Chapter 449 - You are crazy

Jeremy sighed. He wished he could crack Mika's head and look inside. Why was she being so dumb? She was supposed to be a genius.

Heck, both of them have high IQ but it seemed like regarding Ryn, their IQ went down, along with their EQ. His lips pursed at the thought.

"I want to speak to Ryn," Mika demanded. The tears were still pooling in her eyes, any second to be released.

"No. Go home," Jeremy did not budge from his decision. No one could disturb Ryn from her rest under his watch. No one. Not even this silly little girl he called his little sister.

"No." Mika refused to move. She believed no one could force her around. Not even her big brother.

"I'll call father," Jeremy warned, paused two seconds before added, "and I will cancel all your day off and you won't get your salary and bonus for all these months."

"You wouldn't dare," she gasped, her eyes widened. Was he joking? This was not a good time to joke around. She refused. Refused.

"I would and I dare. Try me," he gave her a cold smile, challenging her to challenge his patience.

"You are crazy," Mika wailed.

"Go home or face the consequence," he narrowed his eyes.

Mika looked around desperately. There was nothing she could use to throw to Jeremy. How could he even think to cut her salary and bonus? How could he be so evil?

"Mika." His voice has no more warmth, just full of warning. If she still refused to go home, she could

not blame him for making a drastic action. No one could stop him from punishing her.

With her shoulders dropped, Mika forced herself to walk to the door. She felt like a victim. She did not think her arrival could disturb Ryn. She just wanted to apologize to Ryn and listen as Ryn forgive her. Was it too much to ask? She did not understand why her brother treating her so cruel like this. She did not think she did anything wrong at all. She just wanted Ryn's forgiveness.

Jeremy shook his head when he heard the door being slammed loudly. Mika needed to understand that they have to change in order to make everyone happy. They took it for granted with Ryn before and never really thought about her feeling. They decided that Ryn belonged to them and they could do anything to her.

He suddenly remembered about Ryn's complain earlier this morning and scratched his head. He did not want to leave her alone but if she woke up and found the kitchen empty, he would receive her displeasure again. He frowned, thinking hard.

He needed to do something about the kitchen but he could not leave her alone to do the grocery shopping. He also could not wait for her to wake up before they do their grocery shopping together. Knowing Ryn, she would be hungry once she woke up and demand to be fed immediately or her would would go straight to worse.

What should he do?

It took him almost an hour to think before an idea popped into his mind. Why didn't he think of this earlier? Has his nervousness clouded his brain so badly?

Without wasting another second, he took out his phone and dialed someone. He did not have to wait long before the other person answered. He quickly explained what he wanted, listing everything he needed. He also did not forget to ask that person to bring their dinner too. He did not think he would go out to buy one or has the energy and mood to cook today. Also, he did not want to tire Ryn by asking her to cook dinner. As he was ordering for grocery, might as well order their dinner too.

Once he was done, he went ahead and plugged his phone to recharge it. Then, he went upstairs to look for his love. Instead of waking her up, he helped pulled the blanket to cover her and adjusted the temperature. Of course, he held himself from complaining loudly that she would rather sleep in the guest room rather than sleeping in his bedroom. He thought she heard him and went to sleep in his room. He had to search for her before found her sleeping soundly on the bed with her shoes thrown on the floor carelessly. Lastly, he reached for her phone to recharge and went to switch on the night lamp. He closed the door quietly and left her to have her rest. 

Now, it was time for him to fresh himself. He quickly took a shower. Then, he went downstairs to grab his phone, not wanting to miss any call. He went back upstairs and headed to the gym. It has been too long since his exercise session and he was afraid he has lost all his muscle. 

He spent almost two hours there before he heard the bell rang. Grabbing a towel, he wiped the sweat on his face and neck as he walked downstairs. 

"Young Master," a maid greeted politely, holding two huge bags. Behind her was two more maids who were also holding bags.

"Come in but don't be noisy," he reminded as he welcomed them in. He did not tell them why or who was upstairs. He simply told them to keep quiet.

The maids murmured their understanding and brought the things into the kitchen. They did not ask why but they could guess when they were given instruction to prepare dinner and breakfast for two and with so many steaks they have to bring, it would take no time for them to realize who was with their Young Master. They hid their giggle and maintained their sober face.

Without asking, they quickly arranged everything. Soon enough, Jeremy's empty kitchen has changed into a fully filled kitchen. Everything needed was there, even popcorn.

"You do realize that I don't have popcorn machine," Jeremy commented dryly when he saw the boxes.

"This can be made using microwave, Young Master," one of the maids answered. She was the one suggested for them to buy the popcorn as well so Young Master could make and eat it with Young Mistress Catherine while watching movie. 

Jeremy's lips twitched. It seemed like these maids have something in their mind. He swore he saw strawberries and chocolate they stuck into the refrigerator along with packd of steaks. And none of them even unpack one more plastic. He did not know what inside but somehow guess it was apart of their plan.

He would not ask. He knew he would know eventually. Besides, he wanted to see how long they could hide from him.

Someone rang the bell. Jeremy watched as one of the maids quickly stopped and went to the door. He did not follow. His interest was on the two maids who were still busy arranging things.

"Young Master," two voices greeted him politely.

He turned to acknowledge their arrival before turned back to watch the two maids along with the third one continued their arrangement. They were even cleaning the kitchen! He did not think his kitchen was that dirty but he guessed it did not meet their standard of cleanliness.

Have they forgotten that they would take turn to clean this place weekly?

He crossed his arms and watched. But soon enough, he got bored standing there doing nothing. Instead of checking what the two newcomers were doing, he climbed up the stairs to continue his exercising. He did not think he has build enough muscle to impress Ryn. He was losing his six-pack!

He was lifting the weight when someone cleared her throat. He put down the weight and looked at the maid, c.o.c.king an eyebrow.

"Young Master, we have finished arranging everything. For dinner, we have prepared everything but you have to reheat them first before eating. We have prepared the breakfast as well but you have to cook it first. Everything has been labelled neatly," the maid reported.

"Good," he said simply.

"Then, we shall be going now. Goodbye, Young Master. Please enjoy the dinner," the maid said and excused herself. She joined the rest of the maids leaving the house, not forgetting to lock the door. They have a staff meeting later so they could not be late. The butler and the rest were waiting for their report regarding Young Master and Mistress Catherine. They have a lot to report. A lot of good news. So excited!

Jeremy continued until he was satisfied with the amount of sweat he produced. He did not mind having to take another shower. He felt fresh after the exercise. He did not have to go downstairs to quench his thirst. The maid already brought a bottle of water when she came to report. Maybe she knew he already finished the drink he brought earlier.

After the second shower, he put on his pajama and went to check on Ryn. He chuckled to see her still deep in her sleep. He did not forget to check her temperature and was relieved when she felt warm like usual. He even stole a kiss or two on her forehead, nose and lips before he left her alone. He did not have the mood to eat dinner alone. Might as well he checked on his work. With that in mind, he went to his study room.