Chapter 451 - The promise of the second chance

"At least you try. I just hope that before you jump to a conclusion, you ask me first," she said. She twirled the glass of rose syrup. She had enough champagne for the night. She did not want to get too drunk and then ended up being hangovers tomorrow. She hated being unable to remember what happened even just a minute or two. She wanted to remember her own life.

"Don't you believe in me, Ryn?" he asked, a bit hurt when he saw how nonchalant she was when she heard his promise. She did not take him seriously!

She sipped her drink slowly. Then, she poured another glass. "I do believe in you, J, but action speaks louder than words. You're always jealous over silly reasons and even refused to listen to my reason. Can you control your temper and listen?"

He leaned his back against the back of the chair and sighed heavily. It was difficult to control his jealousy because he was scared of losing her. But he would learn. He would rather learn to be more understanding than losing her for the second time.

He deserved the second chance.

She twirled the glass, watching the red liquid flowing around the glass. Then, she put it down and looked at him.

"I am a model, J. I work with a lot of people. It is normal for me to even wear skimpy clothes and pose in provoking manner with male models. Can you understand that?"

He took a deep breath. He tried to be more understanding the moment she became a model. Heck, he was the one encouraging her to be a model, telling her that she would not have to depend on her parents and could even help her parents in terms of money.

Of course, he was not used to seeing her first photo with a male model even though it was quite innocent. As she was still a new model and at such a young age, the pose was not over and more toward tackling the market for teenagers. However, gradually the pose was getting s.e.xier and braver and it took him a lot of time to not fall to his jealousy. It was a big struggle especially toward the end of their first relationship. She was almost half-n.a.k.e.d with the male model and he, being whispered with so much gossips surrounding her could not think rationally and thought she was two-timing him.

And with Harry in the picture, trying to woo her, it made him a bit... worried and scared that she would dump him for that boy.

She was so innocent that she did not even notice how many men have been eyeing her with interest.

Both no longer spoke in the conversation. They were deep in their own thought.

The conversation was the chance for them to open up but it ended up awkwardly. Even when they finally went to bed, they no longer spoke with each other but just said "Good night."

It was an awkward day for the two of them.

However, for Ryn, it was an improvement. Although they had nothing to say but they did not end up quarreling. She guessed they both learned something for the sake of their relationship.

Ryn woke up the next morning with a clear head and optimistic view. She had no doubt that her day would get better. After she freshened up herself, she went down to the kitchen to prepare for their breakfast.

Several minutes later, Jeremy joined her in the kitchen. He looked at her in silence after murmuring his 'Good morning'. He watched as she got so busy in the kitchen, he worried that if he tried to help her, it would only make things slower. All he could do was leaning against the wall and watched.

"What time do you need to go to work today?" she asked suddenly, breaking the silence as she handed him the pot of coffee.

"I can go whenever I'm ready," he replied without thinking. He brought the pot to the dining table carefully, joining the utensils and the cups and saucers.

She hid a heavy sigh. She felt that it was better for him to show a good example to her by saying he needed to go to work just at the same time as other employees. As the boss, he could not expect his employees to be hardworking when he became lazy. And of course, sometimes she wondered how he divided his time for his work. She had no doubt that he was extremely busy with two companies and his music career as well. She knew he hadn't quit. In fact, he even created a new company to manage his singing career. On top of that, he was helping Mika with her wedding preparation.

Wasn't he exhausted with all the work?

She brought the huge bowl of fried rice while he went back into the kitchen to get bowls and chopsticks.

"What's your plan for today?" he asked as they both took their seat on the chair.

She scooped some fried rice into the bowls and with a frown, trying to remember what her schedule of the day was. She pursed her lips as she reached for the sunny-side eggs and sausages.

"I think I have fitting today," she said finally.

"Work or Mika?"

"Work." The fitting was for the show tomorrow. She looked down at her stomach and frowned. She was losing weight again and she was hoping today's meal could add some meat into her body.

"Mei Li would accompany me," she declared before he decided to follow her. After the fitting, she thought it was better to go and check the car she wanted. She did not want any of the Longs following her or they would insist for her to follow their requirement.

He closed his mouth. He was about to suggest accompanying her but she already cut him off. He twitched his lips in amus.e.m.e.nt. How could he not guess the reason why she quickly mentioned Mei Li's name? She did not want him to follow her.

They were so used to doing their own things when they were younger, when he wanted to spend more time with her, accompany her when working, she did not want to change. She only allowed him to do so when Mei Li could not send and pick her up. Sigh. 

Thus, the time spent during breakfast was quiet again. None spoke anything. Jeremy did not want to break the harmony while she was too hungry to care.

It took them almost half an hour to finish everything. Of course, in the end, he was accompanying her eating her breakfast with a smile. He went upstairs to clean himself and get prepared to go to work.

"I won't be late," he told her as she helped straightened his tie.


"Do you think we can have lunch together?" he asked.

"Not sure. I'll get back to you once I know my real schedule," she replied. She was not being hard to get. She was just being honest. She knew she has a fitting today but she was not sure about her real schedule. She needed to check with her phone as well with Mei Li.

"Fine. I'll call you back later. Goodbye."

"Goodbye," she replied. She watched him grabbing his car key and his mobile phone. Then, he walked through the door to the elevator. She waved when he stopped to look at her. Once she no longer could see him, she closed the door with a sigh and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. She could not leave all those dirty dishes in the sink!

Once she was done cleaning the place, she went back upstairs to get her phone. The first thing she did with her phone was checking the message. There was none except Mika who was asking Ryn to contact her back. Ryn put it aside first. She needed to check her calendar.

It seemed like she was right when she told Jeremy she was not sure about her schedule. She did have another work commitment this morning and in fifteen minutes she has to move. She quickly called Mei Li to ask about her transportation and once Mei Li confirmed she was on the way, Ryn quickly went to Mika's closet to borrow some clothes. Sigh, it seemed like she needed to return to her home to grab something to put in this house. She spent quite a lot of days here but did not have many clothes to wear especially when she needed to go to work.

She put on her hair as usual in a high ponytail and even shamelessly borrowed one of Jeremy's caps to cover her head. She checked the electrical appliances and the lights before she closed the door and went to the ground floor. Mei Li was almost there to pick her up.

"Good morning," Mei Li greeted once her model got into the car.


"How's your mood today?" Mei Li asked carefully.

Ryn sighed a bit, "Better, I think."

"Good. I don't want you to be distracted when working," Mei Li stated as a matter of fact. Although she knew Ryn would be so professional when she was in her working mode but it was better to be cautious just in case anything happened. She did see how stressful Ryn was lately, and did not want it to affect Ryn's day.

Ryn sighed.