Chapter 468 - Turn into a skeleton

Their dinner was held in their suite. Jeremy, upon seeing the sulk in Ryn's face, decided that they could just eat inside instead of walking down into the restaurant in-house. He did not want to make her angry at him again. Just now, he was given cold-shoulder by her and it only got better five minutes before she went to take a nap. She did not allow him to share the bed with her so he had to sit on the couch, giving her a sad look with the hope it could melt her heart. But now. She only allowed him to stay in the same room but no touching. Not even a kiss!

During dinner, he kept giving her a sad look but her entire focus was on the dinner as well as discussing what they would do tomorrow. She needed to understand the whole idea for the photoshoot as well as giving ideas to improve it. But Mika, sweet Mika, refused to talk about the photoshoot and interested more in where they could visit tomorrow. 

"So first we will go to Parc del Laberint d'Horta and then Barrio Gotico?" Ryn asked for confirmation. She once went to Barrio Gotico for work so she knew what to expect. She approved of their choices too. The latter was beautiful and suitable for pre-wedding photos.

"Yes," Jason replied with a nod but his eyes were on the food. He was helping to cut some of his food to give to Mika. He did not want Mika to keep torturing herself just for the wedding. He did not mind what type of body she had during the wedding. He wanted to marry her not because of her body but because of her.

He cut a small piece of steak and fed her. Mika tried to avoid, murmuring about her diet but Jason insisted. She needed to have some meat or she would fall from the breeze. She lost so much weight, almost like Ryn. But this Ryn was a heaven-defying person who ate so much but did not gain so much but once she forgot to eat hearty food, she lost weight as she was busy with her work.

Mika chewed the meat with her eyes closed tightly. How long since she last ate meat? She felt like crying just eating this small piece of meat. So delicious. So touching.

Ryn glanced at Jeremy when she finally noticed how quiet he was. She frowned when she received the puppy-eyed look from him. Why was he giving that pathetic look? Had he forgotten how old he was to act this way?

"Anyway," she cleared her throat and looked at the engaged couple in front of her, "What time will we meet the others?"

"Ryn," Mika said finally. She looked at her best friend, "Is it the appropriate time to ask this? We're having dinner. Shouldn't we just focus on the food we're eating and discuss what our activity for tomorrow is?"

"We're having your pre-wedding photoshoot," Ryn pointed out dryly.

"Jason~" Mika whined at her fiancé.

Jason chuckled as he rubbed Mika's head tenderly. He even cut another small piece of meat for her to enjoy.

"Don't worry. We will meet them after breakfast," he told Ryn.

Ryn nodded. That was what she wanted to hear.

"Now, can we discuss places we can go tomorrow?" Mika asked impatiently. She really wanted to spend time with Ryn. This trip would be the last before she became Jason's wife and she was determined that once they signed the nuptial form, she would do her best to be his wife and would focus more on him and their family. And besides, she knew how busy Ryn was and this trip was the only days that Ryn was free to do what she wanted.

"No," Ryn's answer was swift and short. She did not take another second to answer. She knew if she was to follow Mika's whim, they might need to add more days for this trip and she had works waiting for her back home. She also knew both men were working during this trip, albeit online, and once they returned, the men would take overtime to cover all the works that needed to be settled. Of course, Mika would be busy too but she had her personal assistant to bully and everyone understood how stressful it was to prepare her owns wedding. They gave her all the time she needed, one because they understood and secondly because they did not want to add more stress onto her shoulders.

Mika looked at Jason sadly but he just shrugged. No one could change Ryn's mind except herself. It was better to keep this harmony than making either woman angry.


The next day…

Ryn rubbed her wet long hair with a towel as she walked to the dressing table. She reached for the hairdryer and started to blow dry her hair. Later she would go to Mika to do her makeup and hair for the photo shoot. Her eyes almost shut completely as her hands moved rather automatically, making sure each strand of hair was dry.

"Good morning, Love."

She did not open her eyes at the greeting. She mumbled something unintelligently and continued her blow-drying. She was too sleepy to care what Jeremy wanted.

"Let me do it," he offered and without waiting for her agreement, took over the hairdryer and started to dry her hair. He smiled seeing her nodding off to sleep. They did not do anything steamy last night. After dinner, she went straight to sleep and to his happiness, allowed him to hug her the whole night. He did not do anything other than kissing her temple as a goodnight kiss. Of course, when he woke up, she was already in the shower. His mood was good even though he did not manage to love her enough last night. He just could not wait to see her in another dress for the photoshoot. She must look so beautiful. As the dress was designed and sewed by his little sister, he had no doubt the dress would fit Ryn perfectly and even enhanced her beauty.

"I've ordered breakfast for us," he told her. While waiting for her to finish her shower, he reached for the phone and started to order food. It was better to have their food in the room rather than in the restaurant.

She nodded dumbly. She was too exhausted to open her mouth.

"Ryn, wake up. The food is here," Mika cried as she knocked on the door loudly.

"Babe, they must be sleeping. Don't disturb them," Jason coaxed, shaking his head as he watched his energetic fiancée so excited.

"She must have awakened, Love. I've heard the shower," Mika told him seriously. And she knew her best friend so much. Ryn would either overslept or wake up early but usually, if she has work to do, her body automatically would push her to wake up early so she would not be late. And this photoshoot, Mika assumed, Ryn took it as her work. Last night was the perfect example when Ryn kept asking about the photoshoot and even gave her own insight on how to make it better until she ignored Mika's idea of visiting the places.

He chuckled. He stood up and pulled her into his arms. She gladly wrapped her arms around him and lifted up her head so she could see his handsome face.

"You… Why are you so beautiful and adorable?" he asked huskily.

"I am beautiful and adorable and I am yours," she grinned cheekily.

"Hmm… you are mine and I am yours," he nodded. He leaned down to kiss her nose before caught her lips in a passionate kiss.

She giggled once they broke apart. She rested her head against his chest and sighed. How could anyone understand how much she loved this man?

"I love you," she said. She loved confessing her feeling to him and she loved listening to him saying those three words.

"And I love you too," he whispered back and dropped another kiss as a bonus.

She smiled.

"Why are you being so intimate early in the morning?"

Both turned to look at where the voice from but did not pull back from the hug. Mika smiled widely when she saw Ryn already up.

"Ryn, good morning. You must be hungry, right? Our breakfast has arrived," she pointed at a trolley full of coverings.

Ryn and Jeremy walked to the trolley. Ryn lifted the coverings and nodded her approval with the choices Jeremy made. She already knew which one belonged to her and Mika. She was without vegetables while Mika with only vegetables.

Instead of just taking her own plate, she arranged everything neatly on the table at the balcony. She deliberately arranged for Mika and Jason side by side so he could feed her some meat. Not only, Jason, but she was also worried too seeing how much weight Mika lost. She did not want her best friend to turn into a skeleton.