Chapter 411 - Too hungry to care

Ryn sighed as she closed her eyes. She understood what her mother meant but until now she was still confused about how to tackle this problem.

She loved him. She loved being in a relationship with him. She loved to be cared for and loved by him. However, she hated being control by him. She hated when he did not discuss it with her fist and simply decided what she should or shouldn't do.

She needed more time. She really needed more time to think this over.

"Are you alright?" Mei Li asked when she noticed the sigh coming from Ryn.

"Hmm..." Ryn just sighed. Although she was confused about what to do, she did not share her thoughts. It would be better to think about this without the pressure from others. 

Mei Li did not ask more. If Ryn did not want to tell her, it was no point to question more.

They reached the studio and Ryn got out of the car without waiting for Mei Li to shut off the engine. She stretched her arms without thinking and then rubbed her growling stomach. Ergh... so hungry.

"Let's go," Ryn said once Mei Li got out of the car. She was praying for the crews to prepare something to eat. Just anything.

Mei Li grabbed her bag and followed Ryn. She blew out a relieved sigh when she noticed they were just right on time.

They were not late. Thankfully.

Ryn waited and let Mei Li leading the way. She was worried if she was walking in front, she would go straight to the food, forgetting to greet everyone.

"Good morning, everyone. Sorry for being late," Mei Li apologized when they entered the studio. He went straight to the director and the representative from the brand with Ryn following behind her.

Ryn also went forward to greet and apologize. She introduced herself asked what was the theme of today's shooting and what she was expected to do. But she could not help from glancing around, looking for the food table. Where was it?


Jeremy followed his mother and grandmother into the jewelry shop famous for their jade jewelry. He stood behind them as the manager came greeting them politely.

"Where are the sets?" the Dowager asked.

The manager looked at Mrs. Long questioningly. He only knew about their coming here but he had no idea what type of jewelry they had in mind.

"Show us a set of Lavender Jade," Mrs. Long said.

"Two sets," the Dowager added as she thumped her cane loudly.

Jeremy looked at his grandmother wordlessly. Two sets of Jade? And this is not for engagement? It seemed like his family went all out for his future. He gave a grateful look at his mother but the woman did not even notice it. Her eyes were on the display racks, shining brightly to see so much beautiful jewelry on display.

Realizing that his presence was unneeded except as a driver, Jeremy went to sit on a chair and looked at the display. It was seconds before he took out his phone and stared at it.

Ryn, where are you?

He tried to contact her by sending her messages but again, she did not read or reply to any of them. He did not call her because he did not want his family to know about their argument. 

He was so focused on his phone, he did not realize his mother and grandmother were already done with their purchase. He also did not notice the look of the other customers.

"Jeremy, what are you looking at your phone?" the Dowager called, thumping her cane close to his feet.

Jeremy snapped and looked at his grandmother. He coughed and cleared his throat to cover his shock and quickly stood up, "Are you done, grandmother? Where are we going next?" he asked sheepishly.

"You're taking a day off today so don't think about your work. Here," his mother handed the paper bag containing the jewelry they bought. Then, she held to her mother-in-law's arm as both walked to the exit. They did not even wait for Jeremy to follow them.

So many things to buy and they cannot waste any more moment chit-chatting.

Jeremy shook his head and quickly followed behind. He hurriedly went to the car to start the engine and brought it closer so the women did not have to walk too far to get into the vehicle.

"So, where are we going next?" he asked once he made sure everyone in the car comfortably.

"To the organic store," Mrs. Long said. She checked her list and made a tick beside the jewelry. Oh, hopefully, the in-laws would like them.

"Which one?" Jeremy asked without thinking. He sometimes followed Ryn's parents to buy grocery so he knew some of their favorites.

"The one the in-laws like to go, of course. Do I have to explain everything to you?" the Dowager muttered. She glared at her useless grandson. Does everything have to be spoken out loud for him to understand?

Jeremy pursed his lips but he was not hurt by her words. He simply changed the gear and drove the car away. The shop Ryn's parents always frequent was quite far from here so it would take about thirty minutes for them to arrive. However, before they reached the first traffic light, his mother made a sound.

"What's wrong, mother?" he asked.

"Why don't we go here? It offers high-class organic ingredients," Mrs. Long suggested as she showed what she found in her mobile phone.

Jeremy stopped at the traffic light and typed the address. He just followed whatever was told by his mother and grandmother. He was just a driver today. He did not need to think of anything else.

Once the traffic light turned green, he followed the instruction by the GPS. Of course, he kept glancing at his phone, hoping for his Ryn to call or send him a message. His heart was pounded hard, waiting nervously for her. Would she contact him today?


Ryn blew out a relieved sigh when the director cried 'cut' and 'it's a wrap'. She was hungry. The pudding could not hold her hunger, all thanks to her one-take 'hobby'. Oh... she should learn to take bad take in order to steal eating the food. Unconsciously, she rubbed her growling stomach.

"Catherine, you are perfect," the director said with a huge smile. He stepped forward to hug Ryn tightly.

"Thank you for your teaching, Mr. Xu," Ryn said with a smile. But her mind was screaming for her to leave this place quickly so she could find food. She desperately needed food right now.

"You don't have to thank me. You've done such a great job. I can assure you it's going to be the best of the year," Mr. Xu, the director exclaimed before his attention was stolen by the representative of the pudding. He excused himself from Ryn and went to the man, "Don't you agree with me?"

Ryn went back to the small room to change her clothes. She also said goodbye to everyone before joined Mei Li who was discussing with the director and the brand's representative. In her hand, she was holding a basket full of the pudding of various flavors.

"Are you done?" Mei Li asked.

"Hmm..." Ryn nodded her head and smiled at everyone.

Mei Li again thanked everyone and said goodbye. Then, she and Ryn walked to the door, one with a happy smile while another with a relieved smile. Another job well done.

"So, can we eat now?" Ryn asked once they got into the car. She did not care that her face was still full of make-up. Just now she only changed her clothes but left the make-up on her face untouched. She was too hungry to care. Besides, the theme for today's make-up was natural so it did not look out of place if she went public.

"Yes, yes. We will go to eat now," Mei Li said with a sigh. She knew how long Ryn had to endure her hunger but never showed it in front of everyone. No one could guess the model was hungry. Only she knew how Ryn could not wait for this to end so they could go to the nearest restaurant to eat.

Ryn nodded seriously. She did throw some sad and hopeful looks at her manager in between shootings. Luckily her manager understood her stares. She did not have to talk much.

Mei Li shook her head in bemused. She quickly set the GPS system to Ryn's favorite steak restaurant. Only by eating steak could make Ryn happy now.

Ryn took out her phone and stared at the new messages she received from Jeremy. She did not click on any of them but just seeing how many messages he sent, made her heart sad. She closed her eyes and tried not to let any tear roll down.

Oh, Jeremy, why wouldn't you give us some time?