Chapter 284

Lu Li's heart is slightly sour.

He couldn't tell whether the bitterness was for the sake of the family or for the sake of an Xiaojiu.

Silent graveyard, only insects and birds.

Lu Li looked at the tombstone in front of him, and he was speechless for a long time.

On the tombstone are the names of Rongjing and an Xiaoqi. Uncle Rong thought that the town was a sad place, so he moved the tomb of an Xiaoqi and buried it with Rongjing.

"Elder brother Rong, I'll call you after Xiao Jiu. You know, even if I'm in a dilemma now, I still don't regret that I stole Xiao Jiu out. In fact, do you agree? "

Lu Li was really disillusioned at that time. He thought Xiaojiu would hate him, but he didn't expect that Xiaojiu even hated himself.

Xiao Jiu, who seems to be very strong, can't bear the news of an Xiaoqi's death. He even cuts his wrist in front of an Xiaoqi's tombstone.

Originally, he thought that an Xiaojiu was really dead, and there was no way.

Until that day, he overheard the conversation between uncle Rong and Rong Jing


"Rongjing, do you really think about it Uncle Rong's face was solemn, but he didn't look good.

However, Rongjing was a little relaxed, as if nothing important happened, "what else can I think of? Uncle, isn't this the fate of our Rong family? "

Protecting the emperor's family has always been their responsibility.

People all think that Rong family is only loyal to the emperor's family for generations. In fact, the relationship between the two clans is not clear.

It's as if people don't know where the emperor's family came from and why they have secret arts.

In fact, the Rong family can also use secret arts, but the secret arts of the Rong family can only have effects on the people of the emperor's family. It shows that the Rong family is actually the guardian family of the emperor family. After the birth of the emperor family of each generation, there will be a person who knows secret arts in the same generation of Rong family.

The emperor's Tianding is an Xiaojiu, and the only one in the Rong family who knows secret arts is Rongjing.

"In fact, uncle, this may be a relief for me." Rongjing has been blaming himself for not protecting Xiao Qi that day.

If he had not fallen asleep in the carriage that day, he would not have failed to react at the most critical moment.

It's like a thorn. At first, it just sticks in my heart gently, and it doesn't hurt much. However, as time goes on, day by day, it will make the wound fester and let the heart The pain is terrible.

However, old uncle Rong didn't want to: "Rongjing, why do you go against the sky? You should know that the so-called secret arts are just life for life! Maybe this is the destination of Xiao Jiu. No one can do anything about it

"Uncle, why do you think so? You should know that the imperial family is not just the imperial family. " Rongjing seems to have something in it, but there is no meaning to explain it clearly.

Naturally, uncle Rong understood, but Lu Li, who was eavesdropping, did not understand. However, he doesn't care about it. He is now attracted by the "life for life" just now.

Is there a way for the Rong family to revive Xiao Jiu?

"So what? The emperor's family is not only the emperor's family, but the Rong family is just the Rong family! You are the last one who can master the secret arts. If you die, the secret arts of tolerance will be interrupted. Have you ever thought that this may be eaten back to your children? "

This is the real reason why Uncle Rong is not willing to let Rongjing change his life to save an Xiaojiu!

No one knows why the two clans formed such a relationship at the beginning, but later they all knew that there was a contract between the two clans.

If the heir of the emperor's family is still alive, but the Rong family loses its secret arts, it will have a bad effect on the Rong family.

The two daughters of Rongjing are the most likely to be eaten back!

"Uncle, as long as Xiao Jiu is still alive, he can find other emperor's family. Even if there is a backlash, Xiaojiu will find a way to solve it. What's more Besides Xiao Jiu, are you sure that there is no one in the emperor's family? "

Old man Rong frowned deeply, still unwilling to let go: "so, you would rather take your own life for Xiao Jiu's life? Do you forget you have two children? Do you want your two daughters to lose their parents and lose their parents? "

"I don't want to, but uncle, it's the fate of Rong's family. If I don't save Xiao Jiu, there will be a real backlash! As a matter of fact, it's better to stop the secret arts of Rong family, so as not to let the family suffer from this drag. And the secret art of the emperor's family No one will see you again. "

The attitude of Rong Jing was determined.

Some things are not what he wants to do.

For the sake of Xiao Jiu, for the sake of children, and even more for Xiao Qi, he has to do some things.

Looking at the hesitant old uncle Rong, Rong Jing threw out a heavy weight, "uncle, think about why the emperor's family was killed by the whole family."

"Naturally, it's because of the Emperor..."

"What about the emperor's order? Is the emperor's family the kind of person who wants his officials to die, but his ministers have to die? "

"What do you mean?"The old man's hands behind him slowly clenched into fists.

The whole person, instantly tense, into a state of alert.

"I know what you did to save my brother." Rong Jing slowly spat out a word, and his eyes were even more closely fixed on Uncle Rong, "uncle, the imperial family is completely destroyed, leaving only this little incense, you are not without a reason, now..."

"Do you think I thought about it? They threaten me with your brother's life. I really have no way Moreover, the former Emperor has ordered that the forbidden army surround the emperor's house. Even if I don't do it, the emperor's family will not escape. "

Let the old man look miserable, the secret that has been hidden in his heart is like a small knife, grinding his heart all the time.

"So you took your elder brother and hid in the secret room of the emperor's house, and closed the secret room from inside, so that the emperor's family outside the secret room would be burned to ashes inch by inch?"

Uncle Rong slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Uncle, I know. I know that you are because of elder brother, because you promised your eldest aunt that she would not sacrifice her elder brother for the sake of the imperial family. But In the past, the Rong family owes the emperor's family. Don't stop me, will you? "

Rong Jing knows the truth of everything, but he never blames uncle Rong.

At that time, the uncle was for the emperor's family and watched his wife die!

Therefore, in those years, for the promise of his wife before his death and for his son, it is not unreasonable to make such a choice.

Moreover, the eldest brother also died because of the emperor's family.

Just understand to understand, everyone will have a different choice.

"You, like your elder brother, I couldn't stop your brother from dying in those days. Now, I can't stop you either."

Let the old man's voice, sad to the bone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!