Chapter 441 - Do you have food?

Ryn walked into the living room and saw him all buck n.a.k.e.d. Her eyes widened and without thinking, she turned around and went back into her bedroom.

She quickly slammed herself on the bed and covered her face with the blanket.

"I must be dreaming," she murmured with her cheeks all red. She rubbed her face with the blanket. How could he... why was he being so shameless in his home? And right in the middle of the day!

"Did the window open?" she gasped. 

She could not remember if the curtain was drawn open. She did not remember whether the window was left open. And he was... n.a.k.e.d in the middle of the living room, acting like it was usual for him to be in that state in her home.

"J!" she cried as she jumped to her feet. Instead of rushing to him, she went to grab a towel first and then ran to him.

He was still talking on his phone when she reached him. Without another word, she threw the towel at him and rushed to check the curtain. Luckily none of the curtains were drawn. She blew out a sigh of relief as she turned around and looked at him.

He was standing there with his hand still holding the phone next to his ear. The towel was still covering his head, just how she threw it on top of him.

She twitched her lips. How to explain?

"Are you ready for breakfast?" he asked. He did not ask the reason behind her action. In fact, he enjoyed seeing her all panic just because he was in his birthday suit. How more adorable she could get?

"Breakfast?" she asked as she blinked her eyes at him.

"Hmm... But I need to go back to my place to change into fresh clothes. And we also need to check the moving company," he said, planning their day for today.

"We haven't updated much," she frowned.

"Don't worry. Everything will work out perfectly fine," he assured as he disconnected the call with a 'bye'. He handed his phone to her and pulled the towel off his head.

She sighed. She brought his phone to the coffee table before she entered back her bedroom. She needed to take a quick shower or she would end up yawning or falling asleep in the middle of a conversation. Man, she was still tired from their activity last night.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, checking his phone when she came out from the bathroom. She did not speak anything and just went to put on a hoodie. She already put on her clothes in the bathroom because she did not want to hear any naughty comments from him. She noticed that he was in his naughty mood these few days and she did not want to hear any of them.

Maybe he knew what inside her mind, he did not say anything and just walked into the bathroom. To her relief, he already wrapped the bottom half of his with a towel. 

"You can borrow my clothes," she told him once he came back after his quick shower. Again, he only wrapped a towel around him. She continued with tying her hair. As they were going to check the moving company, she put in an extra effort by prepping her face and even put on some CC Cream and lip stain, which Jeremy noticed.

He twitched his lips but did not say anything. He did not mind the extra preparation she did. She did not take long to get ready. She must be waiting for him to get ready and decided to put on some make-up.

When he was done, she was already waiting in the living room with her phone.

"Let's go," he announced. He already took his own phone. She actually went to charge their phone before she went to have her shower.

She let him hold her hand when they walking. Their relationship was already known in public so there was no reason for her to hide anymore., she leaned against him in the elevator and closed her eyes. She was still tired and wanted to sleep more but her stomach was demanding food. 

They ignored the look from some who recognized either Jeremy and Ryn. As this apartment was close to the university, so many students lived there. But as it was still in the middle of a break after the exam, not many were still there, unless they had taken part-time jobs while waiting for their result.

"When will your result come out?" he asked. He just remembered that she was waiting for her result before she could continue with her practical training. "And where do you plan to do your training?"

She opened her eyes and turned to look at him. She did not expect him to ask that question in the elevator. But, before she could answer, the door was opened and three people were waiting outside to get in.

She simply straightened and smiled at them. Then, she adjusted her cap and walked to the bas.e.m.e.nt where Jeremy parked his car.

"Well?" he asked, still wanted to know her answer. He was hoping she would ask to be his assistant or directly under him. But knowing her, he had to expect the unexpected.

"I have the feeling that Mika will ask me to help her," Ryn answered finally. She waited until he started the engine and drove the car into the main road before she answered.

"Don't you want to work with me?" he asked.

"Work or play?" she asked him back wryly.

He laughed. Why was she being so funny today? It must be because they spent yesterday making love. Maybe her heart finally has opened fully for him. She did not put a wall between them.

She frowned at her phone. She actually sent a message to her manager, asking her about the moving company she used previously to move into the rented house. She thought it might as well used the same company. She was too lazy to look for a new one.

It did not take long for Mei Li to get back to her with the address and the number. She looked at the address before showed it to Jeremy.

"The one you used before?" he recognized the name.

"Hmm... can we go there?" she asked. She did not demand but ask because she did not know his plan, well, the company he wanted to use. 

"Sure. What time it opens?" he asked. He did not plan to change their destination. He needed to go home to change his clothes into a fresh set.

"I guess either 9 or 10," she shrugged. She did not care much what time any shop opened because she always went to the shop late. She always woke up late anyway. Even if she woke up early, she usually went for a run or a gym in the university. Besides, she was always brought to the already opened shop by either Mei Li or Mika.

"We'll have our breakfast first, and then we'll go to that company." 

She nodded. She did not care when they would go to the company. She was not the driver and besides, she had no work today so they could just do it slow and easy. She did not have to rush for anything.

"Confirm with Mei Li what day you could move," Jeremy reminded. He did not think they could move today. Even if they called yesterday, the company would not be able to arrange it by today.

She nodded. She sent a message to her manager to ask for her free day. She waited for several minutes before she received the answer,

Hmm... it seemed like she had to wait for another week before she could move. She did not know who actually book her days. She thought she was free for these several days because of Mika's wedding but it seemed like she was wrong.

Hmm... she needed to check with her manager her real schedule for the week.

But right now, she should focus on the activity she would do today. She was too hungry to care about her schedule.

They finally reached his condo. He parked at his usual place and looked at her.

"Are you following or wait here?" he asked.

"Is there anything I can eat up there?" she asked. She rubbed her stomach hungrily. She was so hungry now, no thanks to him. All the food she ate yesterday all long digested from their activity. 

"I think so," Jeremy shrugged. He did buy something a few days ago if he was not mistaken. Or maybe he brought it on the way from his office. He could not remember actually.

"I'll go up too," she decided and unbuckled the seat belt.

He smiled. He shut off the engine and got out of the car. He quickly went to her side to open the door but she already opened her own door. He sighed. She would never change. Maybe it was another reason why he liked her. She did not act. What he sees is what he gets.

Hopefully, he did have something in the kitchen or he had a lot to answer with, especially with her eyes looked like a hungry animal... again. She truly was starving.