233 A nerve-wracking momen

Ryn waited with bated breath as Harry chewed the meat slowly. She swallowed her saliva nervously.

Harry swallowed the meat and put down the knife and fork. He rested his chin on his hands. 

It was quiet for a minute or two.

She was getting more nervous as she waited. Why wouldn't he say anything? Was it so bad until he became speechless? Was he trying to not hurt her feeling by not talking? 

But even if it was bad, it was the first time she made it, she argued. Of course, as it was her first time cooking it, it would not reach his standard. There was a lot more for her to learn. And... and... she would practice more. Practice made perfect. She had no doubt with more practices she would produce delicious steaks just like him.

Instead of making her feel better by telling her what he thought about it, he reached for his fork and knife again and cut another small piece of steak. Then, he dipped it into the sauce she made and put it into his mouth.

Again he chewed the meat slowly, savouring the taste. He closed his eyes as he chewed. 

Another few minutes passed by with Ryn staring at Harry without blinking.

Her heart was pounding so hard, she started to fidget. She could not stop herself. It was so nerve-wracking. Even her first photoshoot and even her catwalk never this nerve-wracking at all. Why was he torturing her like this?

He put down the knife and the fork down. And then smiled.

"So, how is it?" she asked eagerly. She could not wait anymore. Why was he being this way, torturing her?

He crossed his arms and leaned back. The smile never left his handsome face.


"Well, for a first-timer I can say you are…" he paused, smirking to see her expression. So adorable. He never thought he could tease her this way.

"What? What?" she asked eagerly, leaning forward in her nervousness to know his opinion.

"I can say you are good. Taste it yourself," he said, nudged the plate closer to her.

Still nervous, Ryn lifted her fork and knife. Slowly she cut a small piece of the steak she cooked. She placed it onto her plate.

"What are you waiting for. Taste it," he urged. He saw how scared she was. He never saw her like this before. Why was she so nervous?

Gulping, she used the fork to pierce the piece of steak and slowly brought it into her mouth. Like Harry, she did not dip it into the sauce, not yet. She wanted to taste it in its pure original taste.

Ryn closed her eyes and chewed it slowly, tasting it, letting it overwhelmed her taste bud. Then, her eyes widened.

"Good, huh?" he grinned watching her reaction. He knew she was a good cook and happy to be the first person to taste the steak she made using his recipe.

"Oh my God… I didn't expect I can make it exactly like… like…" she choked out. Now, her hands were busy cutting another small piece of the steak to dip into the sauce. She wanted to taste it with the sauce now.

Once they finished the steaks, Ryn quickly collected the empty dishes they used. Harry wanted to do it but Ryn insisted for him to rest at the couch.

"Thank you again for teaching me, Harry," Ryn said as she walked him to the door.

"It's my pleasure. Besides, I've never taught people cooking before so this is a golden experience for me," he laughed. "Luckily you understand my instruction quickly or I won't know how to explain what I've been doing for years."

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay back everything you bought?" she asked for the fourth time.

"Yes, I am sure. It's my treat," he rubbed his nape sheepishly.

"Really?" It did make her feel weird when he refused to accept the payment. They were not that close, as close as she was with Andy or with the Long siblings. It was hard for her to accept this kindness because most people she knew always asked the money back whenever she asked them to buy her something.

"Yes. Don't worry," he assured her. He wished so much to pull her into his arms or at least touched her hands. But he did not dare. All he could do was conveying his feeling, his love, through his eyes, and hoped she would understand and accept him.

But she was too 'stupid' and 'slow' to understand. She looked at him like a friend, there was nothing more than that.

They spent about another minute or two at the door before he finally left. She let out a sigh and closed the door. Then, she skipped toward the kitchen. She planned to make more steaks with the leftover ingredients.

It took her no time to have two more pieces of steaks in the plate. She rubbed her hands eagerly and poured another glass of iced lemon tea. Then, she started to devour them happily.

Yum. She wiped her stained lips with a small kitchen towel and sighed happily. She finally

managed to make her own delicious steaks.

And tomorrow she decided to buy more steaks to make it at home.

And tonight she knew she would be sleeping with a huge smile on her face. That was how satisfied she was today.


Mika put down the glasses she wore and rubbed between her brows. She was tired of all the meetings she had to attend and all the paper works and files she had to read before she could approve them. She crossed her arms on the table and laid her face on it.

So exhausted.

"Hello, honey." A man came in despite her personal assistant tried to stop him from interrupting her.

