215 The wedding dress 02

The car finally reached the fabric shop. It was located in a shopping mall in the middle of the city on the third floor. Mika parked the car at the underground parking lot and looked at Ryn worriedly.

Was Ryn still having bad mood? Do they have to cancel their plan? But... but this was the only day she could do whatever she wanted for her wedding day!

Mika chewed her bottom lip fretfully. What should she do now?

It was more than fifteen minutes, almost to twenty minutes of them sitting in the still running engine before Ryn finally lifted her head up and looked at Mika. The smile was a bit forced, which made Mika felt worrier.

Was Ryn's mood not getting better?

"We are going to buy the fabrics, right? Let's go." With that, Ryn unbuckled herself and got out of the car. 

Mika quickly shut the engine off and hurriedly followed behind Ryn. She did not want to be left behind.

Instead of entering the fabric store first, Ryn and Mika stopped at a bubble tea stall to buy a drink. Although Mika was always on her never-ending diet, for the sake of making Ryn felt better, she forgot about her diet and ordered a huge bubble chocolate drink which she would share with Ryn. They walked together slowly, hand-in-hand, as their eyes looked at the display wordlessly.

It took them two floors of elevators before they reached the fabric shop Mika wanted to go. The huge plastic cup was empty so Ryn disposed it to the nearest rubbish bin. She wiped her hands with wet wipes given by Mika and threw the used one to the bin. Then, she followed her best friend.

Her current feeling? She had no idea. At first, when they started to move, her mind was full of fury but now, her mind was empty. She did not have the mood to do anything and just forced herself to be as calm as possible. She did keep a slight smile on her face, as a support for her best friend. It was after all for Mika's wedding, so she had to force some enthusiastic feeling into it.

And failed miserably.

Even Mika noticed it but her dearest friend did not comment upon that. She also did not complain or started to wail or cry. She just put all her excitement, even the excitement on behalf or Ryn, upon herself and told the salesgirl who was in charge of them what type of fabric she had in mind.

The salesgirl quickly brought the prospective clients to the section and even tried to suggest what was the most appropriate in her opinion to the women. But Mika just waved her hand to keep the salesgirl quiet. She did not need a chatterbox to interrupt her searching. With Ryn standing beside her, her eyes narrowed and her hands quickly touched and skipped bolts and bolts of fabrics, looking for the perfect one for her wedding dress.

She would make two wedding dresses and two bridesmaid dresses. One set for the western style and another in oriental style. She also would make two dresses for herself and Ryn for the reception dinner. In total, she would make about 6 dresses altogether. 

It would take a lot of time and work but she was optimistic she could complete them before the wedding date.

"Remember the page boys and flower girls," Ryn reminded when she realized Mika was only focussing on their dresses.

Mika's eyes widened. She totally forgot about those nephews and nieces from Jason side that she would appoint as the page boys and flower girls during the ceremony. According to Jason, he has about 2 nephews and 4 nieces and wished to include them for their wedding. Mika could ignore the boy's outfits but the little girls, she needed to design something for them so they could look cute and adorable during the ceremony.

"Why don't you design them later? You can ask help from their mothers as well," Ryn suggested when she saw the panic in Mika's eyes.

Mika nodded. Ryn was right. She should not get panic over this. She should focus on Ryn and her dresses first today. Tomorrow she would ask Jason to call his sister and sisters-in-law for help.

Ryn rubbed Mika's shoulders to make her feel better and then touched the last bolt of fabric Mika touched. "Do you want this one?"

Mika shook her head. The fabric did not scream to her. She already had an idea of what she wanted. She even had the drawing in her bag. But so far, all the fabrics were not what she had in mind.

"Do you want to go to the next fabric store?" Ryn asked. She was not forcing Mika to make a decision, just wanting Mika to realize how much time they already spent there. The last time she checked, they were there for almost two hours and all Mika did was touching the fabrics!

She did not even take out the bolt. Just running her finger against the cloth and pursed her lips thoughtfully. 

The salesgirl who was hovering not far from them gasped. She could see her bonus flying away and she did not want that. She hurriedly cleared her throat and asked politely what Mika had in mind.

Ryn, uninterested in fabric language, took a step back and started to daydream. She did not care what colour her dresses would be. She believed in Mika and she trusted her best friend not making her wearing weird and ugly dresses on that important day. 

She found her job as Mika's bridesmaid was not that difficult. Mika did not have trouble finding her wedding dresses and Ryn's bridesmaid dresses. She could design them herself and when she did, she knew what she wanted. Even for makeup and jewelleries, Ryn had no doubt they would find any problem in that area.

For music, Jeremy would be the one in charge. Being a singer and a musician, Jeremy was the perfect man for the job.

Maybe her main job was the food. She had to help Mika with the cake flavour and the menu for the reception. She could do it, Ryn thought. She always had better palate compared to the siblings, especially when it related to meat. She could distinguish all kind of meat even when blindfold. 

Yes, Ryn could help with the food.

