35 Pill island armory

The platform moved to revile stairs and they all walked down when they reach the bottom Zero said in a loud and proud voice "welcome to Pill Island armory".

The room they were in was very big it was about 250 square meters wide and standing there on the right side of the room like stone statures was the Dragon subduing army with all its might,

Looking at the Golems standing there a smile could be seen on Zero face as he started planning all kinds of mischief.

At the front of the Dragon subduing Golen army, the was a tall golden golem that stood at over 3 meters tall and with a large and muscular body.

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This was the first time Zero has ever seen such an intimidating man in two lives. The Golden golem opened its eyes at looked at the three of them and the pressure of his gaze alone was enough to make Lily take a step back and hide behind her mother.

She was not the only one that felt pressure from the gaze of the golem Zero could hear Rose Field taking a sharp breath the moment the Golden golem looked at them.

The Goldengolem started to move to take large strides and all this time his eyes never left the three of them.

Every step of the Golden golem was the opposite of what you would expect, you would expect it to have heavy footstep but they were not.

The Golden golem made no sound at all as it walked and looking at the where it stepped you would find no hint at all that the golem stepped there.

The golden golem stopped in front of Zero and said "I am yours to command". Zero looked at the golden golem for some time and send nothing.

But the was a sneaky and dangerous smile on his face at the moment showing that he was thinking of nothing but bad thoughts at that moment.

"General some people are coming to attack Pill Island soon take your man to and hind under the lake and make sure that your present is not detected, " Zero said to the golden golem.

The golden golem said " as you command" and stood up walked to the other golems and a large spear appeared out of thin air.

When the spear hit the ground with a thud and the golden golem repeated until he was hit a strange rhythm.

And the other golem answered the call in the same manner spears appeared in their hand and they

When all the golem had joined in the golden golem started to match his way out of the armory and the rest of the golems followed right behind him forming a perfect latching army.

The sight of them matching was more than enough so send army running, looking at the Zero had a must smile on his face as he continued to formulate his grand plan.

If the other Pill refining companies wanted to look for trouble with him then he would make them pay with everything that they had.

When the sound of the matching golems finally disappeared Lily regain her composure, Zero could not blame her for been scare of the golem the way she was

Looking at how imposing they are Zero was more than just surprised if she was not scared of them. Any young cultivator in the Kingdom would be scared by the sight of the matching Golem.

"so this is the true power of the Island that the young mistress told me about, with all these golems the is no force in the Green leaf kingdom that we have to be afraid of," said Rose still looking in the direction the of the golems.

Zero could see that the sight of the matching golems must have scared her a little, she was no longer the calm a composed lady that Zero knew her to be.

"Are we safe now?" said a young a scared voice. Both Zero and Rose looked at the direction of where the voice came from to find that.

Lily looked calm on the surface but her voice just betrayed her now, she still had not fully recover yet.

"We are not just safe but soon Pill Island we start to rise again with the golem protecting the Island the is no one in the Kingdom who would come to look for trouble with us anymore. You see Lily the only thing that people respect is strength and if you don't show them just how strong you are they always come and make trouble for you." Zero said to her.

"your master is right my little flower," Rose said is a sweet and calming voice as she went down on her knees to embrace her daughter.

"my little flower when you get older and with you amazing talent many people will want to make friends with you but not all will want what's best for you some will only want to get close to you to make trouble with you. That is why I always tell you that is good to be kind but don't be too kind and when someone looks for trouble with you you most finish them as quickly as possible." Rose said to her daughter.

Zero could tell that Rose was just as worried as he was about Lily's innocent kind personality, as a Pill master Lily will have to deal with many people in the future and not all of them will respect her. In this world women did not have is easy and the moment that men see a beauty they would want to possess them and this always ends badly.

Lily took in the advice from her master and her mother, she did not really understand why the other people were not happy with Pill Island rise and as on of the main driving force to the rise of Pill Island, she had been right at the center of the conflict.

The was only one reason why Lily was at the center of the conflict and it was all Rose design to make her daughter wise up and see the world as it is.

Zero looked around and armory the were shelves filled with different kinds of cultivation technics and the even a lot of Martial arts and Spirit artifacts.

"Let's see what's good here," Zero said to himself and walked to the shaves first.