Chapter 447 - Thunder

Jeremy was still worried but he could not do anything when Ryn refused to see the doctor. He wrapped his arm around her waist and helped to lead her to the car.

"You know I don't like to see you sick. If you-"

"I'm just tired, that's all. Don't worry," she said. She bent to get into the car once he opened it for her.

"Maybe you should stay at my place. I can watch over you," he said fretfully. He already gave up trying to persuade her to see the doctor. Right now, he only wanted her to be safe and in order to make his heart no longer worried sick, he wanted her to stick close to him all the time.

She sighed, rubbing her head tiredly. He had turned into a worried mother hen, which should make her touched and glad but she actually wanted to be left alone.

He reached out to touch her forehead, worried that she has a fever. And she felt slightly warm. But not hot. So she was not having a fever. But her face was pale.

"You're going to see the doctor," he decided. He ignored the look from her. He was determined to bring her to see the doctor in order to know what was wrong with her.

She tried to change his mind but he drove the car to his family's doctor's clinic. The doctor was used to all of them but he has never met Ryn before. So, in order for the doctor not to reject Ryn, he has to bring her.

"Come on, let's go," he coaxed when she refused to get out of the car. They have arrived in front of the clinic but she did not want to get out of the car. She even closed her eyes, pretending to be sleeping.

She turned so her back was backing him. She refused to go see the doctor. She knew her body. All she needed was sleeping. 

"Love, stop throwing tantrums. You need to see the doctor in order to get better," he coaxed.


"Baby, just meet him for a few minutes. Then, I'll bring you to eat delicious food," he used bribery to make her change her mind. Delicious food was her favorite and fatal weakness. She would do anything to eat delicious food. Surely she would agree to see the doctor in order to eat delicious food, right? "You can eat anything you want."

He could see her hands moved. He hid a smile. She was fighting with her instinct. He knew he already got her in his hands now. The only thing he needed to do was to wait for her to give in and follow him into the clinic.

"Oh... alright. If you insist," she said finally with a huff. With a pout, she put out her legs outside. He accepted his hand and walked into the clinic rather unhappily.

He held her hand, afraid that she would run away if he did not hold firm enough. In fact, even when he talked to the receptionist, he was still holding her hand.

It did not take time for Ryn's turn to see the doctor. He brought her into the room and greeted the doctor with a nod. He helped Ryn to sit on the chair.

"Young Master Long, is this your girlfriend?" the doctor asked with a smile. He was not shocked to see the woman. He already knew that Jeremy has a girlfriend. Everyone knew and according to the rumor circling around the mansion, it was just a matter of time for the lovebirds to get married.

He was actually excited to meet her.

Jeremy watched as Ryn tell the doctor what she was feeling. Jeremy's brows lifted when he realized how serious Ryn was feeling. Why didn't she say anything at all? Why she kept everything inside her?

He held her hand when she had to lie down on the bed. He was worried sick. 

"Can you sit over there?" she told him. She was getting scared because of him. The way he was behaving made it feel like she was dying. Could he just stay calm for a second? She bet he was scaring the doctor too.

He looked at the doctor with a c.o.c.k of an eyebrow.

The doctor gulped. Honestly, he was nervous when Young Master Long kept holding his girlfriend's hand and watched every single action carefully. It made the doctor worried he did something wrong and wrongly diagnosed the sickness.

He could not imagine the consequence if he misdiagnosed. He would be ruined!

"J, please," She asked softly.

With a heavy sigh, he leaned down and kissed her hand. And then, he went to sit on the chair.

"Check her carefully, doctor," he reminded the doctor with a cold face. 

The doctor gulped His body shivered at the cold warning from the young master. It felt like he was facing the Dowager.

It was scary.

"Just ignore him," Ryn told the doctor with a weak smile. She could not believe that Jeremy would scare off the doctor. Wasn't he worried that the doctor would make a mistake due to his nervousness?

"What are you waiting for?" Jeremy asked the doctor when the doctor did not make any move at all, just standing there like a doll.

The doctor gulped a huge amount of air and hurriedly went to do his job. He tried not to imagine the Dowager standing behind him, watching every little action and movement he did with narrowed eyes. So scary. Silently he wondered how the old Long was head over heels with the grumpy old lady. 

Jeremy crossed his legs and frowned. He wished he could hold her hand to give her support but she did not seem to like his touch now. He sighed.

It took the doctor almost an hour just to check on Ryn. It was not as if he was slow but under Jeremy's insistent, he had to check twice before Jeremy was satisfied. Phew, it was just like the Dowager; the way he stared, they were he c.o.c.ked an eyebrow and gave that suspicious look and the way he asked whether he was sure with his diagnosis. 

It was a very stressful treatment day for him. He even felt like crying as he waved the couple out of his clinic. He was relieved when they were gone, in fact, he even told his staff to close the clinic. He could not stay here anymore and remembered the way Jeremy was staring at him all the time.

"I've told you it was nothing," she said once they were inside the car. He insisted to carry her 'princess' to the car, ignoring her cry. It was so embarrassing!

"But you're sick," he pointed out as he even took the small blanket from the back seat to cover her laps. He adjusted the temperature to suit her. Even though the doctor said it was mainly because of exhaustion and her stressful lifestyle, it did not ease his worry.

In fact, it was making him more worried. Being a model was such a stressful job. She not only has to move around, going from one country to another almost every day, she also needed to take care of her figure via watching over her diet and exercising. It would of course affect her emotion.

Of course, Jeremy conveniently forgot the sole reason behind her stress was because of his family. He and his little sister. 

Ryn just closed her eyes tiredly. Just as she told him earlier, she was not sick. She was just plain tired. She only needed to sleep to feel better.

It was better for she to steal some winks while in the car. Just ignored Jeremy and he would automatically keep quiet.

He closed his mouth when he saw her already drifted into the la-la land. He quickly turned off the radio in order not to disturb her sleep.

He rubbed her head gently and drove the car away. This time, he was heading to his place. It seemed like he has to stay with her in order to ensure that she receives good rest and nutritious food. If he left it all to her, she would just ignore her food and only sleep when she felt like it, which was all the time.

It seemed like God was against him again. The traffic was so bad and the sky was getting dark. He frowned at the sky. This was not what he wanted when he was going out with Ryn. He only wanted a clear blue sky with dots of white clouds.

He knew she hated rain so much, especially thunders. But with the way the traffic was right now, it was hard to reach his place quickly.

"Come on... come on..." he murmured, trying to not hit the horn impatiently. The sky was getting darker and he could even hear hints of thunders getting closer.

Uh oh...