Chapter 459 - The bickering siblings

Mika quickly signaled the stewardess to come and ordered her to bring a snack for them. She watched happily as Ryn drank more water to wake herself up. Despite her hate for vegetables, she drank quite a lot of water. No wonder her skin was so smooth and so satisfying to squeeze. 

It took no time for the snacks to be delivered to the women. Ryn reached for the fork and started to enjoy the chocolate pudding delicately placed in a crystal bowl and decorated with wafers, strawberries, and There was even a dollop of whipped cream on top. 

Of course, the small bowl of the pudding was not enough to fill the bottomless stomach of Ryn but to these people, this pudding was just the appetizer while the crews were preparing for the real meal. Actually, they all were waiting for Ryn to wake up before they would have their dinner. But of course, the food would not stay heated while waiting for her. Once she woke up then the crews started to prepare for the food.

The stewardess approached to collect the empty dish once Ryn was done. She returned back to the small kitchen at the front side and held herself from gossiping with her colleagues. She was still surprised to see three super-rich people would wait for a quite unknown woman, whom she recognized as a model with the background not so impressive. They silently agreed to wait for the model to wake up before they would have their meal. They even kept quiet or trying to lower down their voice when the model fell asleep. This was... weird in the stewardess's eyes.

The four of them were unaware of what the stewardess was thinking. Even if they knew, well, one would be rolling her eyes while another just smiled. The other two would find nothing was weird with the way they were behaving. Ryn was after all the person they really liked and loved (well, for Mika, the only person she liked apart from Jason). It was sort of expected for them to wait for Ryn to wake up so they could all have a meal together.

The three of them went to the dining table while Ryn went to the bathroom to freshen herself. The stewardesses started to serve the food for them. 

Ryn opened the door when she was done and frowned to see a stewardess walking toward her with a shocked look. She quickly gave was for the woman to walk past her and continued her way to the dining table where the others were waiting. Despite how small the flight was, half of the size of the commercial flight, it still was equipped with basic necessities like bedrooms, bathroom, dining area, working area, and even entertainment area. 

The dining area, working area, and entertainment area were in the same area with the only difference was the way it was placed and decorated. The theme for the decoration here was black, silver, and brown. It was sleek and professional looking. Very corporate. Even if everyone who was in here was doing work, it would not look out of place.

"What's for dinner?" Ryn asked as she took a seat beside Mika. It was the only empty seat left. She did not know whether it was Mika's decision or an automatic expectation that both men; Jason and Jeremy sat beside each other facing Mika. 

"Something delicious?" Jason replied with a wry smile. The menu was actually decided by him as a part of his responsibility to plan and ensure the trip goes well. Once Mika managed to get this flight for their photoshoot, he quickly did his part of preparing for the rest of the things.

Ryn rolled her eyes at Jason's answer. She did not expect him to answer the simple question. Of course, it sounded weird and stupid coming from her mouth when she could see the plates of food on the table. She just wanted to make sure the steak for her was according to her preference. Her eyes did narrow at the sight of the vegetables on her plate.

Without another word, Jeremy pulled her plate closer and silently collected all the vegetables from her plate. Then, he pushed the plate to her side, now without the hateful food, she dislikes so much.

She reached for her knife and fork set but before she could start enjoying the food, Mika cleared her throat to grab everyone's attention. 

Three pairs of eyes looked at her.

"I'm so happy," Mika declared happily.

Ryn turned back her attention to her food. It seemed like it was not an important announcement.

"I'm so happy to have the two people I love so much with me right now," Mika continued as she leaned against Ryn's arm. Well, tried to. She pulled back and looked at her best friend who was giving her full attention to cutting the steak into smaller pieces, enough to fit into her mouth.


"Hmm...?" Ryn turned to look at her after she put a small piece of steak into her mouth.

"Aren't you happy to be with me right now?" Mika asked childishly.

"But why only two people? Not three?" Jeremy asked with a frown. He noticed that Mika only said two instead of three and he could somehow detect that he was not included in the group of people Mika was happy about. Although he was used to teasing Mika, she's his little sister. It was his job to tease and bully her.

"Well," Mika was distracted with Jeremy's question, hence, she forgot about Ryn's lack of focus on her and turned to look at her big brother, "The other one is not important enough."

Jason coughed to cover his laughter while Jeremy stared at Mika with displeasure. What did she mean by that?

Ryn ignored the bickering between the siblings. Her attention was on her meal. After waking up, she was quite hungry. The food she ate before was all disgested during her sleep and she needed to fuel her body before she could even think rationally.

The Long siblings were so involved with their childish 'fight' they forgot to even eat their food. In fact, they even moved to the entertainment area to make it easier for them to argue.

Jason also put his focus on his meal. He was so used to the siblings' antic, it did not give him any uneasiness and weirdness when he faced them acting this way. Of course, when he first saw them acting this way, he was so worried for Mika, afraid that she would get hurt or in pain, but later on, he did not even bat an eye. He found that bickering was a way for the siblings to strengthened their relationship and get closer. Unlike other siblings in other rich families, Mika and Jeremy never envy each other. There was no sign of power struggling or any fight for the inheritance. They were treated the same by the elders, and both understood that even though Jeremy would one day inherit the company, Mika was the apple in their eyes. She was spoiled by everyone, even by Jeremy who kept teasing and bullying her whenever the mood struck. And in order to prepare for Mika's future and to keep her busy, Jeremy even suggested setting up a company together with her. She was free to indulge in her hobby and at the same time, he let her hobby turned into money. Now, as he needed to move into the main company, he needed to settle everything quickly in order not to leave Mika overwhelmed with everything. 

Hence, Jason and he actually discussed this. They needed to prepare everything before Jeremy officially joined the main company. Jason assured him that after the wedding, he would not insist on Mika being a housewife or start to get pregnant quickly. As he only wanted Mika to be happy, he knew that working creatively made her happy and when she was happy, he was happy too.

Once they reached an agreement, they invited Mika to discuss too. Of course, it was not a discussion per se but more like telling her what they have agreed.

Mika was ecstatic when she heard their decision. Without wasting another moment, in fact, she did not even waste any second to think, she immediately agreed with them. Heck, although the company would be slightly smaller she could work with the person she liked so much. Of course, she would be delighted with it. And she could not wait to break the news to her.

Jason and Ryn quietly had their meal. They did not speak at all, just focussing on finishing their food. Occasionally, they would lift up their head to look at the siblings but not a word came out from their mouth. Of course, their mouth kept opening and closing, allowing food to slip inside and occasionally drink too.

Ryn called the stewardess rather naturally. She did not seem to be awkward or shy when she asked for another serving of food. Jason just enjoyed his drink while watching the siblings still bickering. The food for Mika was getting cold and Jason was thinking whether he should cut the steak into smaller pieces and feed Mika as she argued with Jeremy.

The gossipy stewardess approached them. She thought it was time for her to bring the dessert, only to be shocked to hear that the model asked for another serving. Of course, she kept the shock and question in her heart and gave a polite nod and murmur her understanding. Then, she walked back to the small kitchen to prepare another set of steak.