Chapter 487 - Who to carry them?

Jeremy was glaring at Jason while Mr. Long ignored the two as he read the investment section in the newspaper. He found the two younger men too childish than their age but it was not inappropriate. They should play around like this when they have the chance and time.

"Pack everything carefully," Mrs. Long reminded as she walked to the front with the group of maids following behind. Every one of them was holding a basket full of food.

"Are you sure the girls can bring them all?" Mr. Long asked his wife when he saw how many baskets were there. Could the girls carry them with just the two of them?

"Jason will help them," Mrs. Long announced. She chose Jason because Mika needed someone to accompany her while waiting for the program to end. She deliberately did not choose Jeremy because she knew her son could distract Ryn when Ryn went there to work and needed to stay focus. And she also knew Ryn would feel uncomfortable with Jeremy in the same building during the program. 

Once they were officially engaged then she would not stop Jeremy from accompanying Ryn to any show or program on television. Right now she was protecting Ryn but later the responsibility would be on Jeremy's shoulders.

"You are not late. Trust me," Mika insisted as the two of them walking down the stairs and walked through the living room.

The men and Mrs. Long looked at them. Jeremy even stood up as his eyes could not blink at the sight of Ryn. 

He knew how beautiful Ryn was, inside and out. He knew how perfect each outfit on her. But right now he felt like the first time he met her and fell in love with her. Yes, she was his first love and the feeling appeared the first time he saw her. Of course, no one knew the exact moment he fell in love with her except him. He did not show immediately because of his pride and ego but he kept inside and watched her first. His love grew every single day until he confessed and she accepted his feeling.

Actually, he fell in love with her so many times he lost count. The amount was not important but his feeling was important. The only thing he cared about was her. She belonged to him and she understood and accepted it. That was all that matter to him.

"A student theme?" Jason asked with a frown. He remembered this kind of image Ryn had when he first met her. But this was much more... girly? Ryn was much more reserved, cold, and quiet. But this woman... no, girl, in front of him looked friendlier and warmer.

Ryn twitched her lips hearing Jason's question. Thanks to Mika, she felt like returning back to her school day. She felt so young like a teenager. The minimalist accessory she wore helped to make her look younger. The accessory that she wore was only the love earrings. Nothing else. Well, except for the watch.

"Put all the baskets into the car," Mrs. Long ordered.

"What basket?" Mika did not realize the baskets until she heard her mother's order. Her eyes widened at the sight of so many baskets. "What are they for?"

"These are some snacks we made for the crews," Mrs. Long said proudly. "Just chocolate brownies and strawberry macaroons."

She did not think much about brownies, though. She knew how to make one so she knew how easy it was, especially for someone like the cook. But macaroons...

"Anyway, we have already packed everything so make sure to bring them to the studio," Mrs. Long waved her hand to shake off the question in the younger women's eyes.

Ryn glanced at Mika. Were they going just the two of them or with the maids following with them? Weren't only both of them going to the studio tonight?

"I do hope, mother, that you leave some for us," Jason asked as he stood beside Mika and smiled hugely at his future mother-in-law. He was now calling Mika's parents 'father' and 'mother' just like Jeremy and Mika while Mika called his parents 'father' and 'mother'.

It was logical for them as they were counting the days to be husband and wife.

"Of course, my dear son," Mrs. Long replied as she signaled to the butler who was actually carrying a tray. The tray held a three-tier cake tray and with the largest dish held brownies, the middle one has macaroons and the top part held candies.

The butler put the tray on the coffee table carefully. Another maid came and arranged glasses of orange juice and milk on the table.

"I don't think we have time for that. Let's go, Ryn," Mika kissed Jason lightly before took Ryn's hand and walked to the door.

"We're going, uncle, aunty, Jeremy, Jason, and uncle," Ryn waved goodbye to them as she let Mika leading her. She was glad actually when Mika decided not to spend more time here and go straight to the studio. She did not want to be late even though it was a recording, not a live show.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mrs. Long asked when she saw her son,  Jeremy, who quickly followed behind the younger women. What was he doing? Didn't he know that Ryn would go with Mika alone?

"I..." Jeremy stopped. His shoulders dropped.

"Come back here and spend time with Jason. He soon will join our family officially," Mr. Long told his son but his eyes were on his wife. He went to her and put his hands on her shoulders. "You must be exhausted cooking so much. Come, sit with me."

Jason twitched his lips when he saw the elder couple started their loving expression of the day. He wished he would be like them with Mika, being loving and romantic in their older years. He envied Mr. and Mrs. Long. Also, he envied his parents. He wanted to be like them with Mika. 

"Come on. Let's go play some games," Jeremy told Jason and with his hands in his pockets, he went upstairs to change into sports attire to play basketball.

Jason followed behind him. His clothes were not suitable for playing games and he knew Jeremy has a lot of sports clothes.

The Long elder couple sat on the couch. Mr. Long took a macaroon and fed his wife while whispering more loving words. Mrs. Long's head lolled in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e from the massage on her shoulders. Her husband was really good at massaging.


Ryn pulled her hands from holding to the dashboard once the car stopped. Trust Mika to drive at her usual pace. She looked at Mika and she looked so proud of herself.

"See... I told you we won't be late," Mika announced.

"I wonder how many tickets you receive this time," Ryn said as she rubbed her head. The headache thanks to Mika's crazy driving skills. Luckily no nausea this time.

"Doesn't matter. I can pay them," Mika shrugged. She reached for her handbag after shutting off the engine. She brought them here safe and sound, right?

Ryn shook her head in bemused. She put on her backpack over her back and then leaned into the car to get two baskets. She watched as Mika took three baskets.

"I think we need help," Mika said with a frown as she struggled to carry three of the baskets.

"I've told you earlier but you said we can carry them all," Ryn sighed. She told her best friend that they needed help with so many baskets to carry. Mrs. Long and the rest have outdone themselves this time by making so many of these brownies and macaroons.

"I thought we can. Why don't we ask them to carry them instead?" Mika suggested. She put all three baskets back into the car and gave them squint eyes.

Ryn shook her head. She put the baskets back into the car and with Mika holding her hand, walked into the building to meet the producer. They were greeted by two crews and were brought into their waiting room.

"Oh, we have some gifts for you," Ryn said. She almost forgot about the desserts.

"Gifts?" the female crew frowned. 

"Oh yes," Mika remembered too. She then turned around and gestured for them to follow her back to the car.

"We really need your help actually," seeing the puzzled look on the crews' faces, Ryn explained sheepishly.

The crews followed even though they were still puzzled. Ryn and Mika went straight to the car and then took out the baskets to hand to the crews. The crews who were still confused just received the baskets blankly. 

"We've just made them for you all," Mika announced cheerfully, taking the credit from her mother and the cook's team without batting an eye.

Ryn pursed her lips but did not say anything. It was better to just keep quiet and get ready mentally for the recording. She tried to remember what she did that day but she forgot. She was so busy she could not remember what happened last week.


She really needed some days off. She really needed a real holiday to clear her mind and rest her body.