223 Where is the meat?

Mika entered the studio as the crews were busy cleaning up the place. She looked around for Ryn but could not find her there.

"Has it finished?" Mika asked one of the crews in puzzled.

"Yes. About five minutes ago," the woman answered. She recognized Mika and gave her a polite smile.

"Where is Ryn?" Mika asked. She did not date calling Ryn because she did not want to disturb her during working. 

"She's in that room, " the woman pointed to a corner where a small room was. 

Mika thanked her and quickly made her way to the room. She already bought lunch for Ryn, knowing how hungry Ryn would be after working for hours. Well, the real plan was to wait for Ryn to be done before she handed the bento. She found a cute small restaurant selling this cute bento. Of course, for Ryn, she bought three bentos. Hopefully, it was enough to tide Ryn before dinner.

Of course, she bought food for the crews as well. The restaurant worker would bring the food any time now. 

She knocked on the door and opened it. She smiled seeing Ryn standing in front of three women with her hands in the pockets of her jeans.

"Ryn, " she called cheerfully.

The four women turned to look at the newcomer. Ryn smiled seeing her best friend while the other three were quite taken back. They did not expect Mika to return.

Even the assistant was surprised as well. When Mika came earlier, the assistant was out retrieving a prop to use for the shooting. And none of the crews told her about who sent Ryn this morning.

"I bought food for everyone, " Mika announced as she pointed to the door. "I hope they're here before you all leave. I heard you're done?" 

"Hmm... We're done," Ryn nodded. Without asking, she took the paper bag from Mika and looked inside.

Mika smiled seeing Ryn's behaviour.

"One or all?" Ryn asked.

"You think?" Mika could not stop herself from teasing Ryn.


"Fine. All are for you, " Mika giggled.

"Good girl, " Ryn praised.

She rubbed her hands happily once she sat on the chair and arranged the bentos neatly.

Then, she frowned.

"Where is the meat?" Ryn asked, looking at her best friend suspiciously.

The three women did not move from their seat. They were excited to see how Miss Long would answer this. Everyone knew how Miss Ryn loved her meat. So what would Mika so now?

"Ryn, " Mika sighed dramatically as she again repeated her usual pose, a hand on her chest. "You do know how much I love you."

The three women looked at Ryn for her reply. It was like watching a soap opera. The only thing missing right now was the sound effect.

"I do love you but don't try to change the subject. I know you too well," Ryn wagged her finger at Mika warningly before jumped to her feet and went out of the room.

Mika gasped. Her eyes widened. She quickly rushed out, crying Ryn's name for her to stop.

The three women shared a look, nodded, and quickly followed behind. They were curious about the weird conversation just now between the two best friends. Why was Mika trying to stop Ryn desperately and why did she look so panic?

When they reached outside the room, they saw Ryn almost flying toward a girl wearing a cap with a cake logo on it. The girl was holding two huge plastics which the women had no doubt filled with their lunch.

The girl looked so shocked she almost dropped the bags but managed to keep it. 

"Catherine, stop!" Mika cried, trying to pull Ryn but this best friend of hers, when she was starving, she was stronger than a man and more stubborn than a bull.

Ryn ignored her. She was too busy checking one of the bentos. Once she saw what inside, she froze for five seconds.

Mika knew because she counted the moment she saw her best friend stiffened.

1 second... 2 seconds... 3 seconds... 4 seconds... And once it reached the 5 seconds, Ryn turned around stiffly like a robot and looked at her with fire in her eyes.

"Ryn, calm down," Mika said slowly, taking a step back to put a distance between them.

The spectators were watching with eyes twinkling. They were surprised at first but now they too wanted to know what will happen next.

Ryn stared at her best friend without a blink. It was another 5 seconds before she opened her mouth.

"Mika, I think it is better for you to leave," she spoke slowly, calmly. 

"What? But... But..." Mika sputtered and tried to hold onto Ryn's arm desperately.

Ryn turned back and smiled at Jewel, the director. Everyone was stunned to see how fast the expression changed. Just now Ryn was full of anger but now, in just a split second she was smiling like there was nothing wrong at all.

"Ms Jewel, thank you for the hard work," Ryn said as she bowed. Then, she turned and bowed at the crews, thanking them for their hard work.

Despite the plea from the almost crying Mika, Ryn calmly smiled and walked toward the door. She did not return to the makeup room to retrieve her lunch, instead, walking through the main door.

"Ryn, " Mika cried.

Ryn simply turned to walk toward the exit. She ignored the call from Mika. She was so angry with the double standard treatment by Mika. Mika knew she loved her meat and hated bunny food so much. But why did she still try to test her patience by buying not one but three sets of bunny food for her? Was she trying to see whether Ryn would accept this calmly and with a smile?


"Ryn. Wait. I'm sorry."

Ryn just headed toward a small cafe not far from the studio.

Mika quickly followed behind her, desperate to get Ryn's forgiveness. She learned her mistake. Usually, Ryn just accepted whatever she bought even though Ryn did not like it. 

Had she crossed the line?

"Ryn..." she tried again. This time she managed to hold Ryn's arm. She was panting from the run. 

Ryn finally stopped. She let out a heavy sigh and turned to look at her best friend. Her eyes were no longer filled with firing anger.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry, " Mika cried. She was wringing her hands fretfully.

Ryn let her arm being held. She was frustrated with the way Mika treating their friendship. There should be a line. This was supposed to be a healthy friendship, not a toxic and unhealthy friendship.

She would not allow this to happen.

"I don't care you love your greens and diets so much but please, Mika, respect my preference as well," Ryn muttered.

"I know. I've learned my lesson. Please forgive me... Please?" Mika cried. She ignored the weird look coming from people who were watching them. All she could think about was having Ryn's forgiveness.

Ryn frowned. Must she forgive her every time she behaved like this? This was not her first time. Each time Mika promised not to repeat it again but each time it would be like this.

She did not want to deal with this anymore. She was getting tired and fed up having to face Mika's never-ending behaviour. When would she change?

Mika saw the frozen on Ryn's face and was getting scared. Had Ryn become so angry she refused to forgive her anymore?