Chapter 206

Xiao Yue could not help pinching her soft and elastic face, "who makes you so cute, eh?"

Ning leisurely nests in his arms, resentful, but does not dare to move, for fear of touching his wound, this person also bares his teeth and cries pain, do not know whether he is really pain or false pain, but her heart is reluctant to

I can't bear his pain.

Looking at the way that the villain in her arms is choking her mouth, Xiao Yue pokes her pink and attractive lips, "don't ask me why I'm hurt?"

Ning leisurely this just reaction comes over, oh a, open wide eyes to ask him, "Why are you injured?"

"Cut off."

"Why cut you?"

"Envy is handsome, powerful and rich."


Ning leisurely suddenly want to poke his wound, this person, it is so bad!

Looking at the little white rabbit's eyes rolling, Xiao hooked his lips. "I'm telling you the truth. Xiao Xiao is jealous that I'm more handsome than he is, that I have more money and power than him, and that even my cruise ship has been sunk."

"Who is Xiao Xiao?"

"My fourth brother."

"Fourth brother? He... How could he do that to you! "

"It's normal to be jealous of me."

Xiao Yue looks indifferent. All he says is the truth, but he forgets to popularize knowledge for Ning Youran. His family are all cold-blooded maniacs, and there is no kinship in his family. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Whoever has strong ability will take the first place. As for the loser

Lucky to be alive, But sometimes it's better to die than to live in agony.

For example, his sixth brother's family killed his wife and children in those years, and he sent all his family down for reunion.

He didn't leave his family alone in the world.

Ning leisurely holds Xiao Yue's face, and suddenly she loves him very much. She sobs, "shouldn't brothers love you very much? Why should I do this to you because I'm jealous of you? "

"Hurt me? "Well..." Xiao Yue said with a smile, "I'm so handsome that they can't hurt me."

Ning leisurely and want to cry and laugh, clearly distressed to death, but this guy to tease the laugh out of the voice.

But she can't see, Xiao Yue's deep hatred and fierce look.

It's just that when facing her, he always pretends to be relaxed.

Ning leisurely nests in Xiao Yue's arms and soon falls asleep.

He gives a sense of peace of mind is too strong, can let people off the few defenses.

Xiao Yue looked at the sleeping woman in her arms. Her skin was as white as jade. It seemed that she could squeeze water tenderly at the touch of it. Her cheek was pure as a baby. She was not contaminated by the secular world. She was so beautiful.

Xiao Yue thought about leaving her countless times, don't let his dirty stain her purity, but he can't.

It's just like a person who is addicted to the darkness and panics and helpless suddenly catches a little light. He can't bear to let go of it. Even if he is sinking, he will sink down to the bottomless abyss with this light.

The sleeping Ning leisurely doesn't know how much effort he made and how much price he paid for her peace in Xiao Yue's arms. When the peace was broken and the bloody truth was torn apart, she realized that she and Xiao Yue were originally from two worlds. They were just... Hurting each other.

In the face of great harm, she felt that Xiao Yue's nickname was right. She was a weak little rabbit, weak and vulnerable, and could become a weakness for others to threaten Xiao Yue at any time.