Chapter 413 - We need to talk (2)

She did not even realize how she almost became the victim of those two evil men. She locked the door and walked to the bed sleepily. She did not care about anything but to sleep. She did not even bother to take off the make-up on her face.

It was three hours later before she stirred back to the world. She blinked her eyes sleepily and let out a heavy sigh. Her hand rested on her forehead as she still remembered the dream she had. It really felt real. She dreamt of returning back to years ago when she was still with him, the time when their love was still new, pure, and innocent.

She shook her head, slapping herself. That was the past, Ryn. Wake up.

But she could not help from admitting how she was missing him. She missed him dreadfully.

It took her a couple of minutes to calm down. She sighed and pushed the blanket off her body. Then, she went to the bathroom to clean herself. She looked at the mirror when she wanted to wash her face and groaned loudly. 

She looked like a mess!

She shook her head again. This almost became a routine for her. Waking up with a face full of make-up just because she could not hold to her sleepiness.

She pushed the unhappiness away and quickly washed the make-up off her face. Then, she cleaned her body. She did not waste any more time because she still needed to iron the dress.

When she got out of the bathroom, she heard her phone ringing. Thinking it was Mei Li, she hurriedly went to grab her phone.

She sighed when it was not Mei Li but Mika. She thought she wanted to ignore the call but she could not bear to hurt her feeling. With a heavy sigh, she answered the call.

"Hello, Mika."

"Ryn, where are you?" Mika asked, sound desperate.

"What's wrong, Mika? What happen?" Ryn asked worriedly. 

"I'm at your house but you're not here. Where are you?" Although she could be a bit ignorant of Ryn's feelings, however, today she could not help from feeling something wrong. She did try to contact her brother but her stupid brother refused to answer all her calls and messages. To make it even worst, when he came, she was not informed about it only learned about his arrival when she went down from her bedroom. To make it worst, the reason for her big brother to come was to be a driver for their mother and grandmother.

And she was left behind during their shopping spree!

The uneasiness persisted until now. She of course tried to call her best friends many times but none of her calls were answered. She did not call her fiance because she knew Jason was busy at the office. She did not want to disturb him again.

Luckily, when she tried to call Ryn again, she answered. Mika could not help from crying in relief. She reached for a napkin to wipe the tears.


"What is it? What's wrong?" Ryn asked again.

"Why I feel like I'm going to lose you? That you will leave me again?" Mika wailed. She believed in her guts and it never wronged her.

Ryn was stumped. Why... when she heard Mika's words, she felt her heart tearing up too? Toward this best friend of hers, although sometimes she felt frustrated with her stubbornness, she still cared for her like a real sister.

"You're not leaving me again, are you?"

"Mika..." Ryn choked out.

"Please don't tell me you're leaving me again, please. I don't think I can bear this," Mika cried, kneeling in the middle of Ryn's living room. She was scared when she saw how empty it was and when she checked in her wardrobe, she found several clothes were missing and her bag was gone too. She also could not find Ryn's usual dress and shoes. At that time, the uneasiness blossomed to scared.

"Mika, I..." Truthfully, Ryn was speechless on what to say. She did plan to 'disappear' but not forever. She knew she would come back once she made up her mind about her future with Jeremy.

"I can't lose you again," Mika cried.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Ryn opened her mouth, "Mika, how about I see you tomorrow? I have a dinner meeting tonight."

"Really? Are you going to meet me tomorrow? You're not lying?"

"Yes... yes... I am not lying to you. Have I ever lie before?" Ryn rubbed her throbbing temple. She felt relieved when she heard Mika's voice turn cheerful again. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ryn. Bye," Mika said cheerfully.

"Bye, Mika." Ryn sighed in relief once the call ended. She dropped the phone onto the bed and walked to the closet. Instead of opening it to take the dress she would be wearing for the dinner, she leaned her forehead against the hardwood and closed her eyes.

Should she stay here? Maybe Mei Li was right. She should meet him and have a long talk. They should have this conversation. 

Her head throbbed again. She was having a headache thinking about this. Should she or shouldn't she?

Her knees went weak and she fell to the floor, crying. She hated this feeling of sadness and frustration. She wished she did not have to have these feelings ever again but...

She knew if she returned to Jeremy, she would have these feelings again and again. Is it worth it? Just for their love?

The ringing from her phone interrupted her thought. She turned her head and looked at it silently. Was it Mika again or Mei Li? 

She pulled herself on her feet and went to the bed. She ignored that the bathrobe wrapping around her body was getting loose. She closed her eyes and let a tear dropped from her eye.

It was him.


Did he hear her heart?

Her shaking hand reached to get the phone. Her watery eyes stared at his name on the screen. Why wouldn't he leave her alone? Just for a few days? 

She closed res as her finger slid on the screen. Then, she took a deep breath.


Jeremy was about to end the call when the call was connected. His eyes shone when his call was finally answered.

"My love, I..."

"Jeremy, what are you doing? Come help bringing the things," Mrs. Long called her son. She could not believe her son would leave them and went to wait at the entrance. Imagine her frustration having to search for him when they finally realized he was no longer in the shop. She had to walk so many steps before she could see him.

And he was busy talking on the phone!

She approached him with her hands on her h.i.p.s, c.o.c.king an eyebrow. She expected him to end the call and followed her obediently.

"Mother," he sighed. He knew what she wanted but he could not waste this chance. Ryn was finally willing to answer his call. He did not think he would get another chance if he ended this call.

"What are you doing? Hurry up. You cannot let your grandmother waiting alone," her mother said impatiently.

Jeremy sighed. He opened his mouth to speak to Ryn but his love was quicker.

"I... We need to talk," she said slowly.

Her voice was soft but he could hear her clearly. His face brightened. Does this mean she finally realized her wrong?

"Tonight? I... I will go to you," he said hurriedly. He could not wait to see her again and hug her tight. Being separated for hours in a cold war left him desperate and almost crazy.

He needed her in his life. He could not lose her. Not again.

There was silence on her part. It made his heart pounded hard. Would she refuse?

"Jeremy," Mrs. Long called her son impatiently. What was he doing?

"Wait for a second, mother," Jeremy told his mother and he turned backing her. He still refused to stop talking with Ryn. He still wanted to hear her voice.

"I will call you later... once I've finished the dinner meeting," she said with a sigh. She knew if she postpones the meeting, he would get more impatient and would refuse to talk with her calmly. It was better to get this over quickly.

"Fine. I'll be waiting for your call," Jeremy said, a bit unwilling but he knew when she said she was going to have a dinner meeting it was related to her job. He did not want her to jeopardize her work because of him. He could accept it if she was to meet with men because of her work commitment but other than that, he refused to let her be with other men than him.

He said his goodbye, now with a better feeling. Tonight he would tell her she should believe in him. Everything he did was for their future. He only wanted the best for them.