269 The final chance

Mika put down the juice she was drinking and checked the time for the tenth time. When would her brother arrive? She had been waiting for hours!

Her left foot tapped the floor impatiently but there was no sound. With the thick carpet, it swallowed all sort of noise she made. She changed it to tap the arm of the sofa instead. Her eyes shone expectedly at the door, impatient to see a familiar figure entering the premise.

It took another hour for her to wait before she gave up. She took her phone from the coffee table and stared hard, willing the screen to light up for either a message or a call from either of them, but alas, nothing came.

She stood up, jumped for a few times before stormed into her room. She needed Jason to coax her from her frustrated big brother and best friend. They deliberately ignored her and only her fiancé still loved her.

She locked the door of her bedroom and slumped herself on the bed. Then, she called Jason.

"Hello, love."

His voice made her heart fluttered but it was still not enough to lessen the hurt in her heart.


"What's wrong, babe? Are you okay?" he asked hurriedly when she cried.

Mika sniffed. She had been waiting for hours. No one bothered to call her to inform when they would arrive or whether they have extended another day before return. All the calls and messages from her were unreturned. She was hurt by this injustice. She was hurt!

"Babe, do you want me to go to you?" Jason asked immediately. He would prefer to soothe her in his arms than via the phone. He needed to feel her in his arms and to see her face. What made her sad today? Yesterday she was so excited to attend the screening of Ryn's episode and this morning when he called, she said she did not want to go out. She wanted to wait for her brother to ask about Ryn's condition.

"Has Jeremy made you mad again?" he guessed. And his guess was right when she cried and wailed, talking about how stupid her brother was and how he always bullied her even though he knew she was anxious and worried about Ryn.

Jason could not help from smile listening to his fiancée's cry. He knew she was worried about Ryn, especially when this best friend of hers suddenly went away without any warning. And then, to make it even worst, her brother followed Ryn but refused to let her follow. Of course, Mika would feel left out and unhappy.

"Babe, calm down. Why don't you have a long bath while I go to you? I'll bring you to watch a movie? I heard there is a new romantic movie starred your favourite actor and actress," he coaxed. He knew all her favourites and pet peeves so it was not hard to coax her gentle heart.

"Ten Steps To Your Heart?" she mumbled a title of a movie.

"I'll book two tickets for us. You, my princess, just prepare yourself and wear something pretty because we are going to have our candlelit dinner too," his husky voice sent a shiver to her body. She knew better what would happen after their candlelit dinner and blushed madly. He was so… bad! So naughty!

She dropped the phone onto the bed and squealed. Then, she rushed into the bathroom to do just that; having a long satisfying bath while waiting for Jason to pick her up for their romantic date.

When she finally got out of the bathroom, wrapped tightly in her pink bathrobe, the butler knocked on the door of her bedroom and announced Jason's arrival.

"Give me half an hour," she told the butler and hurriedly went to the closet to choose a perfect dress for her date.

It took her ten minutes to choose a perfect dress and in no time she was clad in a flowery pink dress with short sleeves. The dip on the neckline just enough to give a hint of her bosoms.

Then, she moved to the vanity table to beautify her face and hair. Her hands were fast curling her long hair before pinned them into a loose chignon. Then she chose a pair of simple diamond earrings before moving on to the make-up. Instead of the usual gothic-like make-up she wore at work, she used pink and earth tone for her face. It was a light make-up without a hint of fake lashes. Jason hated fake lashes, saying that it made her eyes looked weird.

She sprayed his favourite perfume before looked at herself critically. Was she looking okay? Pretty enough? She twirled and checked her backside too. Hmm… she looked nice and adorable, just like how he loved.

Mika grabbed a small handbag with only her ID, her driving licence, a tube of lip balm, make-up remover wipes and some small changes in it before headed out happily.

Now, she was ready for their romantic date.


Jeremy drove the car. It was later than what he expected and he knew they would reach home quite late at night. The impromptu stop he made for them to discuss their feeling took longer but overall he was satisfied with the result.

He glanced at her.

Since the moment she entered the car until now, not a word came out from her rosy lips. She kept looking outside the window, enjoying the scenery. On her laps was a packet of chocolate. She only had some before putting it back on her laps.

He smiled and looked back in front. Both of them did not talk much but they understood each other. They just enjoyed each other presence.

Another hour on the road, his hand slowly reached for her thigh. He just wanted to confirm it was not a dream. She was still here, sitting next to him.

"What is it?" she finally asked, turning to look at him.

He smiled. His hand reached for her hand. Ignoring the puzzled look on her face, he lifted her hand and kissed it gently.

Her face immediately reddened. She quickly pulled her hand from him. How… how could he do this suddenly? Without any warning? He should ask her first. He should ask for her permission before he kisses her hand.

"I'm so happy, Ryn," he said but his eyes were still on the road.

"Why?" She did not think much about his happiness. It was clear how happy he was when the smile he had never once disappear from his face. She even noticed his glances from the corner of her eyes.

It was weird but not important enough for her to ask before.

"I'm glad that you've given us another chance," he explained. His hand tried to look for hers but she refused. It did not make him hurt but more determined to touch hers. So the next best thing would be…

"Stop touching me. Focus on your driving," she cried, slapping his naughty hand away. She looked back outside, trying to stop the blush from staying. She should guess the excitement was because of her agreement to give them another chance.

The second chance.

Their final chance.

They agreed to have a sort of trial whereby she would be his girlfriend and based on his performance in these two months, she would decide whether to make their relationship permanent or break up again.

Little did she know he had planned to tie her to him forever. The ring was in one of the drawers of his nightstand. He knew Mika had designed the perfect wedding dress for Ryn years ago. And he knew his grandmother and mother would have no problem adding another couple for their wedding planning.

Double wedding. Double happiness.

He grinned at his plan. Then, he glanced at her, picturing her in her wedding dress.

"Focus on your driving," she reminded again when she noticed the look he gave to her was so intense, she could not focus ignoring him. She crossed her arms and looked in front, at the road.

He looked back on the road but after a few minutes turned to look back at her.

"If you keep looking at me like that, we'd get into an accident, J," she muttered.

He grinned.

"Do you need to stop for a while and look at me as much as you want?" she asked, could not take it anymore. He thought it was romantic giving her that look but it actually made her feel awkward and strange. She wished he would stop looking at her and start focussing on his driving. They had a long way to go and she could not wait to reach her home and lie down. She was tired of everything!

"I don't need to stop. I'm not tired yet," he replied before added without thinking, "Unless you need to rest at a motel with me."

Her eyes widened at the meaning of his words. Had he gone crazy?


"I don't mind," he grinned boyishly.

"You're giving me a headache," she groaned and covered her face. How she wished she could drive so she did not have to depend on him to return home. Why on earth did she agree for him to accompany her?