Chapter 454 - Where is the food?

"Ryn?" He c.o.c.ked an eyebrow when she did not move at all. He was confused of why his girlfriend did not do what he asked. Did he just make a mistake of increasing his voe and made her angry?

"Do you know what time it is right now?" She asked with a frown. Her arms crossed against her chest as she stared at him coldly.

He was taken back with her question. Then, he lowered his head to look at the watch on his wrist. He realized why she was being moody. 

It was lunch hour and he just told her to sing! He forgot that she would throw tantrum if she did not get her food... as soon as possible.

He forgot to cover the workoholic side in him from her and almost treated her like one of his employees. Luckily he still had the time to correct this. 

Without another word, he wrapped his arm around her and kissed the frown on her delicate brows gently. "I'm sorry, love. You know I always forgot to eat when I'm excited with my work. Forgive me?"

He used his charm to melt her heart, even talking about his weakness to makeher forgive him. He was not ashamed to admit his weaknesses so she would not feel like she stepped into an egoistic employer. He did not want her to see his ugly side 'the cold-blooded big boss' side. He did not want to frighten her. She was just a delicate lady, needed to be protected the whole time. 

Tim and Hank looked away, too embarrassed to witness this side of Jeremy. Even though Jeremy sang love songs but he was always serious when working. He never let anything affect his flow of work. Even though their face was red but the curled of the smile could not cover the amus.e.m.e.nt in their heart. Jeremy finally looked normal now.

"We'll go have our lunch first and then we'll come back here. What do you think?" He asked for her opinion. He learned to discuss now, especially regarding her meals.

"Hmm..." she gave a nod. She was getting hungrier by the minute and he expected her to sing? If he did not realize his mistake, she would leave the room and give him cold shoulder for a week as punishment. 

"Let's go," he took her hand and walked to the door. Right now he was praying that the restaurant at the end of the building opened. The food there matched with her taste especially the special meat platter. 

Tim and Hank watched the couple left and sighed in relief once they could no longer see them.

"I never thought I would see him being hen-pecked like this," Hank commented. Withot even thinking, his hand reached for the cigarette box and took out one. He passed the box to Tim.

Tim took one of the cigarettes and lightened it with a ligher from Hank. He took a deep breath before let it out.

"Hopefully with her here we don't have to spend the whole night here," Tim wished. Although Jeremy was not stingy his expectation was so high that they always ended up spending one whole day until the night in the studio. They could not leave until Jeremy satisfied.

"Lucky," he murmured when they arrived at the restaurant and it was opened. He pulled her into the restaurant and made a beeline toward the first empty table he saw. He knew better to choose as there were so many customers and whoever came first would get to sit.

"One meat platter and hawaian fried rice. Orange juice for me." Jeremy handed the menu back to the waiter and signalled Ryn to tell the man her choice of drink.

"Warm water," Ryn handed the menu back to the waiter. She knew the meat platter was for her and she approved Jeremy's choice.

The waiter went to the counter to put their order into the system and then went to the drink section to get their drinks.

"You..." she started once the waiter was gone.


"Why me?" She was referring to the songs.

"Because Mika did say she wished to hear you sing but too afraid to ask you. And I think it is a good surprise for her. And you," he grasped her hands gently, "I believe you want to do something special for her on her wedding but you don't know what to do."

Her lips twitched. She did want to do something special to celebrate Mika's wedding but until now she had no idea what to do. Of course, she did come up with several ideas but none was good enough. And now...

She pulled her hands from him and leaned back against the chair. She let out a sigh.

"It's been too long," she murmured. She was talking about singing loudly. She was used of humming now, not speaking the words. How on earth would she do it? Not to mention in front of everyone!

"Don't worry," he coaxed, "I know you can do it. Believe in yourself and your friendship with that sillly girl."

"Hey!"she glared when she heard what he called Mika. He was Mika's big brother. It was not nice to call Mika that.. loudly.

He chuckled. Finally he managed to distract her. It would only make her feel worst if she kept fretting over this matter. He would rather teasing her like this. 

"Where is the food?" she asked suddenly. Her narrowed eyes looked at where the kitchen was. She was so hungry she swore she could eat the whole bull.

He grasped her hand, trying to calm her down, "Just amoment more, love. I bet they're plating our food."

"Are you sure?" she asked suspiciously. She could no longer hold her hunger but knew better to throw tantrum here. She took a deep breath to calm herself. 

Jeremy let out a relieved sigh when a waiter came to their table with their food on her tray. He quickly put the glasses to the side to give space for the food.

Her eyes sparkled at the sight of piles and piles of meat arranged beautifully on the huge plate. She licked her lips hungrily but manage to control herself. She gave her thanks to the waiter gracefully. She waited until the waiter left them before she reached for the fork to stab the top slice of the meat. She closed her eyes as she chewed the meat.

"Hmm..." she could not stop from m.o.a.ning. So delicious. The meat was still hot but silky. The taste in her mouth exploded. 

Jeremy gulped. Maybe, it was a big mistake not to take a private room. He should take one so they could add maybe another 'eating' session for lunch.

She opened her eyes after the first slice of the meat swallowed into her stomach. 

"Delicious?" He asked hoarsely. It was a struggle to control himself from jumping onto her and did what his last told him too but he managed to do it.... barely. He had to swallow more drink to wet his dry throat. Damn, how could she be so s.e.xy when even eating? Or maybe he was getting crazier when he could even turn on just by looking at her eating. Yeah, maybe he was the one getting crazier.

"Hmm..." she nodded like a parrot. Words were useless to emphasize how good the meat was. And it was only the first slice.

She stabbed the second slice with the fork and swallowed it while another hand reached for her second job. She sighed heavily when again the deliciousness filled her mouth. She reached the third slice but this time, instead of putting it into her mouth like the previous two. In fact, Jeremy found the slice of meat getting closer to him. He looked at Ryn and understood that she waned to fed her. He quickly opened his mouth to accept it. His heart blossomed into a garden full with beautiful plants and flowers.

Had he finally passed the probation period? Had she finally destroyed the invisible wall around her heart and accepted him wholeheartedly?

Unaware of what inside his mind, all her focus was on the meat. She gave him a slice to show her gratefulness for him to introduce her to this deliciousness.

It took him almost five minutes to snap back to reality. He rubbed his nape sheepishly before he turned his attention to the food he chose for his lunch.

It took him no time to finish the fried rice and then waited for her patiently to be done devoring the meats on the plate.

She too took no time to finish everything... well, everything was clean except for the small mountain of coleslaw and salad. 

His lips twitched but he did not say a word. She was so traumatic with eating vegetables, she would not touch it, especially salad and carrot which she called thr bunny food. She would not eat bunny food ever again.