Chapter 902

He drank the most fragrant wine, confronted the most beautiful and heroic women, and said the most cruel and heartless words.

Tang Shu had to admit that sometimes, such Xiao Yue really lost her heart, she could not resist him.

His ascetic and cynical manner was enough to enchant all women.

What's more, he has a face as charming as a monster.

If all these are not included, then Tang Shu is also envious of Ning leisurely's affection.

She was born in a superior family. She thought that few women were more noble and capable than her. But she didn't pursue Xiao Yue for a day or two. At last, she was intercepted by Ning leisurely. She didn't want to kill this woman.

But she started to kill her for so long. This simple woman didn't know her existence at all.

It's all because Xiao Yue protected her again and again and kept her safe.

If it wasn't for Wei Qi, she couldn't have been hurt this time.

It can be seen how much thought Xiao Yue put into her.

This idea is enough to make Tang Shu jealous of her.

So she decided to have a good look at this woman. Tang Shu has confidence in herself. If she doesn't believe in herself, she can't compare with Ning leisurely.

He didn't know that he was envied. As Xiao Yue said, he didn't eat dinner. He cried and was hungry in bed in the middle of the night. He was hungry and couldn't sleep.

She wanted to run to Xiao Yue hundreds of times to make trouble with him, and asked him if he didn't love her. Because she refused him, he went to other women.

She wanted to make it clear to him that even if he fell in love with another woman, even if she left, she wanted him to give her an explanation.

But she was really spoiled by Xiao Yue. She was as silly as Xiao Yue. She was timid and cowardly. She stepped out of the room and couldn't walk any more.

It's the same this time.

But this time, two servants appeared outside her door, pushing the dining car.

Ning leisurely was wearing a nightgown, with black hair and shawl, and a pale face. She was very pitiful, but her stomach made a particularly untimely sound. The two maids looked at each other and laughed, and said, "Miss Ning, do you want to eat? It's all just cooked. "

In Sofia's manor, servants, drivers, cooks and bodyguards are on duty 24 hours a day. They can have everything they want immediately.

Ning leisurely is hungry. She is embarrassed to go out and trouble others, but some people think about her not having a meal and prepare a snack for her.

The maid put the exquisite three dishes and one soup on the table, and Ning Youran liked to drink fresh juice. Ning Youran drank the juice, and suddenly called out, "ah, how sour! What's this? "

The maid covered her mouth and said with a smile, "this is lemon juice. Does Miss Ning feel sour?"

Ning leisurely frowned and nodded, "too sour! More sour than vinegar

"Is it?" The maid gave a smile. When Ning leisurely finished eating, she took the things away, and no longer stayed. Only the bottle of lemon juice was confiscated.

Ning leisurely looked at the bottle of lemon juice and thought of the acid he had just drunk

She sat down on the sofa, hugged the pillow and punched twice, "Xiao Yue! You bastard

She didn't know. Outside his room, some asshole had been squatting for a long time. She thought she could hear a good word from her mouth. Unexpectedly, as soon as she heard it, she heard: Xiao Yue, you asshole!

The bastard's face is black. It's darker than night.

Behind him, the corner of Dongzi's mouth also gave out a fierce puff. He couldn't help sighing: it's not easy for the young master to stay here so long just to hear that he's a jerk.

Xiao Yue squatted outside the door for a while, listening to Ning leisurely scolding him or scolding him, scolding and scolding himself, and then he cried. Finally, he couldn't listen and withdrew to his room.

Dongzi followed Xiao Yue for so many years. For the first time, he saw a kind of emotion called helplessness on Xiao Yue's face.

Xiao Yue, as the prince of the underworld, had the feeling of helplessness. Even if he had it, it was for outsiders to see.

But this time, Dongzi could see that his master was really helpless.

Naning is carefree and helpless.

Xiao Yue wanted to go to her, but he was afraid that she would cry and scold him. If he didn't go to her, he felt like a cat scratch in his heart.

Let's leave her alone. He can't bear to make her sad.

Want to be hot with her, this rabbit recently refused to let her touch her, really can be said to be, quite helpless!

When Xiao yuezheng is helpless, Tang Shu comes to Sofia island to help him solve the problem.Ning leisurely fell on the sofa last night and fell asleep, not by starvation, but by the salty smell of the sea breeze.

When she woke up, she found that she had been tied to a dead old tree on the edge of the cliff. Then she moved out to the sea.

The blue sea beat the rocks that had been deposited on the shore for many years, and stirred up a storm. She could feel the sound of wind, waves and all kinds of dangerous sounds clearly above.

Ning leisurely body or last night's dress, dazzling sunshine, let her see in front of her, is a woman in leather.

She wore a high horsetail, her hair was dyed chestnut and curled. She was very publicity. She was wrapped in a leather suit and had a tight figure. It had to be said that the bee's waist was curled and buttocks were very good. The legs wrapped in leather boots looked very powerful.

At first glance, Ning leisurely knew that this woman was the type she couldn't afford.

But when did I provoke her?

Need her to tie herself here?

Is this still Sofia's Donglai islands?

Ning leisurely soft voice says, "who are you? Why did you tie me? "

A woman's soft voice, like water, makes Tang Shu frown, so gentle?

Didn't she know she was kidnapped?

And in her eyes, there was no light of fear.

Who gave her dependence? Xiao Yue?

Tang Shu took out a gun, arrived at Ning leisurely forehead, cold voice way: "to kill your people."

She is looking forward to seeing Ning leisurely cry, and even beg for mercy. She asks her to let go of her timidity immediately. But she only sees Ning leisurely's eyes twinkle and her red lips slightly open. She asks, "are you the woman who likes Xiao Yue?"

Tang Shu picked to pick eyebrow, "do you know me?"

Xiao Yue even told her this?

Didn't he say that he was afraid that his little rabbit would be jealous and that no woman would mention it in front of her?

Rather leisurely Du mouth, see her eyes full of hostility, very frankly told Tang Shu, "I heard you call, you say you like him."

So sour tone, obviously is a little woman in jealousy, Tang Shu most don't look up to such a woman.

Tang Shu's gun loaded, "I like him, but he doesn't like me, so I'm going to kill you now. Do you have anything else to say?"

Tang Shu expected reaction, rather leisurely did not give, she is like a weak little woman, only soft said, "even if you kill me, he still like me."