zhong, what do you mean?" After all, Zhong Yuan has been in her company for such a long time, which has helped the company a lot.

"Mr. Liu, I feel a little tired. I have worked in the company for such a long time. I want to have a rest. There is no other meaning. It's just a simple resignation." Zhongyuan sink channel.

"Nonsense, don't you know that beauty manufacturing company is developing now? You choose to leave at this time. I don't agree." Liu Xuan refused.

"Mr. Liu, no matter whether you agree or not, I have to go. Anyway, there is a doctor in the company for a week. You can see that the company is cheering for him now. So I am a sensible person and I will leave completely."

"Mr. Liu, what I should say has been said before. Since Dr. Zhou doesn't leave, I'll leave. That's it." After Zhong Yuan finished, he left directly. Although he didn't give up in his heart, he was very resolute this time.

Liu Xuan's face is full of angry expression, but also very headache. Why can't these two people coexist? Zhong Yuan chooses to leave at this time, which is a great loss for beauty manufacturing company.

"Zhong Yuan, stop for me!" Liu Xuan got angry and looked at Zhong Yuan angrily. "What's the matter with you? You're an old employee of the company. How can you still make such a mistake?"

"Dr. Zhou is very good in the company, but you are not bad. Everyone still supports you. You know that your leaving will make the company difficult, but I want to know why."

"Why, is that still important?" Zhong Yuan sneered. He turned to look at Liu Xuan and said, "because I like you, and you have never responded positively to me. I see that you are so close to Zhou Xingxing, I feel jealous."

"I joined the beauty manufacturing company since it was founded. I have made so many contributions to the company, but you never want to face me squarely. Moreover, I heard that you have given Zhou Xingxing certain shares in the company."

"Don't you think it's very ironic for me to do this? Why can Zhou Xingxing get shares while I have nothing?"

"So I feel tired. I don't want to stay in this place. That's why I want to resign. Mr. Liu, this is enough." Zhong Yuan said with anger, just like an angry lion.

Liu Xuan is silent. She knows that Zhong Yuan likes her, but her feelings can't come. She just feels like a colleague for Zhong Yuan. She doesn't have that kind of love between men and women. Moreover, she has to be prepared to give her shares in the company, but.

"Zhong Yuan, I'm very grateful for your contribution to the company over the years, and I'm also very grateful for your love for me. But you know that feelings can't come by force. We can be friends, and I'm ready to give it to you about the shares. Why don't you wait?"

"Mr. Liu, I don't want to wait any longer. Now my words have been spoken out, so everything has been decided. OK, I'm going to leave. I wish Mr. Liu better and better." After saying that, Zhong Yuan resolutely left.

After Zhong Yuan left, the personnel department also received many resignation letters from employees. It can be said that these are Zhong Yuan's close friends. They directly choose to leave with Zhong Yuan.Today is a heavy blow to the beauty manufacturing company, which has lost so many talents at once. Even if the beauty manufacturing company is strong, it is also hurt.

So today, the employees in the company are talking about leaving their jobs. They don't understand why this happened overnight.

"How can Dr. Zhong do such a thing and choose to leave at this time? It's really disappointing." General manager Li frowned and said that he was in a bad mood.

"Yes, Dr. Zhong's practice is really disappointing. We all thought about giving him shares. After all, Dr. Zhong has made great contributions over the years, but he left the company with so many people. What is his intention?" Mr. Zhang also said coldly.

"Mr. Liu, is there no way to recover it? After all, Dr. Zhong's level is very high. If he leaves, he will lose a lot to our company."

Liu Xuan shakes her head. If she can keep her, she will. But if she is allowed to stay with Zhong Yuan, she can't do it.

"Well, it's a foregone conclusion about Dr. Zhong's departure. It's not time for us to discuss what to do next and how to minimize the loss."

"After all, such a big thing happened in our company, and the people of beautiful plastic surgery company must know that, so we need to think about how to fill the vacancy left by Dr. Zhong."