Chapter 409 - He was always right

The next morning....

It was 5.35 a.m. when Ryn stirred from her slumber. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned. 

What time is it? 

Her eyes looked around but it was too dark for her to recognize the place. Groaning, she sat up and tried to find a switch to light up the room. 

Maybe because she was so used to staying at the hotel, her hands automatically found switches for the lights. She blinked her eyes at the sudden attack of the light despite the dimness. 

"Oh God," she groaned as she tried to get used to the light. She remembered now that she was in a hotel room but she was too drowsy to remember why she was here.

She pushed the blanket off her and stepped onto the floor. Her feet automatically brought her into the bathroom to do her business. Then, she returned back to the bed and sat there... blankly.

She stared at the wall as her mind was hit by the memory of yesterday.

Jeremy. Harry. And the stupid argument.

She groaned as she rubbed her face. The stupid argument that almost risked her relationship with Jeremy. 

"Is this what we will face in our future, J?" she asked slowly... to no one. She lied back on the bed, heaving a heavy sigh. She did not like this at all. She hated this silly little argument but it did not mean she would allow him to control her life.

She closed her eyes, trying not to let any drop of tear escaped from her eyes. She felt tired. She wanted to escape from all of this.

"Mom..." she choked out and reached out to get her phone. She groaned when she remembered she switched off her phone. She quickly switched it on and groaned again with the non-stopping notifications from Jeremy.

It seems like Jeremy never gave up on trying to contact her.

She ignored the missed calls and messages and went straight to call her mother. But, before she made the call, she finally remembered to check the time.

"Great..." It was only 6.15 am. Her mother was still asleep. And she did not want to disturb her sleep.

"Mom, what should I do now?" she murmured, dropping the phone beside her. She lied back and stared up at the ceiling. She desperately needed her mother's advice now but it was too early to call her. 

All she could do now was to sleep. Maybe sleeping would be the answer to her dilemma.


Jeremy woke up with displeased on his face. Instead of checking what the tine was, he reached for his phone toncheck whether she has replied to any of his calls and messages.


It did not seem as if she even read any of the messages he gave. It made him even angrier.

How dare she ignored him?

Far from being regretful of what he did yesterday, his only thought was to 'punish' Ryn for ignoring him. It has been almost a full day and she still refused to get back to him?

He ran his hands through his hair before rubbing his own face.

Calm down, Jeremy. Calm down.

Right now, the most important thing is to find her. Whether you want to punish her for her outrage action or ask for her forgiveness, it should br the second thing. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out.

However, his concentration was disturbed by a ringing of his phone.

Thinking it was Ryn, finally, he opened his eyes and looked eagerly at the screen. Only for him to be disappointed.

It was not Ryn but someone else.

"Hello." It was short with a hint of impatience.

"Is this how you greet your grandmother, Jeremy Long?" the voice, despite belonged to a very old woman but still full with rigo and displease. 

He closed his eyes, trying to calm down. It would only make it worst if he did not control himself when speaking with his grandmother, the Dowager. Despite she already took a step back and allowed his father and mother leading the clan, she still owned so much power and his parents actually followed her 'instruction' when she felt she has a better idea. Even his little sister, Mika, understood this.

Whatever their grandmother wanted, she would get.

Luckily for them, their grandmother approved of their choice of partner or they would face a lot of obstacle to stay true to their heart. And their family did not believe in arranged marriage. They wete allowed to choose whom to spend their entire life with. Of course, with the condition that the Dowager approved their choice first.

"Good morning, grandmother," he greeted politely once he managed to gather his thought. He kept reminding himself to control his emotion while speaking with the elder woman.

"Morning. Are you busy today?" the Dowager asked bluntly. Of course, even if her grandson was busy and his day was full, she would still order him around. They have a lot of things to do today.

"What do you want me to do, grandmother? Do you want me to accompany you today?" Jeremy asked. He knew not to say he was busy or having meetings the whole day. To be truth, he did have a busy schedule today but after what happened yesterday, he planned to order Jacob to reschedule everything. He has a more important thing to do which is to find Ryn. He needed to find her today.

"Good. Today you will accompany your mother and I to get the gifts for your in-laws," the Dowager nodded approvingly seeing how obedient her grandson was. This was what a Long should behave.

He closed his eyes, accepting his fate. It would be no use to try to escape now. Besides, he coaxed himself, even if he could not find Ryn, he needed to get the approval from his future in-laws. Ryn respected and obeyed them so in order to keep his future whole, he must get into their good side. He should use the chance to make them unable to reject him. Yes, that was what he should do.

"What time do you want me to come, grandmother?" he asked politely, having another plan. It was better to get to Ryn's parents good side while letting Ryn cool her steam. Surely, once she thought it through, she would realize that he was right.

He was always right.

"In half an hour. Don't keep us waiting. We have a lot of things to buy," his grandmother decided before said her goodbye and hung up.

Jeremy dropped his phone onto the bed, beside him, and rubbed his face with a loud sigh. This was a better plan, he told himself. At least, by helping his grandmother and mother preparing the gifts, he would help them by ensuring the items were to the liking of Ryn's parents. With her hippy parents, it was important not to be too showy but at the same time did not make them think the Long was looking down on them.

He made up his mind and checked the time. Hmm... If he moved right away, he could go to the drive-through to get his morning coffee. He got up and made way to the bathroom to freshen himself quickly. He could not waste another moment when the Dowager and his mother were waiting at the mansion.

It took him ten minutes to get ready. He quickly grabbed his key, wallet and phone and rushed out. He did not even bother to comb his hair or spray cologne. He only wanted to smell nice to Ryn so without her, he did not find the mood to reach for the bottle.

Once he bought his hot morning coffee, he pushed the accelarator and headed to the mansion. He prayed there was no heavy traffic. He did not want to be late and make his grnadmother mad at him.

But surely she would understand considering the time right now? Everyone was busy going to work and it would be rare for a traffic jam not to happen around this time.

Once he faced the traffic jam, the first to be honest, he quickly connected his phone to the speaker to call his grandmother.

"Hello, grandmother. This is Jeremy," he quickly greeted politely when the elder woman answered after the third ring.

"Are you almost near?" she asked.

"Actually, I might be late," he paused, "there is a heavy traffic jam and I don't think I will be there on time."

"Hmph... That's one reason why I oppose you to live far away from home. You should follow your little sister and lives here," the dowager muttered unhappily. She hated waiting for her ride. Although her daughter-in-law suggested for them to go with the driver, she rejected the idea immediately. How to show their sincerity if they brought the wrong items? Knowing her grandson, she has no doubt Jeremy knew his future in-laws taste. It would be better to bring her grandson to buy things in order to get the correct gifts. Ergh... If only those two silly couple stopped being hippy and behaved like normal people, they would not have problem preparing the gifts. Luckily, dear Catherine did not follow her parents' footsteps or she, the Dowager, would be the first to oppose her relationship with her dear grandson.

Jeremy did not dare to reply. He just listened meekly while driving the car carefully. Better to let grandmother nag to her fill right now rather than later, his heart whispered.