Chapter 406 - Stop wasting my time

Ryn finally lifted up her head after half an hour. She walked slowly to the balcony and looked up at the sky. It was dark. There was no star at all.

Ryn sighed. Her hands wrapped around herself. She was still feeling uneasy with this. Her mind was screaming for her to contact him, to talk with him. Her mind kept telling her running away like this was not the right choice.

But her heart... her poor heart kept telling her that it was useless trying to talk with him. He would never listen to her. He always used his love as the reason for him to force his decision on her. Was it so hard for him to listen?

She sighed again. Even sitting on the balcony under the moonlight did not make her feel better. She stood up and went back inside, not forgetting to slide the sliding door close to block the night wind as well as the mosquito.

She sat on the couch. This time her eyes landed on the mobile phone. She took it out and put it on the nightstand just before she went out to the balcony. The screen was black. She already switched it off after so many miscall and messages from Jeremy.

"Is this what we have to face now?" she murmured. She hated this feeling so much. She longed for his love but it meant that she has to allow him to decide everything for her, she would rather be alone.

But she did not want to be separated from him! She wanted to be with him.

This indecisive feeling in her heart made her crazy. Was she going to break up with him? If she did, what would happen to her? To them?

She sighed as she rubbed her face. She had no idea what she should think about. Her mind was in a mess.

"Better I sleep. Tomorrow I still have to go to work," she told herself loudly. She tried to coax herself fro, feeling depressed from what happened today. She did not want to fall into that state again.

She went into the bathroom to have a quick shower to clean the sweat from the whole day's working. But it was just a plan. Once she saw the bathtub, she decided a bath was better. She wasn't that sleepy to sleep. And maybe, by soaking herself in the water, she would feel better.

She turned the tap and poured a generous amount of bath foam. Then, she went back to the bed and sat with her back against the headbed. She pulled her knees close to her chest and rested her chin on top. She closed her eyes with a heavy sigh.


Jeremy stared at his phone. His teeth gritted tightly as he held onto his temper desperately.

It had been hours.

She should already calm down and realize what he told her was for the sake of their future. She should realize her fault and promise him she would not repeat it again.

However, it seemed like she was still being stubborn. She refuse to answer to any of his calls. Even his messages were left unread.

And now, it seemed like she switched off her phone.

What more does she want? Does she want him to kneel on his knees and apologize? 

He gripped his fist. He would not apologise for fighting for their love. 

He checked the time and decided if she refused to answer his call, might as well he goes to her place and meet with face to face, in person.

He grabbed his car key and wallet before headed to the door. But, as he reached the wooden door, his phone rang.

Ryn, his heart whispered and a smile appeared on his otherwise cold face.

To his disappointment, it was not his girlfriend but her manager, Mei Li. He almost wanted to reject the call but he managed to control his instinct. He accepted the call instead.


His cold voice sent a shiver to Mei Li. Oh no. Had she chosen the wrong time to call him? But when else could she call? She did not want to wait, afraid that it would make the situation worsen. Sooner or later, she had to make this dreadful call and face his anger.

Poor her.

Mei Li took a deep breath to calm down, even gulped her saliva a few times to steal a little bit of time.

"What is it, Mei Li?" Jeremy asked impatiently.

"Actually..." Mei Li shivered. Apparently, the courage she thought she had before making the call was only for making the call. She was still scared of telling Jeremy about Ryn's decision. 

What if Jeremy thought it was her suggestion for Ryn to do that? But it was all Ryn's own decision. She did try to change Ryn's mind but alas, the girl was too stubborn to the core.

"If you don't have any important thing to say, this ends here," Jeremy said when the manager over the other line still did not inform him why she made the call.

Mei Li chewed her bottom lip. Should she say it and risk his wrath? Now she realized how naive she was. She forgot that Jeremy has a lot of layers and only in front of his fans and those he considered close he showed a kind and friendly side but in budiness and when he was losing his temper, he was a ruthless man. No wonder Ryn gave her a pity look when she, being too optimistic, suggested for her to talk this through with him. Oh, how foolish she was.

"Mei Li," Jeremy warned under his breath.

Mei Li took a deep breath and spoke quickly, "Ryn is not at home."

Jeremy frowned. Was his hearing made a fool of him? Did he hear it wrong? Ryn was not at home?

"What do you mean, Mei Li? Ryn is not at home?" he asked coldly.

Mei Li tried not to tear up receiving his tone. He was angry. Oh, what should she do now?

"Mei Li, are you trying to stop me from seeing her?" he asked suspiciously. Of course he would think this way when he could not contact Ryn at all. Who else could he blame but her?

Mei Li sobbed in her heart. She was screwed. She knew it. Oh, what should she do now?

"Please don't misunderstand me, Young Master Long. This... she..." Mei Li was stumped. It was obvious she could not blame it to Ryn.

Oh, she was stuck in the middle.

"If you don't explain, how do you expect me to understand?" he asked as he stared at his free hand gripping the table's edge. What was going on right now?

"I... I..." again Mei Li was stumped. How to explain without making Jeremy even angrier?

"Where is she right now?" he asked. He decided it was useless trying to get the answer from this manager. It was better for him to speak with Ryn directly.

"She... she..."

"Mei Li, stop wasting my time. Answer my question. Where is Ryn?" he asked coldly. His face darkened at the thought of this silly manager kept trying to steal time and refused to answer straightforwardly. How hard was it to just answer the question he asked directly?

"Young Master Long, please don't force me to tell you," Mei Li begged. Ryn told her repeatedly not to tell anyone where she was staying at. She did not want to break the trust. She was determined not to break the promise.

"Mei Li."

"Young Master Long, it is getting late. I have told you what I should. Goodbye." Mei Li did not wait for his reply and quickly disconnected the call. She did not dare to prolong the call in case it would make him more misunderstood of her and Ryn. 

It was better to let him cool down first before she tried to make him see sense.

"Mei Li? Hello? Hello?" Jeremy called but the only sound he heard was toot... toot...

He looked at the screen and gound, to his surprise, the manager really did hung up before he could reply. 

His finger quickly pressed the button to call her back but it was useless. It seemed like she became the second Ryn, refusing to answer his call.

He frowned.

So many questions he had in mind but no one was there to answer it.

"I don't believe she is not at home. It must be Mei Li's trick so I won't go to see her tonight," he told himself. He looked down at his gripped fists and took a few deep breaths to calm down. He must control his anger before he met her.

He did not want them to argue again when they were supposed to nurture their love. This fight brought them to nowhere and even could put a risk to their future. No. He would not let anything risk their love. He would do anything to keep their love.