Chapter 531 - So, you’ve bought a car

It did not take long for her to arrive at Mika's. Ryn stopped the car at the gated entrance and lowered down the window to wave at the security. The securities of the Long family all recognized her so once one of them saw her, he quickly pushed the buŧŧon to open the gate. His colleague used the walkie-talkie to inform those at the mansion about her arrival. 

Ryn drove White into the area and stopped right in front of the huge door. She got out and walked to it but before she could knock on the door, the door was opened.

It was not the butler who opened the door but an excited Mika. Before Ryn could greet or say something, this best friend of hers rushed forward to look at White.

Ryn turned around and chuckled to see Mika already checking the car, even to the point of opening the front and back door so she could see White in at its glory.

"So, you've bought a car." An elderly woman's voice said loudly and dryly..

Ryn turned to look at Dowager Long who was standing at the door with her daughter-in-law holding her arm. She smiled as she greeted the elder women politely.

"This is the kind of car you wanted?" the Dowager tottled toward the car with the help of her daughter-in-law.

"Yes, Ma'am. I bought it yesterday," Ryn explained politely.

"It's not as secured as the ones we want to buy for you," Mrs. Long pointed out with a frown. She was not looking down at the brand but she was worried about Ryn's safety. What if there was an accident or someone wanted to rob Ryn while she was driving a car alone?

"We can always modify it," Mika shrugged. She was still checking the car inside and out. Right now, she was checking the engine. "We can change the engine as well."

"Mika," Ryn ġrȯȧnėd as she head palmed herself. This was not what she had in mind when she bought the car. For her, the car was the best and suitable for her needs. She did not need an expensive car to move around the place. She did not need to change the engine. Knowing Mika, the possibility for the car to turn into a sports car was huge too. And she did not want that.

"Ryn, think about it. You are living alone so your safety is still... not secured," Mika explained. Her best friend seemed to forget the fact that anything could happen anytime.

Besides, her hands were itchy to start modifying and decorating the car. She already has a vision of what the car should look like.

Ryn quickly went to stand beside Mika and hissed, "Stop it. Not in front of your mother and grandmother."

Mika gave her a funny look but it did not stop her from checking over the car. She was still planning what to do and wished Ryn would just hand the car key to her. If she was to receive it today, by tonight the car would be in the workshop for its makeover.

And Ryn would receive it by next week at the latest.

Her eyes twinkled excitedly at the thought of presenting Ryn with a brand new of her car. And Mika has no doubt that Ryn would... yes, maybe first felt shocked and uneasy but once she was used to it, she would thank her.

The Dowager and her daughter-in-law spent about three minutes more there before they went back into the mansion. 

"Are you ready? Are you only wearing that?" Ryn asked, ċȯċking an eyebrow. She looked at Mika wearing denim shorts with a white top and covered with a pink plaid drop shoulder jacket. 

"What's wrong with these?" Mika asked, "Oh, stop giving me that look. This is fashion."

Ryn pursed her lips but what else could she see when the designer said so. She was just a model, although she believed she knew something about fashion. 

Ryn got into the car and started the engine. She watched from the corner of her eyes Mika took the front passenger seat and pulled the safety belt. Once Mika was properly on her seat and secured with the safety belt, Ryn switched the gear and let the car glid smoothly out of the perimeter.

"So, where are we going?" Mika asked excitedly.

"Around the area? Once we're hungry, we'll look for somewhere to stop and have our meal," Ryn shrugged. She really has no plan at all for their destination.

True to her words, they really have no specific destination. The car kept moving forward, left and right, whatever mood that came to her,

When it was lunch hour, Ryn looked for a place to fill their stomach with the help of Mika. Of course, Mika insisted to find a place that offered both meats and vegetables. They found a place they both agreed and Ryn quickly headed to it. They found a parking lot not far from it and both got out of the car. Mika watched as Ryn locked the car cheerfully. 

"Why don't you..." Mika was just opening her mouth to suggest when Ryn gave her a look.

"Come on, Mika. Let me do what I want to do. It's my car."

Mika pursed her lips thoughtfully. She would not give up. Maybe, after lunch, she would change her mind, Mika thought. Ryn was easy to coax when she was happily satiated.

They found an empty table and started to order after perusing the menu. The restaurant did not offer a variety of food but by looking at the customers happily eating their meals, Ryn had no doubt the food here would be good. People couldn't fake their reaction to the taste of a meal.

And because of the many customers, they had to wait quite sometime before their meals arrived. And it was worth it. Ryn even asked for the second even though she already doubled the portion.

Ryn rubbed her stomach happily while they were walking back to the car. They were so full, Mika even suggested that they should find a hotel or something for them to have a quick nap. 

Ryn agreed. She was getting sleepier after the meal. She wanted to sleep now.

They did not even reach the car when Mika noticed a hotel not far from them. Ryn quickly pulled Mika with her, even quickened her walk so they could arrive sooner. 

"Why can't we take the biggest room?" Mika complained while in the elevator. They just checked into the hotel but instead of taking the best room, Ryn chose a double room. It offered two single beds. For Ryn, it was enough because they only need the room for a nap, not to spend the whole night.

"Don't waste money just for several hours of nap," Ryn replied. She checked the direction on the board once the elevator's door was opened and turned left. Their room should be at the end of the corridor.

Mika was still grumbling unhappily even when they reached their room. Mika crossed her arms sulkily as she watched her best friend unlock the door. She was still unsatisfied with her friend's hobby of saving money.

If Ryn did not have enough money, she could pay for the room. Was it too much if all she wanted was a comfortable room to rest?

Ryn ignored her sulking best friend and entered the room. She looked around and nodded her head approvingly. Not bad.

Mika was still standing at the entrance when Ryn was done. She was still crossing her arms and frowned.

"You can use the bathroom now. I'm going to sleep," Ryn announced sleepily. She pushed her bag to the floor and flopped herself like a seal on it. She was too exhausted and full to do anything else.

Mika, after seeing that Ryn would not change her mind, let out a heavy sigh. With her shoulders drooped unhappily, she walked into the bathroom to do her business.

She had a quick shower and onlu wrapped herself in the towel when she got out. She then put back her clothes and left the towel on the floor. She climbed up the bed beside Ryn's and turned to look at her sleeping best friend.

It was not a surprise to see Ryn already deep in her sleep. 

Mika sighed heavily. She turned to look at the ceiling and pursed her lips. The room, well, at least it was clean, her heart muttered unwillingly. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She told her body to relax and go to sleep. Ryn was beside her so it would be okay.

She did not know when but she fell asleep. She guessed her body and brain really needed the rest.

When she woke up, she found Ryn was still deep in her sleep. She checked the time and chuckled to see the missed call from her fiancé. Her beloved Jason really could not stay away that long from her.

Mika smiled happily as she took her phone and went to the bathroom to call her fiancé. She did not want to disturb Ryn's beauty sleep but at the same time, she missed Jason too.