Chapter 178

Shen Jiazhuang garden.

On the willow top of the moon, after all the guests are gone, the Shen family villa is quiet and quiet. It's easy to feel gloomy after staying in a place with few people for a long time.

The streetlights lengthen Xu man's figure. She is still wearing the long skirt in the hall. There is heating in the hall. In this late autumn night, there is only cold wind outside.

The cold wind poured into her body one after another, but she stood still at the gate like a sculpture, staring straight at the small room on the third floor of the main villa.

Shen Yuxuan just coaxed Ning Ning to sleep. Shen Shun stood at the door waiting for him. When he went out, he took the door carefully and asked coldly, "what's the matter?"

Shen Shun: "the lawyer Xu downstairs has been standing, saying that she wants to see you. She said that she is a student sister of your university of political science and law."

"Let her go."

But Shen Shun thought that the young lady had been standing in the middle of the night, shivering and unwilling to leave, so he said, "she said that you helped her before, which is very important to her. I want to thank you personally."

Shen Yuxuan's step of turning to leave didn't stop. Shen Shun called out in a hurry: "she said she knew her wife!"

Shen Yuxuan's step suddenly stops.

The wind in the garden came and went with a roar. Hsu man felt that her legs were as heavy as lead. Her blood was stiff and she didn't feel it. But on this day, she had been waiting for ten years!


She will never leave!

She must see him!

"You want to see me?"

The man's cold voice without the slightest emotion came. Xu man turned around excitedly and saw the familiar face. Tears filled his eyes in an instant, "learn... Senior!"

"Do you know her?" Shen Yuxuan's eyes have no feelings, like an ice sculpture.

Xu man mouth raised a touch of bitterness, "sister she, she's ok?"

"She's not good!"

Shen Yuxuan was angry. He turned to go, but Xu man trotted forward to stop him, "senior, I'm Xu man! Ten years ago, you were my defense lawyer. You helped me. I... I'm what I am today! I remember what you said and have been trying to protect the justice in my heart. I finally became a barrister, and I can help people to uphold justice, just like you did in those years. I did everything I promised you in those years! "

Xu man's eyes filled with tears, like a passionate girl, but Shen Yuxuan heard her words, but mocked, "justice?"

Does anyone still believe this kind of ghost?

He looked at Schumann and said coldly, "Congratulations, barrister."

He passed by Xu man, just like a basin of ice water pouring on Xu man's head. Her ten years of hard work, ten years of fantasy, and unremitting persistence day and night were all broken by him at this moment.

Why... Is he like this?

How could a man who was as hot as the sun become so cold?


A flame that burns forever.

He is a fire in Xu man's heart!

What made him like this?

Xu man looked at his cold back, tears can not stop to the whereabouts, she sobbed and cried, "senior, I insisted for many years, for many years just to... See you, then the oath, I did it!"

Over the years, she has not been afraid of power and wealth, and has made many efforts and experienced many frustrations in order to uphold justice and firm her faith

She never thought that it would be like this when she saw her benefactor again ten years ago.