Chapter 485 - Let them do their job

Ryn did not say anything anymore. What else could she say? It was a fact that she was with Jeremy right now and there was a chance… well… more than huge possibility that Jeremy and she would be united in marriage. And as the Young Master Long, it was expected that he and whoever married to him would receive this kind of treatment from the helpers.

She sighed.

Hopefully, he did not force her to accept this kind of 'help' before their wedding. She really was not used to this. She just wished to live as a normal girl.

The maids excused themselves and quickly 'attacked' the boxes. They did not even wait for Ryn's permission, already received the order from Madam to help to arrange the things.

Ryn and the rest sat on the chairs with Jeremy took the lead seat. Ryn sat on his right side while Mika took his left side. Jason sat beside Mika while Mei Li took the seat beside Ryn.

Despite Ryn being laid-back and nonchalant with almost everything did not make her not ready with anything. She purposely bought a dining table enough for six even though most of the time she would live here alone. She had the impression that she would receive her friends here and needed to prepare food and such to entertain them.

"Why aren't you eating?" Jeremy asked when he saw Ryn did not touch the side dishes. Using his chopsticks, he put some of the sweet and sour chicken into her bowl of rice.

"I'm still sleepy," Ryn sighed. She was hungry but the exhaustion was overwhelming her. She could barely open her eyes.

"Your room needs a little bit of tidying and airing," Jeremy said as he rubbed her back to soothe her.

Her bedroom was not ready to be used yet.

"For tonight, I will send her to the studio," Mika announced once they were done with the lunch. It was shorter than usual when Ryn did not seem to have much appetite.

"Okay. I will tell the producer of your car's plate," Mei Li nodded. She was not surprised at all when she heard this. It would be a surprise if Miss Long did not want to come along tonight. This was under her expectation.

"Tonight?" Jeremy asked with a frown. He was lost in this conversation. What producer?

"My recording with the crew," Ryn answered his question sleepily. She was trying hard to fight her sleepiness. She wished everyone could leave so she could sleep. Why couldn't everyone leave quickly? They have eaten and should be full. So why won't they leave?

"And Mika will send you?" Jeremy c.o.c.ked an eyebrow.

"It's better than creating more rumors for Ryn to answer. You don't want them to have a reason to tease her mercilessly," Mika pointed out dryly. Of course, she wanted to spend more time with Ryn without Jeremy.

Jeremy stared at his little sister. The excuse sounded weak in his ears. He turned to look at the manager but Mei Li quickly looked down, trying to minimize her presence. She was not in here. She was just here to help with the moving house and then have the meal. Other than that, she was invisible.

"What are they doing?" Ryn suddenly asked as she looked around. She just noticed the maids were not in sight. The last time she remembered seeing them was when they were done arranging the food. She stood up and went to look for the maids.

"Ma'am, please let me," a maid quickly stopped her. Mei Li did not even sense her and let out a shout. She stroked her heart as she watched the petite maid quickly gathered all the dishes onto the tray and brought them to the sink to wash.

Mei Li let out a sigh. Now she was jobless. What to do?

She walked to the living room uneasily. She could not leave when the rest were still busy with arranging the things. She also could not join them because she was not part of the group. She only has work relationship with Ryn. She could not simply consider herself close to Ryn just because she spent quite a long time with the model.

She took out her phone and started to check the messages. Might as well doing some works while waiting for an appropriate time to leave.

Ryn's eyes widened when she saw the empty boxes being flattened and arranged neatly on one side while the two maids were busy ironing and folding the clothes. She… did not expect this at all.

"Well, let them tidy up everything," Mika said with a grin. She did know about the maids went to arranging everything but she did not expect them to even iron the clothes. They really had too much time in their hands.

"I…" Ryn gulped. She looked at the room that she found unfamiliar now and then to the siblings who shared smile.

"Don't worry. Just let them do their job. Why don't we help you with the bedroom and bathroom?" Mika suggested.

One of the maids lifted her head. She was about to tell them that their colleagues already looked to it. They did not have to do anything at all. They could just sit at the living room and watch TV or something. The maid looked at her partner who was ironing the dress. The one with the iron just shook her head, telling her silently to keep quiet. The Young Masters and Young Mistresses would learn about this soon enough.

It seemed like she just ordered another group to help her to arrange her things in her new house.

"Let's go. Let them do their job," Jeremy said gently as he pulled her to the living room. She would only make the maids nervous when she kept hovering here.

"Mika, go cut some fruits for us to eat," he told his little sister, urging the younger woman to leave now.

Mika looked at her brother and best friend, and decided it was a good idea. She pulled Jason with her back to the kitchen, only to remember that none of them bough any fruit. The maids also did not bring any fruit when they came just now.

"Let's go buy some fruits and maybe dessert," Jason suggested.

Mei Li quickly approached them when she saw the couple.

"You're still here?" Mika asked when she saw the manager. She thought the older woman already left after the meal. She was still here?

"Well…" Mei Li rubbed her nape sheepishly. She was waiting to inform of her leaving but the group was busy checking the rooms. So she had to wait. "I'm going back to the office. Please tell Ryn."

"Yeah, sure. And about tonight…" Mika paused.

"Don't worry. I have told the producer of your car's plate. They will be waiting," Mei Li said reassuringly. It was the first thing she did when she knew Mika would be the one bringing Ryn to the studio.

"Good. For the picture today, I will post it," Mika said. She did not put much belief in Ryn to do it. Ryn was too absentminded to remember about her obligation to post her photo daily in her Instagram's account.

Mei Li agreed. She quickly gathered her things and went into her car. She drove to the agency to handle the paperworks that she needed to look at before she went to check on her models.

Mika and Jason went to the nearest shop to look for fruits. They had to take Jason's car when it seemed like the house was quite far from the shop.

"About tonight, does it mean we have to forget about our candlelit dinner?" Jason asked on the way to the shop.

"Baby, just for tonight. I need to accompany Ryn to the studio. You know I have the experience in that show so I know what to expect. And I need to be there to protect her," Mika cooed, coaxing Jason who pretended to be hurt for being 'neglected' by his fiancée. He also wanted to be pampered by her even though he took the role of 'protector' in her eyes.

"You…" Jason chuckled. He took her hand and kissed it gently while another still holding the steering. "Do you know how I can't wait for you to be mine?"

"I am already yours," she pointed out shyly.

"But not yet officially. How many days do I need to wait?" he asked, pretending to be hurt again.

"Jason, you're making me blush. We are… in a few more days… we're going to be…"

"To be what?" he asked teasingly.

"I'm going to be your wife," she said shyly. Her cheeks reddened even more.

"My wife."