"What do you think of this, Ryn?"

Mika's question snapped Ryn back to reality. She was a bit starlet but managed to recover her composure. She looked at the bolt of fabric in the salesgirl hand. "Hmm... is this for the wedding dress?"

Mika pursed her lips again. So far the one the salesgirl was holding match with what she had in mind, only the colour was slightly different.

"Are you sure there is nothing whiter than this?" she asked again.

"Yes, Miss. This is the whitest white," the salesgirl repeated her answer again.

Ryn crossed her arms and looked at the cloth seriously. It was white, just like the other white fabrics in here. So what was the difference between this one and the others?

Ryn had no idea even though she had been in the modelling world for years.

She had no interest in that. It was just a job for her, an income to support her life without burdening her family.

She watched as Mika discussed with the salesgirl, as Mika told the salesgirl what she had in mind, not a word came out from her mouth. These two women were talking jargons and she had no mood to even learn even though sometimes Mika tried to use them with her. Ryn looked around and found an empty chair. She decided to sit there while waiting for Mika to be done with her purchase.

It took Mika another two hours before she finally satisfied with the fabrics. She found all that she wanted to find, well, except the fabric for the oriental dresses. She needed to go search for it in another states and already told Jeremy to take a few days off. She also told Mei Li to clear Ryn's schedule accordingly. It would be hectic because she needed to look for the accessories as well but she had no doubt, with the help from Ryn, she could find what she wanted to make her dream wedding a reality.

Ryn helped holding three bags of fabrics while Mika held two. They were heavy but Mika did not complain at all. She was happy and satisfied with her purchase. Once they put these into the car, they would continue looking for some tiny crystals to put on the dresses. Even though grandma and mother wanted her to use real diamonds but Ryn would not like it at all. Ryn would wear diamond jewelleries but to deliberately making her dresses in diamonds, Ryn would refuse to wear them. Yes, she would wear this kind of dresses for a job but not outside job. Mika tried and failed. And would not repeat the same mistake ever again. So, she would give in and not using real diamonds for her own dress.

They would look like a perfect pair. She in her beautiful wedding dress and Ryn in her beautiful bridesmaid dress. Oooh... Mika's eyes sparkled at the thought.

"What are you thinking about? Give me that bag. It's quite heavy for you," Ryn took one of the bags in Mika's hand. 

"Nothing," Mika hid her grin and handed the bag obediently. It was getting heavier and hurting her hands. Hmm... maybe a massage after this for both of them. A pedicure and manicure session too?

Ryn frowned seeing how gleeful Mika was looking right now but did not ask more. She continued leading the way toward the car. The bags were getting heavier and she could not wait to release these burdens into the car.

"Let's go inside back. I'm hungry," Mika whined once Ryn was done arranging all the bags in the passenger seats at the back.

"Hmm... what do you have in mind?" Ryn smiled and allowed Mika to wrap her arm around Ryn's. Then, she frowned, "Are you on the wedding diet?"

Mika twitched her nose and the embrace got even tighter. Her grandma and mother did remind her just now via message, knowing fully well how crazy Ryn was about steaks. Although Mika did eat her greens obediently like a good little girl she was but they could not trust Ryn when she was hungry.

"What type of diet you're on now?" Ryn asked curiously. Of course, she would not allow herself being lured on doing the diet but she was curious. Would the wedding diet different than any other diet Mika followed before?

Instead of telling Ryn, Mika simply took out her phone and showed the note her grandmother and mother sent to her just now.

Ryn's eyes widened as she read the note. Her big eyes looked at her poor best friend and Mika nodded sadly.

"But just now..." Ryn's words trailed off as she understood. Mika was trying to cheer her up in her own way. "Oh, Mika."

Ryn hugged Mika tightly, happy and grateful, so grateful, to have such a good best friend. Even when she was in anger, Mika would patiently be there next to her, waiting for her to cool down back and help to cool her down in her own way, even sometimes it was a clumsy move but Ryn was moved.

"Thank you. I love you so much, do you know that?"

"Oh, stop it. You're making me cry and you don't want me to cry now. Not in public," and Mika did just that; crying.

Ryn chuckled and wiped the tears from Mika's cheeks gently. "Oh, Mika, why are you so adorable and cute? You are going to be a wife soon. You can't act like a kid anymore. You've got to grow up a bit."

"But I am the baby," Mika replied back.

"Yes, yes, you are the baby, you spoiled little brat," Ryn teased, using the term Jeremy always gave when he was teasing his little sister.

In order to support her best friend, Ryn agreed to go to a vegetarian restaurant. Her nose twitched but she kept her mouth shut. She did not even say anything when the cheerful waiter approached and handed the menu. Her eyes narrowed at the list but kept telling herself, reminding herself not to talk badly about this bunny food.

This is for Mika, she told herself, repeatedly during the meal. Especially when she had to chew carrots and other vegetables... well, especially when she was eating everything served to her.

This is for Mika.