Chapter 472 - How many more do you need for the same pose?

Ryn murmured her thanks and put down the phone. Then, she cracked her neck as she yawned loudly. She was still exhausted and wanted to sleep but she forced herself to stay awake. She went to get a glass of water to wet her throat before she started to pack her bag.

"Here, water for both of you," she put the glasses on the coffee table in front of the couple and before walked back to her room.

Jeremy was rubbing his hair with a towel, still wrapped in another towel. He smiled when he saw her, "You're done ordering?"

"Hmm…" she nodded. She grabbed the basket to sort out their clothes to pack. Yes, she packed for them both.

"You can just leave the dirty clothes into my bag. The maid can wash them for us," he told her, looking at his reflection in the mirror. Hmm… he needed to shave. He forgot just now. And Ryn did not like when his morning beard tickling her during their kiss.

"No need. I have washing machine at home," she pointed out dryly as her hand busy packing their clothes into a plastic bag first before into the luggage.


"Me…" she replied with a straight face.

He sighed and went to her. He deliberately put half of his weight on her just to tease her. She groaned and tried to push him away but he insisted on playing with her early in the morning.

"Get off me. I'm trying to pack," she groaned, moving her body to push him away. He was quite heavy and it was hard to roll and fold with him on top of her.

"You can do it," he said, finally pulling himself from her but still not stopping his tease. Now, he played with her hair.

"Jeremy," she groaned, shaking her head to make him stop.

He laughed and pressed a kiss against her head. Now, he stood up and went to change into a clean clothes. He did not want to disturb her. Besides, they were going to have breakfast soon and then checked out from the hotel.

As she zipped his bag, he was done with his outfit. He threw the towel to her playfully and sat on the edge of the bed.


He laughed as she threw the towel into the now empty basket. It was fun teasing her today.

She grumbled under her breath and quickly zipped everything. She made a quick work of checking everything just in case she missed anything.

He just watched her action, grinning from ear to ear. He loved watching her being so busy like this, tidying up their things. She always said she was a laid-back girl and not organized at all but among them, she was actually the most organized and careful with her action. When she was with them, they did not have to worry if they miss bringing anything home.

"Ryn, breakfast is here," Mika cried as she knocked the door.

"Coming," Ryn replied. She carried the bags to the middle of the room and looked at him, "Make sure you pack your recharger."

"Yes… yes…" he said as he showed his phone, still recharging. He actually forgot to recharge his phone and when he woke up, it was drained hundred percent.

Mika and Jason were already wearing their clothes when Ryn came out from her room. They were still sitting on the coach, whispering sweet nothings as Mika giggled.

Ryn ignored the engaged couple. She headed straight to the trolley and checked the food. She nodded approvingly seeing all the food and drink she order was there.

"Looks delicious," Jason commented as he and Mika came to the dining table as Ryn just finished arranging everything. He pulled a chair for her.

"Thanks, babe," Mika said but her focus was already on Ryn. "I forgot to ask. How's your sleep?"

"I slept like a baby," Ryn replied before blushed. She remembered what Jeremy told her last night about what Mika and Jason were doing in their room.

"Ooh… red face, Ryn? Are you blushing? What did you do last night?" Mika gave a naughty look at her best friend. Her eyes shone brightly as her gossipy instinct kicked in.

"I… where did I…" Ryn choked out in shock at the way the conversation was heading to. What did she just say? Was she stupid for blurting that out without thinking?

When Jeremy finally joined them, he found his girlfriend squirming under Jason and Mika's shining eyes. He frowned.

"What are you all talking about?" he asked as he took the seat beside his girlfriend. He kissed the top of her head gently before he sat down. "Why aren't you eating your breakfast, love?"

She reached for the fork and tried to eat but the gaze from the engaged couple really hard to ignore. On top of that, Mika kept kicking her foot from beneath the table.

Sensing that she was not comfortable, he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at his little sister and Jason but both gave him innocent smiles. He frowned.

"Anyway, what time are we leaving?" he asked, trying to distract the couple from ruining Ryn's appetite.

"The plane will arrive in three hours so it should be enough time if Mika wants to take pictures around here," Jason answered.

"Not more than an hour," Jeremy decided firmly.

"It's not enough," Mika argued.

"More than enough, Mika," Jeremy countered. "How many photos do you need when you can only post 8 photos?"

Mika stared at her big brother in disbelief. Then, she looked at Jason pleadingly.

"Jeremy," Jason sighed. He did not know why this best friend of his kept finding a silly reasons to argue with Mika. Hadn't he had enough of this?

Ryn did not join in the conversation. She was glad actually when Jeremy started to mess around with Mika and Jason. She understood why he was doing it and she was thankful. She quickly ate her breakfast, now minus the attention from the engaged couple. It became a peaceful breakfast for her.

Once Jeremy thought that Ryn had enough food, he put down his cutleries and reached for the napkin. He actually ate his breakfast while 'arguing' with Mika with Jason tried to be a middleman to ease the situation.

"I'm done. Ryn, love, are you done?" Jeremy asked her gently.

"Hmm…" Ryn nodded. She patted her lips with the napkin after she finished her juice. She stood up and walked to the room to continue her sleep. An hour was good enough for her.

"Wait, are you leaving just like that?" Mika cried when she saw him helping Ryn to go to their room. Was she being fooled by her big brother? Her wet eyes quickly turned to look at her fiancé questioningly.

"I think, my love, we're being fooled by the couple," Jason chuckled as he rubbed her head. He stabbed a small piece of meat and fed her, to make her feel better. It was usual nowadays that she would choose a healthier menu but in the end, shared his food as well. He did not mind at all. In fact, he wished she could eat more. She was losing so much weight for the sake of their wedding and he, from the bottom of his heart, hated seeing it. He wanted her to have a little bit more meat. She looked healthier and more adorable especially when her cheeks a little bit round.

Jeremy smiled when he saw her immediately went to lie down on the bed. She must not want to waste any more time for sleep. He pulled the blanket to cover her properly and went to check on his phone. A little bit more before it was fully charged. He smiled.

He took off the recharger and went to the balcony with his phone. He needed to check the progress of the companies. Last night, he only managed to check only half of it just because he had to listen to his assistant's nervous explanation. Sigh. It seemed like he needed to do something to improve his assistant's confidence. Although in terms of work Jacob could follow his pace when it came to explaining to him what went wrong with any progress, Jacob would start stuttering and get all fl.u.s.tered. This could not go on especially when Jacob would help him when he took over the main company.

He sat in the lounge and checked the doc.u.ments online. While waiting for them to check out, it was better for him to do some work.

An hour later, four of them were standing in the lobby. Jason was at the counter to process their checking out while Jeremy accompanied the women. Well, more like he became the cameraman for the two women.

"How many more do you need for the same pose?" Jeremy grumbled. They had been taking more than ten photos of the same pose over and over again. He found the first photo was good enough but not for Mika. She demanded more until he lost what she really wanted.

"Just take it," Mika snapped.