Chapter 422 - We are just friends

"Hello, Ryn?" Harry greeted slowly. He was hoping Ryn was having a good mood when he was calling because he wanted to ask her out.

"Harry?" Ryn mumbled. She was still sleepy and this boy called her? Wasn't he sick like a high fever or something? Has he recovered? So soon?

"Are you... busy?" he asked worriedly. He did not want to disturb her while working. 

"What is it?" she did not want to waste more time, time that she could spend sleeping, and asked him directly. If it was nothing serious, she would just say goodbye and continue her sleep.

"No. I... I thought I want to invite you for lunch. I mean, I want to treat you to lunch. Because you visit me," he asked, his cheeks reddened.



"Sorry, Harry. I already have a plan," Ryn rejected ruthlessly. She did not have time to take care of Harry's feelings. She was too sleepy to care.

"Well... how about tomorrow?" he still did not give up. In order to win her, he would do anything to attract her.

"Look, Harry. I don't know how you feel about me but we are just friends, right? I hope that you won't try to go over the friendship boundary. I already have a boyfriend." Maybe because she could no longer control her stress, she blurted it out. She wanted to protect her relationship with Jeremy despite still not trusting him completely. He already promised to change and she should do the same as well.

His face paled. How could she be so blunt when rejecting his love. No. He would not give up...

"Harry, I'm sorry. I love my boyfriend so much. We can still work together but I would like to keep our distance a little bit so as not to hurt my boyfriend's feelings."


"I'm sorry. Bye." Ryn ended the call and groaned loudly. A little bit of her heart scolded her for being heartless but she needed to kill any chance that could ruin her relationship with Jeremy. Called her slow but maybe Jeremy was right in the sense that Harry treating her different than his other friends? Or was this just plan 'me Tarzan, you Jane' kind of thinking?

Whatever. Now she could continue her sleep, she thought happily and burrowed deeper under the blanket.

Another phone call disturbed her sleep again after a few minutes. With a groan, she pulled the blanket over her head and tried to ignore it. Why was she such a light sleeper sometimes? Well, today? She really wanted to enjoy her dream. Was it so hard to fulfill?

Lastly, with a loud groan, she pushed the blanket off her body and sat up, blinking hard. She even slapped her face a few times to wake up. Then, she reached for her ringing phone.

"Hello." She was hoping it was not Harry again. She really has no mood to reject or take care of his feelings. He should understand by now and just leave her alone.

"Hello, Ryn?" To her relief, it was not Harry but Mika, her silly best friend.

"What is it? Is it time for our lunch?" Ryn asked without checking the time nor thinking. She thought she could steal a little bit of time to catch a few winks.

"I can't go," Mika cried.

"Why not? Are you not feeling okay?" Ryn asked hurriedly. The drowsiness disappeared in a second in her worry about Mika's health.

"They don't allow me to go out. I can't even find my keys," Mika cried.

"Wait... what?" Ryn even blinked in her shock. What did Mika mean by that?

"I don't know why they bully me like this. Jason is not here so I can't ask him to pick me up. Jeremy scolded me for skipping work again, which is ridiculous coz I'm on break to make my wedding dress," Mika wailed.

Ryn rubbed between her brows. The drowsiness has disappeared, yes, but right now a headache is growing.

"Your mother is not there?" Ryn asked.

"Everyone is not here. Even grandma is not here," Mika replied. Then, her eyes widened and she quickly clamped her mouth shut. She would not tell her what her family was doing today.

"And they didn't bring you with them? That's weird."

"Anyway..." Mika finally realized she should not call Ryn to whine about her sadness. It was a huge mistake and right now she must correct it back. So, she must find a way to end this conversation before she blurted out everything. "I need to go. I just remember Jason is waiting for my call."

Ryn stared at her phone speechlessly. She did not even have the chance to say anything before the call ended rather abruptly. That was weird.

Oh well, she shrugged. At least the headache was no longer hurting her head. She still had a little bit of it, though. And she could sleep more. She no longer has to catch up with Mika. 

That was more important for her.


She let out a huge yawn and promptly let herself fall back onto the bed. She even wiggled her body and burrowed herself under the thick blanket. So soft. So comfortable.


Jeremy was reading a file when the door was knocked on by someone. 

"Come in," he said without looking at the door. He just needed a few more pages to read before he could determine whether the proposal was worth to be approved. He did not even look at the mountain of files besides the monitor. It would make him feel tired. 

How long has he been reading these files? 

When he reached the office, he managed to read only two files. Rejected of course. And then, he went to the first meeting. Came back and continued reading until the time he had to leave for the second meeting. He even skipped his lunch in order to finish some of the works. 

He was determined to finish at least half of them before he went home today. And he also decided to bring some of them home to read. He knew he could no longer hold his work and with his determination to give Ryn some time, he knew he should focus on his work too.

Well, at least he had finished the song arrangements for Mika's wedding. He already gave them to his team to proceed. Of course, he already had someone in his mind for one of the songs, but it would depend on his luck whether he could get this person or not.

"Sir," Jacon greeted politely.

"What is it?" he asked without looking. 

"A representative from the RX company came to see you. Would you like to see them?" Jacob asked.

"They didn't make an appointment?" Jeremy asked as he turned to another page.

"Ah... no, sir. But she insists to see you now. She has a proposal for you," Jacob said awkwardly. He knew better than to make his own decision for a visitor to see his boss. He would ask first when the person has no appointment before. 

Jeremy scrawled something on the last page and put it away. Then, he finally looked at his personal assistant as he clasped his hands together.

"RX company?" he c.o.c.ked an eyebrow. That company sounded familiar but he could not remember where or when he heard it before. "Just bring her in."

"Yes, sir," Jacob nodded and walked to the door. He did not stop at his workstation but headed straight to the lobby where a woman was waiting. He saw her staring at her phone silently, frowning.

"Miss An?" he called politely.

The woman lifted her head and turned to look at him. She smiled but it did not seem to come from her eyes. Her eyes were cold.

Jacob did not like that kind of look but he did not say anything. He politely brought her into Jeremy's office.

"Sir, Miss An from RX Company," he introduced.

"Good evening, Miss An. To what do I owe you the pleasure for your company?" Jeremy asked as he stood up to welcome her in. But he did not move from his table. 

"Hello, Mr. Long. I'm Ellie An from RX Company and I'm representing my company for a proposal," she replied. She handed a file to him.

"Why didn't you just make an appointment with my assistant so we can have a proper discussion?" Jeremy asked while flipping through the file rather quickly. It did not take a long time for him to finish his reading. He closed the file and pushed it aside. He looked at her with a smile.

"Rather than making an appointment, I'd prefer to meet you on the spot," Ellia crossed her legs and smiled. This time her eyes shone with interest entwined with arrogance. She just came back from abroad, just having finished her Master Degree and her father already put her in this important position in the company and her first task was to get the contract with this company.

She did not think that with her brain and beauty, the president of this company would reject the proposal. No one would reject when she came in person.