Chapter 479 - He is no longer a young kid


Rebecca's shoulders dropped in defeat. She really was tongue-tied when she faced Ryn. Should she say sorry or should she…

"You're not going home during the break?" Ryn asked. It was after all their break before they started the next term. But, unlike Rebecca, Ryn would start her training, just like Harry. But no one knew about it. She went to meet the dean and discussed how she could shorten her study. She could no longer wait to graduate.

And she went straight for three more exams in between her gigs. It was a wonder how she could squeeze all those notes she got from one of the seniors before the papers. Luckily she was used to cramping everything before the exam so she had the confidence she would score those papers. She did not hope to get an award for her result, just enough for her to graduate.

"Err… no… I… I'm working part-time," Rebecca replied. She worked at the café not far from the apartment. She wanted to pool some money for her study and did not want to inconvenience her family with her tuition fee. Unlike Irene, she was not from a rich family and she still has several siblings after her that were still in school. 

"Good for you," Ryn nodded her head. It was not a surprise for the university students to work part-time to get some money and some experience. Even she considered her modeling as part-time, hence the reason why she gave conditions to Mei Li before she agreed to sign the contract. But, as she felt like she could cover her study and her work at the same time, gradually she added more contracts to do as long as it did not disturb her study. Even when she did not come to class, she could understand the subject thanks to Mika who gave her the old notes from her study.

Hmm… maybe she should bake more than one cake for Mika to thank her for those notes.

"Ryn… I…"

"Bye, Rebecca. See you later," Ryn said once the door was closed before Rebecca could finish her words. She waved and walked toward the car Mei Li was waiting at.

"Why are you late? Did you wash your hair?" Mei Li asked when she saw the appearance Ryn had today. Her eyes stuck at the bulged cap on Ryn's head. Ryn only did that when she was too lazy to brush her hair. That style or the messy high topknot style. 

"Didn't have the time," Ryn shrugged. She wasted so much time because of her headache.

Mei Li sighed. She opened the back door and rummaged in the several bags she kept there. She took out a bottle and handed it to her. 

"Dry shampoo? Are you kidding me?" Ryn asked when she read the label.

"Don't go to work with smelly hair," Mei Li reminded.

Ryn's lips curled at the words. She did not think her hair was that bad. She always washed her hair. She only forgot to do so yesterday because she was too sleepy. Besides, with all the chemicals sprayed on her hair when setting it for the shoot, she did not think anyone could smell the bad odor anymore… if she had it by the way.

Mei Li pointed at the passenger seat in front. "Get inside. We can't be late for work."

Ryn threw and caught the bottle without another word. She followed Mei Li's order and went to sit at the passenger seat beside the driver's seat while Mei Li took the driver's seat. She placed her bag on her l.a.p and pulled the safety belt around her waist. Then, she looked at the dry shampoo before putting it at the back. She did not plan to use it. Besides, after work, she planned to wash her hair and then practiced the song. She had no doubt Jeremy would stop by to help her packing some of her things. Was it two or three more days before she would move out of the house?

She was so busy she could not catch up with her own schedule. 

"Do you want me to accompany you when you're moving?" Mei Li asked suddenly. It was as if she knew what was in Ryn's mind.

"The day after tomorrow, right?" Ryn asked while scratching her head. Her cap was on her l.a.p.s.

"Tomorrow, Ryn. Don't tell me you've forgotten," Mei Li cried. She always made sure she knew by the heart of Ryn's schedule and made sure she did not miss anything. Why it seemed like lately Ryn always forgot about her schedule or… did she accidentally delete the reminder she set on her phone. "Later give me your phone."

"My phone? Why?" Ryn asked in a puzzled.

"I want to check something," her manager replied. Even if she explained, she did not think Ryn understood.

Mei Li did not speak anymore. She simply drove the car to their location. She did not even play the radio so as not to disturb her concentration.

Ryn, on the other hand, hugged her bag and cap as she tried to steal more winks. She was still sleepy. 


Jeremy walked down the stairs as he read the doc.u.ment on his phone. He even wore his coat and tie as today he would have to go back to the office. There were a lot of things to do and he wanted to finish some of them before lunch. He planned to have lunch together with Ryn, if she has finished her work, and then helped her pack her things.

"Good morning, Young Master," the butler greeted when the older man saw him.

"Morning. Is everyone in the dining room?" Jeremy asked. Last night, instead of sending him back to the c.o.n.d.o.minium so he could grab his car key and rush back to Ryn's place, his family decided that it was better to go straight to the mansion. He was sent to his room with a stern warning not to go to Ryn's place. Although he was not satisfied with the order, he obeyed it halfheartedly and went upstairs to his room to sleep. Once he woke up, he did send a message to Ryn but it seemed like his girlfriend did not check her phone yet. She must be sleeping or already busy with her work. He forgot to ask what time Mei Li would pick her up for work.

"Your sister hasn't returned. Master and madam are still in the dining room. Old madam hasn't awakened," the butler replied as he followed behind Jeremy. He signaled a maid to open the door for the dining table and with a wiggle of his hand, another maid was sent to get Jeremy's breakfast.

"Good morning, father, mother," Jeremy greeted politely as he entered the dining room. He went straight to the empty chair on his father's left side, facing his mother.

"Morning, son. Are you going to work today?" Mr. Long asked when he saw his son's outfit. "I hope you do not take half-day again."

"Your transfer requires a lot of adjustment. I don't think Ryn will not understand if you're busy," Mr. Long said with disapproval. Of course, he liked the girl and wanted her to be his daughter-in-law but he did not like to see his son treating the companies as his playground. Jeremy carried their family's name and it was his job not to bring it down.

"I can do it, father," Jeremy replied politely and paused as the maid arranged his breakfast in front of him. Today's breakfast was full English breakfast complete with sausages, scrambled eggs, and blood pudding. Guess the cook was watching a western cooking show again and got inspiration from it.

He reached for the cup of coffee and sipped it slowly. The dark liquid hit his tongue and awakened his brain. It was not too sweet, still having the bitter taste. He did not have to doctor his coffee as the maid already knew his preference and prepared it accordingly. He ignored the milk. 

"What can you do?" Mr. Long asked with a c.o.c.k of his brow. Although there was no complaint he did not like to hear that his son did not seem to put emphasis on the main company. He could count using one hand how many times Jeremy went there to observe the work. Even at his own company, nowadays it was hard to see Jeremy working there for one full day. He always took half-day off and went to meet Ryn. Mr. Long did not think the poor dear was the one asking for it but it was Jeremy's idea to go to her every single time.

Jeremy needed to change. He was no longer a young kid to be able to do whatever he wanted. He must carry the responsibility!