Chapter 549 - Do you want to join me during the tour?

When Ryn finally woke up from her nap, it was already dark. She blinked her eyes a few times in a puzzle. Where was she?

"You've awakened?" 

She turned to look at the man who was lying beside her. He was bȧrė ċhėst but the blanket was covering his bottom so she did not know whether he was wearing pants or in his birthday suit.

"Hmm..." without thinking, she turned and cuddled to him. "How long have I been sleeping? What time is it now?"

He turned to the other side to get his phone and checked the time.

"Almost midnight."

"Hmm... so late already. I've been sleeping for so long. Why haven't you waked me up?" She asked but still cuddling closer to him. It was cold and she needed his warm body to warm her up.

"You look so exhausted. I don't want to disturb you," he replied with his big hand stroking her back, underneath the shirt she was wearing.

"Hmm... what about Mika?" Ryn asked about her best friend. She remembered her best friend did talk a lot but she was too sleepy to even register what Mika was talking about.

Mika would not feel happy to see her sleeping the whole night.

Jeremy kissed the top of her head. She smelled sleepy and delicious all at once but he did not allow his list to overtake him. She did not eat at all while sleeping and even when she was awake today, she did not eat much. She must be starving.

He kissed her for the last time before he pushed the blanket off him and stood up, revealing him only in his black satin boxer. 

She did not bat an eye seeing him like that. In fact, she was happy to know he was at least wearing something. However, didn't he feel cool just wearing a boxer and nothing else? She frowned.

After a while, he returned bringing a tray. She ċȯċked an eyebrow.

"I have reheated them back. Come," he invited as he brought the tray to the rattan table not far from the bed.

She pushed the blanket off her and went to Jeremy. Her eyes widened at the sight of a plate of food still steaming with a glass of water. She sat on the chair he pulled for her and smiled sweetly at him.

He took the chair in front of her. He did not eat at all. He had already eaten dinner with the couple. The food he ordered was especially for Ryn, knowing his girlfriend would be starving once she woke up, regardless of what time it was. As her boyfriend, it was his job to ensure she did not stay starving the whole night.

She enjoyed her food happily. A starving woman should not be too picky and with the fact that she could not cook what she wanted, she should just accept whatever was presented for her. On top of that, it was midnight and the cafe, restaurant and even other shops already closed.

After the meal, both went to sit on the porch. It was dark outside but the light from the chalet helped them navigate the way. They sat on the outdoor wooden chaise lounge and held hands as they looked up at the sky.

The black sky was dotted with shining stars. It was beautiful to look at.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Hmm... a little bit sleepy," she replied honestly. Despite the many hours she has been sleeping, the sleepiness was still holding to her tightly. It was the effect of too long sleeping. 

He chuckled. He turned so he could look at her. "You can sleep as long as you want. We're on holiday."

"But what will Mika say? What will she think?" she asked him back. She was here to accompany Mika during her honeymoon. If she spent days sleeping in a bed like she truly wanted to do, Mika would feel hurt. And Ryn definitely did not want her best friend to be hurt.

"Just ignore her. She has Jason to accompany her," Jeremy simply shrugged his sister off his mind. Mika has married Jason so it was Jason's job to accompany and deal with every demand Mika has.

"J," Ryn gasped. How could Jeremy say it like that? Mika was his little sister after all. He should care about Mika's feelings. Besides, they did not want her sickness to get worst and should help her get better.

"I'm bringing you here to relax, not to fret over Mika. She is an ȧduŀt and a married woman. She doesn't need a nanny to take care of her every single time."

She sighed. She also wanted to relax but she could not forget the reason why she was here. 

"Ryn, I am here. Put your focus on me," he demanded. He was jealous too to see how much Ryn care about Mika. That little sister of his already belonged to someone else. She should focus on him, her boyfriend!

She smiled when she heard his sulking voice. He could be childish sometimes.

Without warning, she went to lie beside him, sharing the same chaise lounge. With her lightweight body, the chaise could hold their weight. 

"Are you jealous of her, J?" she asked with a giggle. Her big eyes shone brightly as she looked at him teasingly. 

"No," he denied quickly. 

She giggled when it did not take long for him to say no. He was so cute when trying to pretend he did not feel that. She let him hug her close and rested her head against his broad ċhėst. She sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Thank you, J, for bringing me here," she whispered.

He smiled with his right hand stroking her back absentmindedly. Her thanks meant a lot to him.

"After this, I have to go for a tour," he said suddenly as she was almost lulling herself into sleep.

Her eyes immediately opened but she did not move at all from her cuddle.

"What about the companies?" she asked.

"Father will watch over the company while I get busy with the tour. As this is my last tour, I will do my best to leave unforgettable memories to my fans," he said. He did not have much time for the practice but he believed if he put his mind to it, he could do the dance move even will less time of practising compared to the other members. Besides, they did help by including him during the meeting, even via videocall. They even chose the time that he was not busy with meetings to have meetings with the team involved with the concert planning.

He frowned after a while, especially when she did not reply back. Was she already asleep?


"Hmm...?" she replied with a sigh.

"Do you want to join me during the tour?" he asked carefully.. His heart was pounding hard as he waited for her reply. Would she agree with her proposal or reject it?