She mumbled something under her breath and tried to sleep. Just ten minute or fifteen minutes would be enough. She needed to replenish the energy she used nonstop since this morning.

Jason smiled tenderly seeing her fiancée was already drifting to sleep. Poor his baby. She looked so exhausted.

He leaned down to press a kiss against her temple lovingly. Then, he stroked her head.

"My love, I'm here," he whispered and kissed her on the top of her head.

She mumbled something again.

"I know you are tired but sleeping at the table is not comfortable. Let's go home. It's getting late," he coaxed gently.

"Hmm… Jason? Love?" Her eyes fluttered open in a drowsy manner and looked at her fiancé in a puzzle. What was he doing here?

"Yes, love. Are you awake now?" he asked, pulling her up onto her feet before slipping his hands behind her knees and her back. Without warning, he picked her up and carried her to the couch.

She automatically laid her head on his broad shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was still so sleepy!

"Do you want to go home or have dinner first?" he asked.

"I just want to sleep. I'm so tired," she moaned, even yawning to show how sleepy she was.

He chuckled. After one last kiss and this time on her lips, he stood up with her still in his arms and walked toward the door. She was carried in a princess style but none of them commented upon it.

Those who were still in the office could only watch the couple in a daze. They knew how romantic Jason was toward their witchy boss but seeing him carrying her like a princess and she never once scolded him for it gave a shock to them, all except for her personal assistant. She was too used with the childish side, the crazy side and the romantic side of Mika behind her Gothic Lolita persona.

Stephanie did not mind any of the sides at all except when Mika was in her serious mode. It was scary. Even she was scared when Mika was in her bad mood.

Jason, unaware of what the others thought, carefully brought Mika downstairs to his car. He placed her onto the passenger side carefully, treating her like a precious fragile item. He even helped to pull the safety belt for Mika.

Mika knew in her heart how protective Jason was and believed he would not let anything happened to her, simply continue her sleep. She trusted him to bring her home safely.

Once Jason was satisfied with Mika's position, he went to the driver side and started the engine. He quickly adjusted the temperature, not too hot and not too cold so his love would not suffer during the journey. He then carefully drove the car away. Although he already booked a room for both of them in a very popular restaurant, as Mika did not feel like eating, he would simply cancel it.

Whatever Mika wanted, Mika would get.

And right now what she wanted was to go home to sleep. And that was what Jason would do, bringing her home to sleep.

But which home? It was up to him.

He grinned at his own thought.

As their wedding was getting closer, it was normal for him to bring her to his home. His parents were not at home anyway. They had to go to the other region to get him something for the wedding. He had no idea what it was and too lazy to ask. But he knew it would make Mika happy once she received it.

The car reached the huge mansion. A butler quickly approached the car and accepted the car key from Jason as he welcomed his young master home.

The elder man's eyes widened when his young master, instead of going into the building, went to the other side and took out a sleeping woman.

"Why… it's Young Mistress Si," the butler choked out. He quickly followed his young master but paused to hand the key to a young man, the family's driver. The driver would then bring the car into the basement.

The butler was grinning from ear to ear. They were so excited about the wedding. Finally, their Young Master would get married to his sweetheart. Since young, they watched the couple grew up together and being in love. And now they would get married. Of course, the whole household would be happy.

"Young master, would you like the cook to prepare dinner for the both of you?" the butler asked politely.

"Maybe something light but keep it until Mika wakes up," Jason decided. His walking never stopped as he climbed up the stairs, heading toward his bedroom.

No one said anything about Jason bringing Mika into his room even though they were yet to be married.

Jason placed Mika carefully on the bed. He took off her heels and then went to the wardrobe. Half of it was already filled with her clothes. He took about two minutes to decide which nightgown she should wear tonight. He chose the skimpy and sexy red nightdress he bought from the VS. His favourite.

And it took him no time to change her into it, minus the undergarments. Why should she wear ones anyway? Troublesome contraption.

She never woke up during his 'busy work'. She just mumbled something but never opened her eyes.

The butler knocked on the door and politely told him dinner was ready and the cook would reheat them once Young Master and Young Mistress are ready to have dinner. Jason gave his approval and dismissed the older man.

He was too busy staring at his love than doing anything else.

He could not wait for them to get married.

"Ah... I have to take my shower," he told himself. He did not want to smell bad when she woke up.

He was worried about his own body odour but he forgot to wake her up so she could wash the makeup off her face.