116 The charity dinner 1

The next day...

The venue was busy with the people hurrying to finish the preparation.

Mika was crossing her arms as she listened to Stephanie's explanation.

Stephanie was appointed as the floor manager and would directly report to Mika for any developement. Luckily for her, so far there was no problem. Phew...

"We have arranged the dresses. They would be after the crystals and before the donations from Mr Long's groupmates," Stephanie showed the list. Some of them still have empty spots.

"When are you going to get the full completed list?" Mika frowned. They only have an hour or so before the dinner began and still, there were so many things to be done.

Jeremy was busy finishing his work at the office and would only come once he was done. Everything was on her shoulders and Mika had to ensure everything was according to the plan. Nothing could go wrong during the dinner.

"What's the time for the musician to come? The food? Is it enough for the guests?" Mika was worried about it. Even though it was called charity 'dinner' but her main focus was on the bidding session which would be held before the dinner. That was why they would also arranged for light snacks to be distributed before the bidding session began. Once the bidding session ended, then, the guests would be herded toward the dinner. Luckily all of the guests accept to attend both the bidding and the dinner.

Mika went to the location for the bidding. She watched as so many people running here and there, arranging the chairs and even adjusting the decorations on the stage. A woman was busy pointing here and there, giving instructions to the people there. 

Mika went to the woman with Stephanie following behind. "How is it?"

The woman at first wanted to snarl for interrupting her focus. But the word was swallowed by her saliva when she realized who was it. "Ms Long."

Oh my God, she almost called her "Miss Witch!"

Luckily she managed to swallow the words. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky.

"How is the preparation?" Mika asked. Her narrowed eyes looked at the stage carefully.

"Almost 98% is done, Ms Long. We only need to do a little bit of retouch," the woman reported worriedly.

"Hmm..." Mika tapped her chin thoughtfully. Then, she called for Stephanie to come closer. "Check the snacks and the waiters. Are they ready?"

"Yes, Miss Long," Stephanie went to find the caterer. 

Mika nodded at the woman and walked back to first ballroom where the dinner would be held. For this program, the company actually booked two ballrooms; one for the dinner and another for the bidding session. It was a lot for Mika to handle. Fortunately for her, Jeremy actually allocated some of his own staffs for her to boss around.

She looked at the preparation over there. She was a bit worried when some guests actually told them they wanted to bring more people especially when they heard the group (Jeremy's group) would participate in the bidding session. Of course, it would bring more money for the orphanage home but on one other part, there will be a possibility for the food not enough to feed everyone!

She could not have that situation happen. She did inform the caterer to prepare more so hopefully, it was enough.

"Mika!" she turned and smiled seeing four young men walking toward her. She smiled widely seeing Jeremy's groupmates. They were wearing casual clothes but it could not stop their celebrity aura shone. Unlike Ryn who could hide her aura anytime she wanted.

So, in Mika's opinion, no one could win against Ryn. She was the best!

"Are you going to list down what you want to do for your buyer," Mika winked.

"Stop being a businesswoman and so cold, Mika. We are here to have fun, aren't we?"

"Have fun?" Mika cocked an eyebrow.

The four of them rubbed their nape nervously. Why was Jeremy asking them to come here early? Why couldn't they just inform Jeremy about what they would offer during the program?

Was this the infamous Witch that the whole company was scared of? So scary.

"Who should we tell?" one of them asked, trying to change the mood.

"Stephanie," Ryn waved her hand, especially when she saw her personal assistant was heading toward her.

"Miss, the caterer is already done with the preparation at the back. Once the program starts, they will bring out the food," Stephanie reported calmly.

"Good. Now, they want to list down what they want to offer. Take note."

Stephanie nodded and turned to look at the men. She did not flustered seeing the men even though other women and girls were crazy over them especially after the comeback. For her, right now they were working. Even though she did fancy one of them but during working hour, she would keep calm and professional. That was why she still managed to hold onto this job since she got it after graduated from the university. She was the only personal assistant with no prior experience but managed to handle everything that was thrown to her anytime, anywhere. Of course sometimes she cried silently, too stressful with the amount of responsibilites she had to handle but her boss, Miss Mika, was not a bad boss. She always received bonus (and compliments) whenever she did better than what was expected and when Miss Mika saw her too exhausted, she was given a few days off. She even lost count how many times her salary was raised. 

No. Right now she must do her work properly. There would be time to be a fan.

The men (except for the leader) wanted to crack joke but stopped their plan when they saw the warning glare coming from Mika. Nope. Better to be safe than sorry.

Mika turned back her attention to monitor the preparation. So far so good.


Jeremy adjusted the bow tie uncomfortably. He hated wearing formal clothes. No wonder he had no suits and had to buy a new one just for the dinner. 

His trimmed hair looked shiny from the gel and he frowned a bit. Was it too much for the dinner?

"Are you done yet?" Mia cried from outside the fitting room.

"Almost," he replied back.

"If I knew this, I would rather go shopping alone," Mia grumbled. She had to follow her brother since morning just for the suits to wear and his hair. She could not even buy new dresses because they had no time for that. All she could do was doing her hair and makeup in the saloon, when Harry was prepping himself..

So frustrating!

She had to wear one of the dresses in the wardrobe. So unfair when this elder brother of hers bought new outfit just for the dinner.

"How do I look?" Harry finally came out from the fitting room, waiting for Mia's opinion nervously.

"Not bad. Can we go now? I still need to change my dress," she grumbled and stood up from the round cushion. If they were staying here with him wanting to try more outfits, they would be late and she would not have the time to change into a proper dress suitable for dinner.

"Wait. I want to try the other one," Harry quickly turned around and entered the fitting room. He ignored the groan and shout coming from Mia.

A few minutes later, he came out looking nervous still. Instead of a plain black suit with the bow previously, he was wearing a maroon suit with a black tie.

"How do I look?"

Mia'd jaw dropped. Was the man in front of her her proper and serious elder brother who could also be a little bit naive and innocent? He looked more like a playboy in those suits!

"Mia?" Was it bad? He had never try thid kind of colour before. Mostly his wardrobe consisted of plain colour like black, white, gray, dark blue and brown. This time he wanted to try something new. He wanted to break his boundary and hopefully this new him could tackle Ryn's heart.

"I... I think the black one is better... In my opinion," Mia choked out, nodding her head like a parrot. Mother would kill her if she knew elder brother turning into a playboy. It was okay if he wore it during his modeling career but when they were, well, he was, representating their parents, they could not wear something like this! 

"But I think I look better in this," Harry argued. He thought he looked suave and handaome in these. Most importantly, he would stand out during dinner.

"Henry, listen to me. I know fashion more than you. You look better in black, believe me," Mia placed a hand against her chest, trying hard to coax him to change his mind.

"Are you sure?" he cocked an eyebrow. Why did she look suspiciously flustered and nervous?

"Yes. Yes. I would never lie to you," her head kept moving up and down, up and down like a toy they played when they were young.

Very suspicious...