395 I am my own

It was awkward. None of them spoke at each other. The car drove smoothly toward the agency but none spoke anything to each other to break the silence.

Ryn spoke with Mei Li quietly, asking her condition and whether it was okay for her to come. Mei Li said okay. She had enough nap and now was energetic enough to face the world.

During the time when Ryn was on the way, Mei Li even went to see the big boss in order to discuss their plan on how to settle the news. Something must be done to lessen the negative impact on the agency. However, the big boss assured her that the news about Ryn and Jeremy only made people more interested in Ryn. For those who thought otherwise, it did not give too much impact. None of the companies that were using Ryn called to cancel the contract. In fact, the big boss even received more calls to get Ryn's service on their product, which she handed the thick file to Mei Li to discuss with Ryn.

Of course, Mei Li did not tell Ryn about that. She wanted to break the news when facing her. So she only told Ryn that she was ready to discuss their plan. It only took them less than five minutes before Ryn disconnected the call. 

Ryn put the phone back into her bag and looked outside the window. She ignored the glances coming from Jeremy. Her mind was full of the 'scandal' and the sudden proposal. What was she supposed to do? She did not want to do anything about this. She just wished everything was just a dream and she would wake up soon to find out that they were still hiding their relationship from the public. But it was just her wish. This was a reality. Their relationship had exposed and everyone knew.

And he, being the ignorant man he was, thought that it would be better to propose to her the day after. It was not funny at all even though she had the thought of asking him if it was a prank. But she knew he was not joking. That it was not a prank.

He was serious.

And she was serious about not answering his question. 

She was not ready for the commitment. She knew she loved him despite the wall around her heart for protection. She knew she would love to spend her whole life with him. But the thought of having this engagement that would tie her to him emotionally made her feel suffocated. She did not want to risk herself being hurt easily with the tie when she was still recovering from the previous pain. 

The car stopped at the entrance of the agency. Jeremy looked at Ryn, hoping she would say something. Just anything would be okay. Why wouldn't she say anything?

"Thanks," she said before she got out of the car. She did not even look at him after she closed the door.

Jeremy's heart broke at the sight. Was she angry at him for the sudden proposal? But... shouldn't she be prepared for it when they decided to give their relationship another go?

He took out his phone and called her. He ignored the fact that he was just outside the building where she was in. He did not want the others saw him and learned about their problem.

"Hello, J?"

"Can we talk?" he asked. He wanted her to come out so they could talk about this face to face. He did not want this to be pushed under the carpet and left there to build up. He learned from his mistake from their previous relationship. If anything that could risk their love life, they should discuss it instead of pretending nothing was wrong.

"What is it? I'm at Mei Li's right now," she said. She could feel the desperation in his voice but could not guess what was troubling his mind.

"What time are you going to be done? I'll pick you up."

"J..." she did not continue. Instead, she was rubbing the space between her brows. She was getting another headache. Was today the day the Long siblings gave her a headache?

"I will pick you up anytime. Really, Ryn," he insisted.

"You do know later I'm going to Harry's place?" she asked slowly, expecting him to burst into jealousy fit again.

And she was right.

"I thought I've told you to cancel that plan," he muttered, barely able to conceal his anger.

"Right now is not the time for your jealousy fit, Jeremy. I'm busy. We'll talk later," without waiting for his reply, she ended the call.

He stared at the phone in disbelief. Did she just hang up at him? They were not done talking yet!

He unbuckled the seat belt and went into the building. He forgot to park the car at the parking lot in his anger to deal with Ryn right there and then.

The receptionists stood up when they saw him but he ignored them. He went straight to Mei Li's office, following the direction. However, his walk faltered as he stared at the row of doors. Which one was Mei Li's room?

He looked around and noticed the weird look coming from everyone. He quickly smiled, placing the calm mask on his face immediately. 

"Hello, where is Mei Li's room?" he asked politely at them.

It took them several seconds to react. One of them stepped forward and pointed at the third room from the back.

"That's Mei Li's room," the woman said.

"Thank you," Jeremy thanked them before heading to the room pointed. He did not forget to stop to gather his wit before knocked on the door.

"Come in," Mei Li said from inside.

Jeremy opened the door and found his girlfriend sitting on the couch facing her manager.

"Yes...? Young Master Long?" Mei Li blinked her eyes in a puzzle. Why would he come here? She looked at Ryn but the woman just groaned loudly as she buried her face in her hands.

She could not believe he would do this to her! Had he gone mad?

"Can you give us some time, Mei Li?" Jeremy requested.

Mei Li looked at Ryn nervously. Why did she feel cold all of a sudden? Was the couple fighting again?

What now?

"Please excuse us," Ryn said slowly after heaving a heavy sigh. She knew Jeremy would not leave her alone until he got what he wanted. But she believed that no matter what he said, she had the final word for her own action. She could decide what to do even under his pressure. She was not afraid of him.

"Well, I need some coffee," Mei Li grabbed her mug and went to the door. She closed the door quietly and went to the pantry. She refused to listen to the couple. She did not want to add more headaches to her already painful head.

Jeremy waited until the door was closed before he approached Ryn. But she stood up and went to the chair at the work table. She crossed her arms and frowned.

"Cancel your plan," he ordered after he sat looming over her. He did not bother to find a chair to sit in. He was too angry to sit.

"I've given my words. Besides, he's sick. I am his friend, J. It's only normal for friends to visit the sicks," she tried to explain but he was too jealous to see her points.

"Why can't you understand simple words? I forbid you to see him. You're not allowed to go to see him. Not today, tomorrow, or any future," he ordered.

She groaned loudly. Why was he being a stubborn bull? He was supposed to be a genius but today, the so-called IQ lost in the middle of a green bucket called jealousy. He lost his mind completely!

"I want you to call Angela now and tell her you've changed your mind," he demanded, ignoring the look coming from her.

"Jeremy!" she tried not to raise her voice, aware that some of the staff here were aware of his arrival. She did not want another rumor flying around about them. No more.

Enough was enough. They hadn't even handled the first one and now this?

"Catherine," he called her name between his gritted teeth.

"I won't and you can't force me. I am my own, Jeremy. You can't expect me to follow everything you want me to do," she replied without afraid.

His blood rushed to his brain when he heard her words. She blatantly told him she would not listen to him. Who does she think she is?

"I. Want. You. To. Call. Her. Now," he muttered word by word. She could see the vein on his neck bulged clearly. He was furious. Beyond furious.

He wished he could shake her hard but he still managed to control his temper. Just barely. His body shook from holding to himself.

Ryn ignored the shaking body and the vein bulging. She was furious too. How could Jeremy ignore her feeling? She thought he already understood that she belonged to herself. She could think and could decide what she could and should do. No one could control her. Not even him!