Chapter 81

Xu's office.

On a sunny day, ye Mengxi carries a kettle to water Xu man's green plants and pinches off some withered and yellow leaves by the way.

Xu man came back in a daze and saw that she wanted to jump up and hug her and kiss her hard. "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise these grass will die under my devastation."

Ye Mengxi helplessly shakes his head, "I don't know what you think, boss. It's clear that you can't raise yourself, but you have to raise a green plant in the office."

Xu man's office faces south, sunny, there is a big bay window, above all kinds of green plants, there is a pot of rose, blooming a fist size flowers.

Hsu man chuckles and throws the document on the table, "this is not to take good care of the environment, change the air!"

"Come on! When you're busy, you don't even remember who you eat, and you purify the air! "

Ye Mengxi mercilessly punctured her and rolled her eyes.

"Boss, boss! Go downstairs and have a look. It's noisy! "

Xu man's buttocks just fell on the office chair, and his colleagues ran in in a panic. Xu man was most unprepared at this time. He pushed the eyeglass frame and said, "breathe well, talk well. What happened?"

Xiao He was scorched. "It's Lin Xiaoxiao. She lost the lawsuit. It's our fault that we didn't work as a defense lawyer for her. We also colluded with her accuser to frame her, saying that she was... Deliberately framed her." There is no subject in Xiao He's words, but his eyes subconsciously look at Ye Mengxi.

In the beginning, Lin Xiaoxiao appointed Ye Mengxi to help her fight a lawsuit. However, ye Mengxi not only refused, but also went to the plaintiff to study. Theoretically speaking, it is a little suspected of... Betrayal.

Even though they all know what kind of person Ye Mengxi is, of course, they will have their own professional ethics and will not mess around. But the news media brought by Lin Xiaoxiao don't think so. They just want to follow Lin Xiaoxiao and make explosive materials to win the public's attention.

If this matter is publicized, it will have a great influence on Ye Mengxi's reputation in the judicial circle.

Ye Mengxi put down the kettle and looked at Xu man, "why don't I go down and clarify?"

Xu Mangang wrote and drew on a document and made some comments. Wen Yan looked up at Ye Mengxi and said, "what are you going to say? Against the fly like media? "

Ye Mengxi was choked by Xu man's words. Her eloquence was very smooth in court, and she was really vulnerable in front of the media.

Hsu man tidies up the documents, closes them, arranges his buttock skirt suit in front of the mirror, pats Ye Mengxi on the shoulder and walks downstairs.

Ye Mengxi looks at Xu man's back and is fascinated by her proud figure.

A pair of eyeglasses frame that smart eyes, all over the air of competence, a look at people want to give her more than heart.

Ye Mengxi looks down through the bay window and sees that Xu man is surrounded by a group of media. He is in a leisurely mood, with a charming smile, and is confident and broad. No matter how sharp the media is, she has to go back. In a short time, Lin Xiaoxiao's beautiful face turns to pig liver color, and all the spearheads are aimed at her, The way she ran away, she was not embarrassed.

When Xu man came back, ye Mengxi quickly sent water, with a face of worship, "boss, really powerful!"

Xu man accepted the praise impolitely, "that is, otherwise how to be your boss!"