Chapter 512 - What do you plan to do?

When she woke up the next day, Ryn found herself in his arms. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and lifted up her head slightly to look at his face. He was still deep in his sleep with a smile on his handsome face. Her lips curled into a smile too.

They had a very enjoyable night last night.

Her finger reached to his lips and touched it gently before she touched her own lips. She could not stop smiling and it showed how satisfied and happy she was. Although she could feel her body still sore from their activity, she felt so fulfilled and relaxed.

After about four minutes, she finally pulled herself and shook her head seeing the marks from that particular activity all over her body. It seemed like he wanted to put his marks on her to show his passion as well as to mark that she belonged to him. That second one was quite childish and if she was in a bad mood at him, she would not like it at all but right now, as she was happy with him, she found it quite nice..

She reached for the shirt lying forgotten on the floor and put it on. She could not wear her dress back when he, too impatient to wait any longer, actually tore her dress, ruining the zip. Of course, she was mad when he did that but he quickly distracted her with his lips, kissing her passionately until she forgot about everything else but him.

It was his shirt she wore. As she walked to the door lazily, her hands moved up to gather her hair and just pulled it to rest on her right side, covering her right ċhėst. She headed straight to the bedroom to get a glass of water as well as checking what she could make for their breakfast.

His cupboard and the refrigerator were full of both junk food and ingredients. She also found some cold-cooked dishes that he could reheat if he wanted to eat homemade food. Although it was no longer fresh it would still taste better than food bought from restaurants or stalls. She smiled approvingly at the thoughtful thoughts from the cook of Long's.

She decided to make porridge and fried bread. It was still early and he could eat breakfast before he went to work. There were even fruits like apples and oranges. She decided to make fresh orange juice for breakfast too.

She was frying the fried bread when a pair of arms wrapped around her slim waist from the back. She turned to look at the back over her shoulder, only to receive a kiss.

"Good morning," he whispered and kissed her more.

"Morning. Help me reheat those," she pointed at the two food containers she placed on top of the counter.

He gave her the last kiss and a squeeze before he went to work with the microwave. He expertly reheated both dishes and transferred them into smaller bowls. He brought them to the dining table before, without a prompt from her, he started juicing the oranges and poured the juice into two glasses. He also brewed coffee and let the machine did it work. 

"Is the porridge done? It looks done to me," he asked as he stirred the porridge.

She leaned forward to check the porridge and nodded. She turned off the fire and turned back her attention to fry the dough.

"Pour it into the bowls, please," she asked him as she was still cooking. This was the last batch.

She brought the fried bread to the table with Jeremy behind her, bringing the pot of coffee. He already prepared the cutleries for them to use as well as the cups and saucers for the coffee. He also put the small bowl of cube sugar and cream on the table.

"I think I make the porridge a bit salty," Ryn said apologetically when they started to eat breakfast.

Ryn did not care that he still hadn't touched the porridge. Her attention was already on the food. She was too hungry to care. 

They had their breakfast quietly. He even brought his phone so he could check the news while eating his breakfast.

"The stock has increased again. Are you sure you don't want to add more?" he asked suddenly.

"Hmm... I need to check how much I have left," Ryn replied. She would not use those she kept aside for when she could no longer work. She would not touch it no matter what. Hence, she would only spend the one she considered as her spending money. Buying the house, renovating it, renting another house were all from the spending account. Even the money for the make-up brand with Mika was used from the spending account. Yes, she has a lot of money from all those jobs. She kept it since the moment she started working. She also put aside money for her parents but they, being themselves, did not even bat an eye at the money she gave but instead gave her the pocket money instead.

"Do you want me to deal with your manager?" he asked.

"Nah, I'll get back later to you," she replied, "Don't disturb her for this kind of thing."

"Okay, my love," he chuckled. He thought she was jealous of him talking with another woman. But, contrary to what he thought, she really did not want him to disturb her busy manager. She already gave responsibility for Mei Li to focus more on Harry, to prepare him to be a supermodel quickly using all the chances he could get. She also asked Mei Li to make sure Harry attended classes to improve his posture, his walk, and his communication, especially what he needed to front a brand and had to talk to the media.

They continued their breakfast as he checked the email this time. He ignored all those unimportant emails and only read those he found important and needed to deal with.

Ryn finished the second bowl of her porridge. Even though it was slightly salty but still good enough to eat. Even Jeremy finished his bowl of porridge but he actually preferred the fried bread. 

"How's the planning for the hen party going?" he asked. They were no longer eating and even already cleaned the table except for the pot of coffee and cups. Both were sitting on the chair calmly, just enjoying the morning sun from the huge window.

She let out a heavy sigh. He just reminded her about it. She could not believe she actually forgot about it.

"I... have no idea..." she replied unhappily. "What's your plan for Jeremy's bachelor party?"

"Just drink at the club..." Jeremy replied with a grin. Of course, he would not tell everything to Ryn as he wanted to surprise Jason.

"Just drink?" she looked at him in surprise. It would not be that simple, would it? Drinking at the club to celebrate Jason's last day of being a bachelor?

"And something else," he winked naughtily.

"Stripper?" she asked coldly, staring at him.

"Don't worry, my love. There would not be any strippers or even women in the plan," he replied ȧssuringly her that he would not be that crazy to bring other women to his future brother-in-law's bachelor party. He would not create a chance for Jason to misbehave.

"Really? She's my best friend and your little sister," she asked.

"Don't worry, my love. Jason will be mad at me if I dare to do that," Jeremy replied with a laugh.

"Hmph..." she crossed her arms unhappily. 

"So, what do you plan to do?" he asked as he doctored his coffee.

She pursed her lips. What should she do for Mika's hen party? She really has no idea. She thought she could steal some of Jeremy's ideas for the party.

"How about we combine the party?" he suggested when he saw how sad she was. He could not see her sad and did not even mind if they did both the hen party and bachelor party together. Besides, what was wrong with the idea when he could see how hard it was for Jason to spend time without Mika. Even when he was with Jason, he saw his best friend kept sending and receiving messages from Mika. It did feel like Mika was with them when it was actually only the two of them together trying to have a meeting without the women.