361 Easy to forge

He went downstairs, thinking she was there. His heart skipped but he tried to calm himself. She would not leave without telling him first. But he could not help from running down the stairs. 

"Ryn, love?" he called when he reached downstairs. He looked around and let out a loud sigh seeing her standing in the kitchen. 

She straightened herself from looking into the pantry and looked at him with a cock of an eyebrow. Why did it sound as if he was breathless?

What did he do when he woke up? Did he run in the gym earlier?

"Good morning," he leaned down to kiss her lips gently. Then, he hugged her tightly. 

"Morning..." she almost chuckled but her face was buried against his broad chest. He was being weird and funny early in the morning. What went through his dream last night?

"Morning... good morning..." he repeated and even cupped her face. He smooched her lips, again and again, ignoring the giggle she made. He just wanted to prove to himself that she was real. That she was still here. That she was no longer angry at him.

Ryn finally managed to pull herself from him. Her hand touched his cheek, frowning when she noticed the makeup. Why would he even wear makeup for work? He was not going to a show but to the office!

"What's with the makeup?" she blurted out.

His hand covered hers. How could he say that the reason because he did not want her to see his eye bags? He did not want her to know that he could not sleep last night, waiting for her to call him for a cuddle. They might no need to have intimate moments but at least sleeping while hugging her the whole night would be better.


He scratched his head sheepishly. He still had no idea how to explain the reason without making her thinking he is silly.

But then again…

"I can't sleep last night," he confessed.

"Why… why not?" she asked in confusion. Why couldn't he sleep in his own room? She had a very peaceful and relaxing sleep. All the exhaustion went away after hours of sleeping. And she felt so fresh and alive now.

"Because…" he pulled her back into his arms and kissed the top of her head gently.


He shut his mouth tight. He refused to confess. He did not want her to laugh at him. He only wanted her to look at him with love and awe. He did not want her to know he even ended up sulking on the bed, thinking she no longer in love with him.

Yes, it was silly but... he was crazily in love with her. And he only wanted her to love him back.

Seeing how he refused to tell the truth, she shook her head in bemused. She decided not to ask more. It might be for a silly reason and he still wanted to keep it a secret. Well, whatever. She did not have the mood to know it as well. She was just asking because of curiosity but it was not that important to know.

She went back into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them. Of course, she noticed the cold food on the dining table as well as in the rice cooker. She threw away the cold burned fried eggs and kept the rice. Seeing how it still in good condition, Ryn decided to make fried rice for breakfast. To pair it up, she would also make tofu soup and fried fish as well as fried vegetables. 

He stood there sheepishly. He watched as she got busy in the kitchen. This was what he imagined when he thought about them. He would go out and find money to support the family while she would stay at home, cooking, and taking care of their children. If she did not want to, she could just enjoy life by shopping and having a holiday whenever the mood struck her. He did not mind at all. As long as she did not feel tired and could spend the time with him, he would work harder to get more money for their family.

He went back to his room to grab their phones. In his hurry, he forgot to retrieve their phone. He checked first before he switched off the power source. Both were full. 

When he returned, she was busy frying the rice. Without being asked, he went to get the cutleries for their breakfast. He also brewed coffee for them.

After almost forty-five minutes, both of them were sitting at the dining table enjoying their breakfast. He did not speak of his idea but focus on enjoying the home meals she made for them. He felt so warm and happy. They did not have to speak all the time. Just spending the time together was enough for him.

She ate her food happily. Today would be another busy day for her but the most important thing right now was fueling her body.

"What is your plan today?" he asked absentmindedly. He did not know her schedule and thought she had free time today. Yesterday she had a long busy day. So today she supposed not to have any job waiting.

"This morning I have an interview. In the evening I am flying to Town Z," she replied without thinking. She scooped another small bowl of tofu soup to pair with her fried rice. She loved the fried rice. She put extra eggs inside with no vegetable in sight. As she was not a bunny, she made another bowl of stir-fried vegetables for Jeremy.

He frowned when he heard her answer. The spoon he used to scoop some soup dropped into the bowl. He even put down the chopsticks. His eyes looked at her but she was focused on her eating, did not notice the weird atmosphere in the room.

"You… are working today?" he asked between his gritted teeth. He could not control his anger. Why wouldn't she just have rest? She was exhausted from yesterday's work. She even skipped her dinner because she was too exhausted to even open her eyes!

"Hmm… Mei Li is supposed to pick me up in…" she checked her phone and frowned. "Why didn't she give me any message about the time?"

He did not reply. He was staring at her, gritting his teeth. The food was already forgotten.

She drank to the last drop of the soup before stood up and went to the living room with the phone. She planned to call her manager. Might Mei Li forgot about the schedule?

She was so focused on Mei Li and her work until she forgot about Jeremy.

The poor man was sulking at the dining table and was hoping for his girlfriend to coax and soothe him with gentle and loving words.

He waited and waited but… to his anger, she totally forgot about him. She watched as his girlfriend talked in the living room and then climbed up the stairs. He crossed his arms. The frown deepened. Did this mean he was not the first in her heart? She could forget about his existence in just a moment time?

Had she truly forgotten about their second chance? She was supposed to give another chance to their relationship. If she kept forgetting about him, how could they work in their love life?

He crossed his arms and sulked even more. Maybe she would remember him if he kept sitting here.

But it was only his wish. She really did forget about him. 

After the phone call with Mei Li, she called Mika to borrow her clothes. Because Jeremy brought her here yesterday's without asking first, she had no change of clothes.

"You're at our house?" Mika cried happily when she heard about Ryn's request.

"Yeah… well… can I borrow your shirt and jeans?" Ryn asked.

"Yeah, sure. Of course. You can take anything you want. What's mind is yours anyway," Mika replied excitedly before she frowned, "Why didn't you tell me earlier you're coming? We could have our pajama party if I know."

"It was unplanned. You do know how your brother is. But… we didn't do anything," Vicki said quickly before Mika made her own assumption.

"I didn't say anything," Mika mumbled.

"But I know what's in your mind," Ryn pointed out dryly.

They bickered more before the call ended. Ryn dropped the phone on the bed before went into the huge closet. She sighed heavily seeing so many clothes in the huge room. Mika even had other huge sections for her shoes and handbag separately.

Ryn scratched her not so itchy head. What should she wear? Mika has too many clothes to choose from and she was too lazy to check. She closed her eyes and started to point blindly. She opened her eyes and groaned when her finger pointed at a pink shirt.

So not her taste.

This time she changed her mind and started to look around at the shirt and top section. Anything that looks less branded and suitable to wear to go to work. She also put on a jacket to protect her from the cold. For her bottom, she chose washed-out jeans. Luckily Mika has a lot of jeans for her to choose from (but she spent just a few seconds taking the first jeans in the closet). She checked her phone as she was getting ready.

"Mei Li is already waiting downstairs. I'm going now. Bye, J," she said without looking at her boyfriend. She simply walked to the door, carrying her backpack.

"Ryn, wait…" he cried but she was too fast. He sighed, his shoulders dropped in defeat. It did not feel good being ignored by his love.