Chapter 466 - His playful mode

Jeremy packed his things cheerfully. Today they would go to Barcelona for the next session of photographing. Trust Mika to want so many places for her pre-wedding shoots when they would use at most 5 photos during the wedding. Was she planning to have a gallery for her photos with Jason during the wedding day? 

He put his bag aside and went into the bathroom to freshen himself. He felt so energetic and happy. She looked so adorable when she just woke up and did not push him away once she realized their surrounding. 

When he returned to her room, he found her lying back on the bed deep in her sleep. She looked so peaceful and angelic that made him wish he did not have to disturb her sweet dream. 

But he must. 

But then again...

He turned to look at her closet and made up his mind. She was after all his, so it won't be a problem if he packed her things. Heck, he already saw her in her n.a.k.e.d glory, the other person apart from her parents to see her in her birthday suit. 

He did not make any sound. He was careful not to disturb her sleep. He used his style to fold the clothes. He managed to fit everything into the luggage. Her backpack was left untouched. 

He brought the luggage down, just leaving a set of clean clothes for her. He knew her preference so he chose a pair of shirt and jeans. Moreover, he chose a pair of clean underwear for her to wear underneath. Whistling to himself, he carried it to put at the door to make it easier for the help to bring it into the bonnet.

He returned to the room and smiled seeing her still deep in her sleep. It seemed like he had tired her out. She could barely open her eyes. 

Slowly he sat on the edge of the bed and leaned down to press a kiss on her cute nose. Then, he pressed his warm lips against her lips. Of course, it was for the sole purpose of waking her up. He did not have any lewd thought at all. It certainly was not because he wished he could repeat what they did last night. 

"J!" she murmured sleepily after she licked her lips. Her mind was still heavy with sleepiness but she could immediately recognize who was kissing her. The only person who would kiss her and so playful like this would be him. Only him.

She sighed as unconsciously she wrapped her arms around his neck. He chuckled when he fell on top of her from her action. He did not mind at all. He quickly used his arms to straightened so as not to put his weight onto her. He rubbed his nose against hers.

"Good morning, love, " he whispered huskily. Instead of a light kiss which he gave this morning, he deepened the kiss. 

When they broke apart, they were breathing hard. She looked at him with her face all red. He chuckled seeing such an adorable and lovely expression on her face. How he loved her so much.

"Are you still tired? Are you ready?" he asked but his lips were busy dropping kisses on her face and her neck. He did not care that he was leaving marks. He wanted to leave his marks on her. It made him feel satisfied. She belonged to him and those marks the evidence of his.

"What is the time now?" she asked. She reached out and rubbed his hair. 

"Almost 9.15 am, " he checked the time on the clock on the wall. He lied beside her and pulled her into his arms even though he was already wearing a fresh pair of clothes. He dropped another kiss on top of her head and smiled when she snuggled closer to him.

"We're going to Barcelona, right? What time is it?" she asked.

He checked the time again. This time he pursed his lips a bit.

"J? What's wrong?" she asked, lifting her head to look at him when he did not answer her question about the time.

"Nothing is wrong," he replied. His arms rubbed along her arms. The intention was unknown by her but she liked the feeling of his big hands stroking hers.

"You should get prepared now or we will miss breakfast."

Her eyes brightened at the thought of breakfast. With his help, she got up on her feet and walked into the bathroom. He watched her evey move, especially at the jinggle of her bottom. Unlike him who did not care that she would be presented to his n.a.k.e.d glorinous, she wrapped herself with the white blanket, blocking him from enjoying the true beauty.

Yes, he was being leechious today and he did not mind at all.

He waited until she came out from the bathroom, fresh and rosy from her shower. Her hair was wrapped in a towel in a turban style. Her eyes lifted when she saw the outfit in the closet. The only outfit left to be precise. She turned around and looked at him with a c.o.c.k of her brow.

"I've packed everything. I've sent it downstairs, " he explained with a smile. He was still lying down on the bed with his head rested on his hands. 

She nodded dumbly and went back into the bathroom, bringing the clothes he chose as well as the pair of underwear. 

She came out a few minutes later, this time minus the turban. Her hair was slightly wet so she went straight to the vanity table to dry her hair with the hairdryer.

He smiled watching how smooth her fingers running along her hair. Then, he stood up and approched her. Without warning, he took the hairdryer from her hand and took over the work. He even leaned down just to sniff the freshness smell from her hair. So fragrant.

"You do know you're smelling steam from the hairsryer?" she pointed out dryly.

"But I can still smell you," he replied cheekily.

She sighed. It seemed like he was in his playful mode this morning. She watched as he cheerfully and carefull drying her hair and then a bit clumsily tying her hair into her usual ponytail. She closd her eyes when he bent down to drop a kiss on her nape.

"You're all done and ready," he announced, satisfied with his own work.

She turned and gave him a kiss on his lips as a reward. And then, she stood up and waited for him to collect their phones before, hand-in-hand, walking downstairs.

This morning their breakfast was not in the dining room but at the porch. Jeremy pulled a chair for Ryn and then sat beside her. He looked at his little sister who was frowning at her phone.

"What's wrong?" he asked Jason. 

"Something about the new collection," Jason shrugged. Mika had been receiving calls and messages from her personal assistant regarding a new collection for the winter season. Something came up and the designs were not ready for Mika to check. Hence, his fiancee's mood was not very good this morning.

"Do you need..."

"No need," Mika replied quickly, cutting off Ryn's words. 

Ryn and Jeremy shared a look before they turned their attention to their breakfast. 

"I'll take for you," Jeremy leaned to kiss her temple and then went to the food spread on a long table, He took a plate and started to pile Ryn's favorite; all kind of meats as well as eggs. He also added a slice of toasted bread slathered in butter. Once he poured a glass of cold milk, he brought them back to Ryn.

"Coffee..." she requested.

With a smile, he returned back to the table and pured two cups of coffee. He doctored both cups with sugar and for him, extra cream, before returned to place both cups on their side.

"Thanks, J,' she said after a sip of coffee. She felt better already. Without waiting for Jeremy to be done with his selection, she started to eat her meal.

He was not mad or sad when he saw her enjoying her meal without waiting for him. He just sat back on his chair and glanced to check whether she approved of his choice before looked down and ate his meal. One hand was busy scrolling his phone as he wanted to check the latest progression in the companies.

Even though the weather was good and the scenery around them was breathtaking, none actually appreciated it. Well... except for Ryn. But she was only looking at the birds chirping as her mouth never stopped chewing the sausage. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously when the birds getting closer and closer.

She opened her mouth in a puzzle when the birds suddenly flew away. What was that all about?

"What's wrong, love?" Jeremy asked when he noticed her gasp.

"Those birds suddenly flying away," she explained without thinking.

He looked at the way she was pointing and frowned. He did not see any bird at all. But he did not say anything and stood up to refill their coffee.

"Drink your milk too," he reminded.